Comments on: A Viable Human Future Depends on Living With Less News and Articles About Conscious Living on Planet Earth Sun, 25 Jun 2023 22:55:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allan Howard Sun, 25 Jun 2023 22:55:23 +0000 The problem is that Wealth begets Power and Power begets Wealth and Wealth begets…… And wealth comes from natural resources and agriculture and manufacturing etc, etc, and the most powerful country of them all – the US – has such a large and widespread military precisely so as to protect its interests – ie its wealth that gives it its power that gives it its wealth. The US and the wealthy West are trapped in their own Survival paradigm – the Elites/ruling classes, that is – and there is no way out of it. They are incapable of changing, and will almost definitely end up destroying our planet and all life on it, including themselves of course, And the genetic modification of all food plants and trees will undoubtedly play a significant role, along with the poisoning and pollution and destruction of the biosphere. For many, many years I hoped and believed that Homo Sapiens were in the process of a transformation to a higher consciousness, as of the 1960s in particular. But then Thatcher and Reagan came along, and it’s all been steadily downhill since then. Both collectively and individually, the Elites around the world cannot let go of their wealth and their power. And the irony of it is that the all powerful instinct of survival that drives them will be the very thing that leads to their demise, and is tantamount to them committing suicide. PS Our only hope is Karellen!
