Is There a Link Between Alcohol Consumption and Psoriasis?

Written by on April 20, 2021 in Prevention, Skin & Hair Care with 0 Comments

If you have psoriasis or know a person who has psoriasis, you probably have the same question and the answer to this question is yes. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to overproduce skin cells and alcohol triggers psoriasis. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on psoriasis, especially in males.

The effects of alcohol

You may know how psoriasis looks like on the skin, as it is often visible due to inflammation. Psoriasis has many causes and genetic factor appears to make you more likely to have psoriasis. Alcohol consumption stands out as one of the factors that undoubtedly trigger the disease.

Though there is no confirmation that if you consume too much alcohol, you may develop psoriasis, but alcohol consumption does make you more vulnerable to this kind of inflammatory skin disease. In case of excessive alcohol consumption, psoriasis may flare up. The reason behind the effects of alcohol can be the following:

  • You know that psoriasis is mainly caused by faults in the immune system, which results in hyperproliferation and inflammation of the skin cells. Now, excessive alcohol tends to inhibit the immune system, thereby triggering the inflammatory response.
  • The second reason may be due to the fact that alcohol is related to the inflammatory response of the body and disrupts the balance of bacteria in the gut. The result is an inflammation in the intestine.
  • Moreover, alcohol tends to interfere with cytokines that otherwise play an important role in controlling the inflammatory response of the immune system. Therefore, watching your alcohol intake to prevent skin problems like psoriasis can be the best option for you.

Why do alcohols trigger psoriasis?

It is important to understand why alcohols trigger psoriasis. It is evident that heavy drinking has a link with an increase in the risk factor and worsens psoriasis. Psoriasis makes everything very stressful. You probably have felt this if you or your close ones have psoriasis.

You may have often seen people trying to get rid of stress by consuming more alcohol, which in any way worsens the situation. Heavy alcohol consumption triggers psoriasis because of the following:

  • Alcohols lower down compliance with taking medicine.
  • Alcohol slows down or even stops the effects of medications in some cases.
  • It may further impact your immune system and thereby increasing the risk of having more skin infections. You need to know that having a low immunity makes you more vulnerable to alcohol consumption's side effects.
  • The psoriasis flare-up further and gets triggered when the inflammation in the body increases.
  • The other ways are when alcohol causes dehydration and dries up your skin.

How does alcohol trigger psoriasis?

Till now, you have known why alcohol triggers psoriasis and its effects. Now, several factors may cause alcohol to trigger and here, you may come to know how alcohol triggers this chronic skin disease. Alcohol triggering the immune problems leads to immunosuppression.

Also, if you consume excessive alcohol, you are likely to develop acute skin infections resulting from streptococcal wounds and infections. The infection tends to affect other skin health aspects as well, making the situation worse. Also, the skin regenerates excessively when triggered by alcohol.

  • Avoiding a treatment plan may lead to the severe progression of this acute skin disease.
  • Avoiding a nutritionally balanced diet is another reason how alcohol triggers psoriasis.
  • Apart from all of the above, regular alcohol consumption impacts negatively on the liver.

The safer option

Though there is no permanent solution to psoriasis, the safer option for you would be to opt for companies like Medovie who are dedicated to treating chronic skin diseases. You may get certain skin-care products that will help you control the disease to a certain extent, apart from lessening alcohol consumption.

How to get rid of psoriasis?

You may get many suggestions on how to get rid of psoriasis, but the first step should be to follow the basics. Suggestions may make you be in a state of dilemma when you may get confused about when to see the doctor and how to identify one at its early stage.

It would be beneficial for you if you see a doctor as soon as you detect flaking skin on any part of your body. Also, if you consume alcohol, do not hide it from your doctor, as this information might help him diagnose the disease in the right path.

Secondly, you may, in the first stage, apply certain ointments from any company like Medovie. But if you find yourself to be in a depression due to psoriasis, you need to see a doctor immediately. The treatment plans with your doctor might help you get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

However, having a treatment plan might never work if you do not lessen your alcohol consumption. Also, apart from that, there are products in the market that can help you.

  • You may opt for tropical treatments by buying corticosteroid lotions and vitamin D creams. These lotions can be an add-on to their treatment besides lessening alcohol consumption.
  • You may also opt for photo or light therapy that uses ultraviolet light to reduce chronic skin diseases like psoriasis.
  • Medications account for another such option that includes injections or oral medication. Some of such medicines are retinoids, methotrexate and cyclosporine.

The above are effective treatments that may relieve you from the pain and allow you to have control over psoriasis but are not any permanent solution. They are likely to reduce the appearance of your skin.

The long-term solution

As you now know that, if you have psoriasis due to excessive alcohol consumption, you need to lessen your consumption in the first place. Secondly, the long-term solution includes consulting a doctor and following the medical treatments. Thirdly, do not stop taking corticosteroid as it effectively helps in reducing the chronic skin disease.

Author Bio:

Darshan Shah is a young entrepreneur, digital marketer and blogger. He’s founder of and provides Digital Marketing services like SEO, Guest Posting, Inbound Marketing and many more. He loves to help people to grow their business worldwide through his digital marketing knowledge.  He’s enthusiastic about creating blogs and writes creative content for the readers.

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