Tag: coronavirus astrology


COVID Astrology Update DEEP DIVE VIDEO Eris Conjunct North Node…

Written by on August 21, 2023 in Astrology & Numerology, Reality's Edge with 0 Comments
COVID Astrology Update DEEP DIVE VIDEO Eris Conjunct North Node…

  Join me as I explore the unfolding of Covid from October 2019 through to now, from an Astrological Perspective. Learn why Eris, the Asteroid of Chaos was so influential, along with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto at the outset. Also why the combination between the Moon and Neptune was so powerful for the Solar Return […]

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Mars in Pisces – Your Zodiac Forecast…

Written by on May 18, 2020 in Astrology & Numerology, Reality's Edge with 1 Comment
Mars in Pisces – Your Zodiac Forecast…

Mars passes through the 12th sign of the Zodiac Pisces from now for the next 6.5 weeks through to the 27th June 2020. What is the impact of Mars in Pisces and what angles will Mars forge to other planets during this period and how will they impact upon us all? Also, crucially what does […]

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