If, as the AP alleges, the lure of a modest non-profit salary is somehow corrupting then how corrupting are the trillions of dollars that Pharma is making from the pandemic!? It’s weird that these self-appointed guardians of the “Truth(TM)” never stop to think through where their logic is taking them.

The article is a sad time capsule that perfectly symbolizes the intellectual and moral collapse of the mainstream news industry in the face of the pandemic.

Reporters never challenge power anymore. They do not do any investigative research. Their jobs are not well paid and being a reporter is no longer a viable career path.

Instead, these “reporters,” many just out of college, are auditioning for a future job with a Pharma PR firm and it shows.

At some point though these stenographers for the cartel have to realize that everyone is laughing at them.

Indeed in just the last few days, one can see The Atlantic, New York Times, and Washington Post all starting to get nervous and hedging their bets with articles (usually just opinion pieces for now) that undermine some aspect of the Pharma narrative.

The public already realizes that the emperor has no clothes and the corrupt bougie media class is rightly worried that they have lost whatever credibility they once had by associating themselves with the criminal Pharma regime.

(Nope, not gonna link to the article, fascists do not deserve clicks.)

I rate the AP hit piece 12 clowns (out of 10) for its total inability/unwillingness to engage in good faith scientific discussion.

Originally published by Toby Rogers on Substack.