The Perfect Paradox: Letting Go Is The Key That Opens The Door to Fulfillment


Fourty-one years ago today at 12:34 am I came cruising down the cosmic highway of incarnation in Phoenix, Arizona and was birthed into this world.  I imagine before this lifetime, in my ethereal form, I was super stoked to embark on my next adventure, and knowing myself I had most likely stocked my spiritual stockpile with as many consciousness cliff-notes that I could to best prepare me on my journey.  I picture myself in the Great Hall of Records mapping out my next blueprint filled with a good deal of beautiful moments will that take my breath away, mixed in with some heart-wrenching pain I might not be sure I can handle; and some moments of laughter, confusion, solitude, anxiety to top it off. The scope of experience containing all the ingredients that I felt were best suited to help my growth, expand me out and bring me even closer to love…to Source.

So, there I was…ready to go…”Let’s do this!” I can even envision doing some anti-gravity soul stretches in space, just before I shoot down the rabbit hole of incarnation; destination: Planet Earth. All is well, I’m floating, and it’s warm now. I am aware of new sensations again, the one thing that 3-D can offer that no other place in the Universe can…sensory perception in a material world. I start to focus more and more on these “feelings” and my surroundings…”Wait…what was I doing here again?” And then BAM! …the proverbial “pop of amnesia” that we all experience at birth which forces us to forget who we truly are. It blinds us to our full magnificence and pulls a veil over our newborn eyes. All clear details of the goals and the plans we had made beforehand fade away and we find ourselves literally helpless; now contained to this tiny fragile container that requires constant care and attention. And our vast expanse of consciousness is now so limited and we literally lose our sense of Self.

Welcome to life as a human BE-ing.

For the next 6 years or so, we will pretty much act as sponges soaking up the world around us. What we are told by our environment and the people around us about ourselves, we will subconsciously record and believe for the rest of our lives. And this fact is the underlying cause for most of our “issues” in life; most of what causes us discomfort or unhappiness with ourselves, others or our lives in general. And this is often why it is so hard to identify the root cause of these issues, because it stems from beliefs we did not initially agree to abide by. We simply recorded it as a factual truth, during a growth phase where our physiology can do nothing but take in information about the world around us. And it is scientifically proven that we really do not have a choice at that young of an age. If we are told we are unworthy at 4 years old, we will subconsciously believe it when we are 50, unless we have previously identified it as not being our own belief and have addressed and corrected the issue. However, unless we work extensively with a therapist, or even have the insight to take that route, we may lack the awareness that this has ever even happened to us, nor understand that it still can have such an impact in our lives so many years later.

This simple fact is one of the most empowering things a person can learn about themselves if they are facing continuous struggles in one or more areas of their life, and simply cannot seem to find the solution. Why? Because when we have the awareness of an existing belief that doesn’t actually belong to us, we are free to LET IT GO.

Unless we have super-conscious parents, that had super-conscious parents, that had super-conscious parents…then most likely there is a chain of insecurities, beliefs, false-realities (the stories we tell ourselves), perhaps even prejudices  that have been passed down from generation to generation. And until the chain is broken, until awareness is raised to a level where there is no more instilling of non-serving beliefs into the next generation (either consciously or subconsciously), then this cycle continues.

But the power to question where our beliefs truly come from is within each and every one of us and I find that the more I question my own beliefs, the stronger I become in knowing where the line is actually drawn; between beliefs I’ve formed from the own depth of my heart and those that stem from old recycled beliefs from others. This has helped me tremendously in my own personal growth and is something I often recommend to my Reiki clients.

If you have taken a serious look at a reoccurring issue and have really sat with it, giving yourself time to think it through to find an applicable solution, and yet still nothing comes, then chances are that it stems from a foreign belief. And either way, once we identify the source, we give ourselves the freedom to no longer suffer from its unrelenting grip.

Certain beliefs might lead us to hold so tightly to things that we push it away. In the energy of a need to control, others can feel repelled, not attracted. There is a great lesson here of the difference between coming from fear .vs coming from love in situations like that when dealing with a significant other, child, friend or even money or that new job you want. If we come at things with an unforgiving Kung-Fu grip, the Universe responds to your fear of losing it or not getting it, and most likely you will lose it or not get what you want. You must come from a place of love, from appreciation as if you already have what you want and are not separate from it. Then, you emanate the vibration that will call it into your reality with ease and grace.

“When you believe something is hard, the Universe demonstrates the difficulty. When you believe something is easy, the Universe demonstrates the ease.” – Abraham-Hicks

We may hold so tightly to a particular belief because it’s all we know, it’s familiar and it’s comforting. Yet, what this does is prevent us from seeing what the river of life has in store for you, which you've simply “dammed up” with your more stubborn beliefs. For instance, for years (20 to be exact) I thought that smoking cigarettes was “my vice”; my way to relax, the friend I always hung out with after dinner and right before I went to sleep. The friend I shared a glass of wine with, or always had to run to when I was nervous, sad, had to think something through or simply just had to 5 minutes to kill. I always found a way to justify the act because my beliefs allowed me to.

Now comes the fun part! I quit smoking today. And with that “release” I realized something great about why I had so much trouble ”letting it go” sooner in my life. I would tell myself stories like I simply enjoyed it and I deserved joy, dammit (how did I see joy in doing such harm to myself?), it relaxed me (even though I was and still am an avid meditator), and I wouldn't be doing it forever (someday, I’ll stop…which translates into “someday I’ll love myself enough”). But I was a hypocrite and I knew it this whole time. And while I do forgive myself, and I have felt through and released the rollercoaster of emotions coming up through this process as well…I know that all we ever have is NOW, this moment. I am a Reiki Master; I help others heal and yet I couldn't give myself the same love and attention? No more of that nonsense. I deserve better. Only this time…I actually BELIEVE IT!

In just the past few months, I’ve had a tremendous amount of insight into my life, my path and my own light. I’ve let go of SO much and with that have opened doors within myself where Self-Love has literally FLOODED my insides! This has caused a domino effect over the past few weeks where I’ve taken inner leaps and bounds that normally would’ve scared the crap out of me. And perhaps committing to quitting smoking cigarettes was the biggest leap of them all. But I finally jumped and what I landed on was a big fat pile of empowered freedom!

Let’s circle back and see how this how relates to our “proverbial amnesia pop“, upon our incarnation. One must consider that with all that planning our soul bodies do beforehand, it is not all in vain. It remains within us, hidden deep inside and comes out in waves through our creativity, intuition, talents and insight. But what is the reason we forget at all? Why go through all that trouble of making a game plan if we all must go in blind and “wing it”? I think the answer to life itself lies in that question. I have always felt in my heart, that we forget ONLY so we can live each day with a chance to remember who we are. Each day truly is another chance to awaken your greatness, to outgrow and shed these illusions; these beliefs attached to you since childhood. But it is only the brave; those willing to stop looking outside of themselves and instead turn inward that will ever catch a glimpse of their full magnificence (that which sparks our cosmic memory)…because that is the only place it resides. At least, that is where we must see it first, before we can ever see it in our outer world.

I’ve always understood the concept of “letting go of what no longer serves us”, but when you actually begin to apply it in your own life, magical things begin to happen. It causes a ripple effect in your actions where one is fed from another. You conquer one mountain and the adrenaline rush flows onto the next area of your life. Another part where fear lingers and you know you are again onto something else that needs to be looked at and healed. And when you actually SEE what needs to be let go of, and face that fear of stepping out of your comfort zone, you also see it is just a fear of being left feeling empty inside. But the perfect paradox is that when you finally do let go, keys turn, doors swing wide open and suddenly the Universe’s “abundance hose” you had all twisted up unwinds itself and begins to flow as it was meant to. You regain a connection to your true Self and all it knows and always knew before “the pop”. You begin to remember who you really are and why you are here. You once again know your magnificence and you are fulfilled.


TamaraRantTamara Rant is a Co-Editor of CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. Connect with Tamara on Facebook by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

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  1.' james blackford says:

    close, but no cigar kid,, there is so much ‘I’ in your statement, you ‘can’t see the forest for the Mes’,, a little clue–the concept of letting go, co-generates the idea of the ‘holder’.. peace

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