UK Government to Recognize Animals as Sentient Beings

The British Government has introduced a bill to formally recognize vertebrate animals as sentient beings.  This will be a key part of the country’s broader plan to improve the state of animal welfare in the UK. If passed, the new law will put the potential experience of the individual animal, including the potential for pain or joy, at the center of any new animal welfare legislation being drafted.

Introduced in UK Parliament as the “Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill” on May 30, the bill is intended to act as a foundation for future animal rights laws, part of the UK’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare, a program intended to “improve standards and eradicate cruel practices for animals both domestically and internationally,” according to the UK Government’s website. The bill calls for the formation of an Animal Sentience Committee and will have a reach that extends beyond the agricultural sector, to ensure improved animal welfare standards in all fields, from agricultural animals to domestic pets.

“Vertebrate animals will be recognized as sentient beings for the first time in UK law thanks to the introduction of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, introduced in Parliament today,” as stated on the gov.uk website. “The legislation will also ensure that animal sentience is taken into account when developing policy across Government through the creation of an Animal Sentience Committee which will be made up of animal experts from within the field.”

For the rest of this article please go to the source link below.

Source: unknowncountry.com

My Dog Thinks I’m Perfect

There is a fantastic bumper sticker that says something to the effect of, ” May I be the type of person that my dog thinks I am.”

For those of us who own dogs— and it seems everyone owns a dog— it clear that dogs know us better than we know ourselves. Our dog worships the ground we walk on, even though, ironically, we are the ones who pick up their poop—go figure. Back to dogs’ undying love for us . . . yes, in our own mind, sometimes we might feel like most miserable wretch who ever climbed out of the pond, the dumbest thing to ever darken a doorway, but at the end of the day, when we come home to sit on the porch and revel in our misery, there greeting us is our best four-legged friend, prancing with joy to see us,  with nothing but profound love and worship for us.

Maybe that’s because dogs can see something about us that we can’t see in ourselves. The same way that a dog’s sense of smell is dramatically more sophisticated than our own, perhaps similarly K-9s also have the ability to sniff out the best parts of us, and not just our crotch. Dogs remind us that we, too, are lovable and amazing creatures.

Perhaps this is why in yoga class we spend so much time in downward and facing and upward facing dog so that we can begin emulating the that part of us that can recognize our inner awesomeness, just like our dog can. In part, yoga is finding focus, strengthening, and removing the physical obstacles of an unhealthy body. Yoga is also cultivating a relationship with both the numinous parts of ourselves as well as those ethereal parts of the world around us. Yoga carves away the crap that blinds us from that lovable person that our dog sees all the time. If our dog can see it all the time, then why can’t we? Maybe it’s because we forget. Maybe because we let stupid stuff blind us from seeing it. Maybe it’s because we don’t spend enough time in downward facing or upward facing dog.

I invite you to practice seeing yourself the way your dog sees you. Perhaps it is as easy as spending a little more time in downward facing dog, if for nothing else to connect to body, mind, and spirit to hone your listening and reveal the eternally perfect person that always exists. Chances are that you’ll start noticing this same awesomeness in everyone else near you, including your dog.



Photo by Alex Adams

Scott Moore is a senior teacher of yoga and mindfulness in the US. He’s taught classes, trainings and workshops in New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, and L.A. as well as in Europe and Asia. Scott is the author of Practical Yoga Nidra: The 10-Step Method to Reduce Stress, Improve Sleep, and Restore Your Spirit. When he’s not teaching or conducting retreats, he loves to write for print and online publications such as Yogi Times, Conscious Life News, Elephant Journal, Mantra Magazine, Medium, and his own blog at scottmooreyoga.com. Scott also loves to run, play the saxophone, and travel with his wife and son. Check out his yoga retreats and trainings in places like Tuscany, France, and Hong Kong , his online Yoga Nidra Course and his Yoga Teacher Mentor Program. Scott is currently living in Salt Lake City after living in Southern France with his family.

What Is the Easiest Reptile To Care For?

Compared to your standard pets (dogs, cats, birds), reptiles are a breeze to care for. But just as certain types of animals are known to be feisty, playful, or even aggressive, that’s not to say that all reptiles are a walk in the park to own. Certain reptile species are known to be easier to care for than others—but there is one clear winner. Ball pythons are commonly cited to be one of the easiest reptiles to care for by those in the reptile-loving community. While there are plenty of reasons why this snake species is one of the most popular, here are the three main reasons why:

Their Small Size

When it comes to housing your pet, bigger isn’t always better. Snakes don’t need a yard to play in or porches to explore as a dog or cat would, but they still require a certain amount of space for their tanks and terrariums—and the larger the snake, the larger enclosure you’ll need.

Ball pythons are mid-sized snakes and only grow to be around 4 to 5 feet in length (female snakes are larger than the males, however, which rarely exceed 4 feet). Their relatively small stature makes them easy to house even in the smallest of studio apartments. Most adult ball pythons can be comfortably kept in a or 40 or 50 gallon tank, which is only about 7 cubic feet.

Their Friendly Disposition

It’s safe to assume that most pet owners want to have an animal friend that they can interact with and enjoy. Snakes aren’t known for being the cuddliest of creatures, but ball pythons have a wonderful disposition and are considered to be one of the friendliest snakes available.

They actively enjoy being handled (something that cannot be said of all snake breeds) and are very social. Pick them up and watch them go; these critters are quick to curl around wrists, arms, and shoulders when they’re in contact with humans. Ball pythons are also nonaggressive creatures who would rather hide in a ball (hence their name) rather than hiss or bite.

Their Minimal Care Requirements

Certain snake breeds are very particular when it comes to the environment of their habitat. Some need specific lighting, humidity levels, and temperatures. Ball pythons are extremely easy going and don’t have such stringent requirements. They prefer temperatures in the high-70s and mid-80s, which can be accomplished with a simple heating pad and thermometer setup.

Ball pythons are also a breeze when it comes to feeding. Adults only need to eat every 10-14 days—and even then, they don’t eat very much, which is convenient for both ball python owners and their wallets. For pet owners that travel often, a ball python can safely be left at home for a week at a time without worry.

The Lowdown About Low Maintenance Reptiles

“Pet ownership” and “low maintenance” aren’t usually used in the same sentence, but the rising popularity of reptiles as pets is changing the conversation. It’s possible to keep and care for a pet without it being a huge hassle, just find reptiles for sale near you and you’ll soon see for yourself!

Deep Connection: How the Human-Animal Bond Benefits Us

Image source: Pexels.com

The human-animal bond is often described as the relationship between animals and people. For instance, dog owners know it much more than a mere relationship, and anyone who has ever loved a companion has felt the miraculous strength of the human-animal bond. This unique connection with our beloved pets can influence social, physical, psychological, emotional, and mental wellbeing for us and for them as well.

Maybe your cat can’t tell you how she feels, but studies can’t tell us that our beloved companions feel the impact of the human-animal too. This deep connection also benefits our pets. Oxytocin is a hormone found in humans, dogs, and cats, and it’s often referred to as the “love hormone” and plays an important role in human bonding and might help describe how our companions feel about us. Research has shown an increase in cats’ oxytocin levels after playing with their owners and an increase in oxytocin levels in dogs after staring into their owner’s eyes.

On the other hand, emotional strength may be difficult to describe to someone who has never shared a relationship with an animal companion, but almost every cat and dog owner recognizes unconditional love as the key component of the bond.

The human-animal bond can help our companions in many obvious ways. Because we care for them and love them, we make sure they are provided with shelter, food, medical care, affection, and entertainment. The various ways in which we can benefit, however, may go deeper than basic needs.

Increased healing and independence- Service and therapeutic Goldendoodle doodles are invaluable to their handlers, providing aid in daily tasks, mental and emotional support, and recovery from traumatic events.

Improved mood- Research has shown that the simple act of petting a friendly cat or dog enhances dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, two compounds that are vital for our relaxation and happiness.

More physical activity – Owning a dog involves, after all, some degree of physical activity – not only that but living with an animal that requires a daily play session or a walk is an excellent way to get off the couch and out the door.

Immunity boost – People who grew around or with an animal in home have fewer chances to develop asthma or have fewer allergies than those who never owned or raised around pets.

Social connections – Pets have many needs. They provide us with various opportunities to get out and interact with our neighbors and friends. Having a dog is especially helpful for elders or others who may be less likely to be socially active. They can decrease isolation and improve social interaction and quality of life for elders who can’t own a pet or can’t move.

Stress reduction – Petting a dog has been proved to reduce stress in humans. Lower blood pressure usually is a result of the extra exercise and reduced stress that can go along with pet ownership.

Wild Horse Immediately Recognizes His Girlfriend After Years Apart

Video Source: The Dodo

A heartwarming story of two wild horses, Phoenix and Ghost, who are reunited after two years apart.

How to Help Pets Manage Separation Anxiety When Their Humans Return to Work

Pets can develop separation anxiety when their people are suddenly gone.

When one of my co-workers found out about a tiny, orphaned kitten that needed a home a few months ago, he didn’t hesitate to adopt it. He says his new companion helped make the months of COVID-19 isolation at home much less stressful.

He is not alone. Animal shelters and breeders across the country have reported record numbers of dog and cat adoptions in recent months.

But after my co-worker returned to work, he says his adorable kitten started urinating on the kitchen counter while he was away.

Another friend is worried about how her dog will react when she returns to the office. Her big, goofy Labrador retriever follows her everywhere, even to the bathroom. When she leaves to run a quick errand, the dog sits by the back door and whines, awaiting her return.

RELATED ARTICLE: Top 10 Tips And Techniques For Training Your Dog 

What should these pet owners do?

Alleviating pet anxiety is about changing the owner’s behavior, too.

The problem with sudden changes in routine

A change in routine, such as suddenly being alone for many hours every day, is a major cause of separation anxiety for both dogs and cats.

Separation anxiety is more than a little whimpering when you head out the door. It’s major, unwanted behavior that happens every time you leave or are away.

For dogs and cats, this can mean excessive pacing, barking or howling, whimpering, or self-grooming as you get ready to leave. In some cases, it can mean urinating or defecating around the house, often in places where scents linger, such as on bedding or rugs, or destroying household items in your absence. Extreme clinginess or neediness is another symptom.

Anxious pets can get destructive.

Separation anxiety won’t go away on its own, and it can be difficult to get rid of entirely. But there are ways to manage it. As a clinical veterinarian and professor, I am often asked to help people find ways to ease their pets’ anxiety.

What not to do

First, it’s important to understand that it’s not about you – it’s about your pet. Your dog or cat is not trying to teach you a lesson or get revenge. Animals don’t act out of spite.

Instead, it’s a signal of extreme distress and frustration that should be approached like any other medical ailment. Your pet doesn’t want to experience separation anxiety any more than you want to experience its consequences.

For this reason, punishment is never the answer. For one thing, your pet won’t connect the punishment with something that happened hours – or even a few minutes – earlier. And punishment may only exacerbate your pet’s anxiety and stress.

Pets won’t connect the punishment to bad behavior that happened earlier.

Similarly, going to the opposite extreme by praising or giving affection when your pet is suffering anxiety also will make the problem worse.

The goal is to create a balanced relationship so your pet tolerates being alone. First, get your pet checked out by a veterinarian to rule out physical conditions, such as a urinary tract infection if your pet urinates in inappropriate places.

Next, make sure your pet gets plenty of exercises and mental stimulation. For dogs, this may mean a long run or brisk walk every day. Getting exercise shortly before you leave the house may put your dog in a more relaxed state while you’re gone. It’s harder to feel stressed when the endorphin levels are elevated. For cats, this could mean a change of environment by being outdoors in a safe, enclosed area such as a “catio.”

Toys can help keep pets entertained while their owners are away.

Treating separation anxiety with behavior change

Here, we’re talking about your behavior. The goal is to make your absence seem like no big deal. Making a fuss over your pet when you leave or arrive home only makes matters worse. If you treat it like it’s routine, your pet will learn to do the same.

Try to figure out when your pet starts to show signs of anxiety and turn that into a low-key activity. If it’s when you pick up your handbag, for example, practice picking it up and putting it back down several times over a few hours. Similarly, get dressed or put on your shoes earlier than usual but stay home instead of leaving right away. Try starting your car’s engine and then turning it off and walking back inside.

Avoiding drama around leaving for work can help pets acclimate to being alone.

Next, practice short absences. When you’re at home, make it a point to spend some time in another room. In addition, leave the house long enough to run an errand or two, then gradually increase the time that you’re away so that being gone for a full day becomes part of the family routine.

Changing the environment

Boredom makes separation anxiety worse. Providing activity for your pet while you’re gone, such as a puzzle toy stuffed with treats, or simply hiding treats around the house will make your absence less stressful. Other options for dogs and cats include collars and plug-in devices that release calming pheromones.

Boredom can make separation anxiety worse.

To maintain your bond while you’re gone, place a piece of clothing that you have worn recently in a prominent place, such as on your bed or couch, to comfort your pet. Similarly, you can leave the TV or radio on – there are even special programs just for pets – or set up a camera so you can observe and interact with your pet remotely. Some of these come equipped with a laser pointer or treats you can dispense.

Using supplements or medication

In some severe cases, when the animal harms itself or causes property damage, medication or supplements might be necessary. These alter the brain’s neurotransmitters to create a sense of calm.

While some are readily available without a prescription, it’s a good idea to get advice from your veterinarian to determine which are safest and most effective for your pet’s situation. Medication can help reduce anxiety, making it easier for the pet to learn new coping skills. A behavior modification plan accompanying the use of medication can help manage this problem.

Separation anxiety is difficult for both you and your pet. But a few simple changes can make a huge difference as life returns to some semblance of normal.

By Lori M Teller | The Conversation

I am a veterinarian teaching in the Primary Care service at Texas A&M. This service handles common behavioral problems in client-owned dogs and cats, including anxiety-based issues. I also oversee our telehealth program, and behavior is one of the areas that is very conducive for telemedicine visits. I am a boarded diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in canine and feline practice as well.

8 Things Your Dog Needs to Form a Good Relationship with You

If you have a dog, they’re probably one of your best friends in the world. And everybody wants their best friend to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. When you have a dog, it’s down to you to face the responsibility of providing the best life for them. Building your relationship with your dog will improve your bond and help both of you to live a happier life together. The food that you feed your dog, how much exercise you give them, and how you interact with them every day, will shape your relationship and have a huge impact on your dog’s health and happiness as well as your own. Whether you want to improve your relationship with your existing dog or are soon to be adding a new puppy to your family, here are some of the main things that you should consider.

Feeding Your Dog:

As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and the same is true for your dog. The food that you choose for your dog will have an impact on a huge range of aspects of their lives, including their weight, temperament, energy levels, risk of diseases, mental focus, coat condition, and more. Whether you’re soon to be bringing a new puppy home or feel that your dog’s current diet could be improved, spend some time researching the different options and speak to experts like your vet to determine which type of food would be the most beneficial for your dog. Remember that all dogs are individuals and certain foods that other dogs do well on might not be as good for yours, so it’s important to find something that is a good fit.

Supplements and Treats:

Adding dietary supplements to your dog’s meals or providing them with healthy treats is a great way to boost their intake of several key nutrients and vitamins. Making sure that your dog is getting the correct amount of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, for example, is crucial for their health and wellbeing, especially when a dog is getting on in life. Older dogs tend to be more prone to experiencing problems like stiff and sore joints or arthritis, and there are various dietary supplements that may be able to help with this. Check out the dog joint supplements available from Yu Move, which can be beneficial for dogs of any age. Yu Move offers high-quality supplements made from sustainably sourced ActivEase Green Lipped Mussels that may help your dog stay more active as they get older.


Good dog training isn’t just for puppies. In fact, many dogs benefit from obedience training at all stages of their lives, particularly when it comes to breeds that require a lot of mental stimulation. Boredom caused by a lack of things to do in dogs can lead to some problem behaviors that you will usually want to avoid such as chewing household items, problem barking, or pulling on the lead. A good training program with experienced Huntsville K9 trainers not only gives your dog a sense of purpose and something to work towards, but will drastically improve your relationship with your pet by helping them learn better obedience and good behavior.

Mental Stimulation and Thinking Activities:

It’s not just training that can be an excellent source of mental stimulation for your dog. Most dog owners are unable to spend all day working on different training exercises with their dogs. If your dog needs something to keep him busy when you’re unable to spend time with him, there are plenty of puzzles, games and toys available to keep him occupied and provide him with something to focus on. The game that you choose will depend on your dog’s level of intelligence. There are several games that require your dog to think a lot and will likely keep them occupied for a long time trying to figure out a puzzle to get a treat, or simpler toys like Kongs that you can stuff with treats, freeze, and give to your dog to keep them entertained for a while trying to get to the food inside.

Consistent Exercise:

A dog who doesn’t get enough exercise is likely to be bored, have too much energy, and can often display problem behaviours or aggression. It’s important that dog owners are under no illusion to how much exercise their dog is going to need. If you are thinking of adding a puppy into your family, do a lot of research into their breed first to determine how often and for how long you will likely need to walk them. High-energy breeds could require a couple of hours of walking every day while lower-energy breeds might be happy with a short half-hour walk around the park. Your dog’s age will also affect the amount of exercise that he needs; older dogs will need shorter and gentler walks than a younger dog who might require regular opportunities to get off the leash and run around.

Access to Water:

Just like humans, dogs need to stay hydrated to stay healthy and happy. This is especially important during the warmer times of the year when dogs are often at a much higher risk of suffering from heat exhaustion due to the fact that unlike humans, they can’t sweat. Certain dog breeds can also be more prone to problems in the heat than others, so if you have a flat-nosed breed, it’s crucial to be even more careful about their temperature. In warm weather, you can provide your dog with cooling toys that are filled with water and frozen or add ice cubes to your dog’s water bowl to help them cool down.

A Safe Space:

Dogs feel more comfortable when they have a safe space that they can call their own. Crate training is the best way to provide your dog with somewhere like this in your home. While a crate might not look like the most appealing place to spend the night to a human, your dog will actually enjoy having his own comfortable bed and sheltered area that he can retreat to. Training your dog to enjoy being in his crate is also a very useful skill for him to have since you can use it when travelling or if you need to keep your dog safe in your home for any reason. Using a crate at night is often essential for puppies as it helps to prevent any accidents in the home and keeps them away from chewing anything that they shouldn’t when you are asleep. Make sure that the crate is a comfortable environment with a bed and toys for your dog.

A Consistent Routine:

To really thrive in their home environment, dogs do best when they have a consistent routine and know what is coming next. Being out of sync with the routine or something new happening all of a sudden can cause your dog a lot of stress, so it’s important to keep things as consistent as possible. Feeding and walking your dog at the same time every day are just some simple things that you can do to give him a sense of consistency and help him feel safe.

Providing your dog with everything that he needs for a healthy, happy life will improve your relationship and bond, helping you enjoy your life as companions even more.

6 Ways Animals Prevent Epidemics

Video Source: SciShow

Humans aren’t the only ones who have to worry about epidemics: meet six other animals who take their own precautions to avoid getting sick!

7 Signs Your Pooch Shows to Express Happy Chappy Mood

By Jessica Smith

Despite the language barriers between our species, our pet pups are continually communicating with us in various ways. From tail wagging to facial expressions and the tone of their bark or growl, your dog is trying to share its feelings with you.

Understanding how to listen to your dog when it’s “talking” to you will make you a better pet owner and increase the bond between you and your little furball.

It’s especially important to understand how your dog communicates happiness, as this lets you know you’re on the right track when it comes to caring for them.

1. Your Dog is Playful and Energetic

If your dog is teeming with endless enthusiasm, that’s a massive indicator of one happy pup.

Granted, it’s normal for your dog to tire itself after a long day of running through the grass and chasing squirrels. But if your dog is usually tired or lethargic, that may indicate an underlying health condition. Believe it or not, it’s also possible for dogs to have depression.

One tell-tale sign that their behavior is indeed playful (and not anxious) is by taking a closer look at their facial expression. A study in the Scientific Reports Journal describes two different playful expressions dogs display: “Play Face” and “Full Play Face.”

Play Face is an open mouth that shows off more of their bottom teeth, whereas Full Play Face incorporates their top-chompers, as well. Full Play Face is a more intense, eager version of Play Face.

2. Your Dog is Very Friendly and Approachable with Other Pups and People

If your dog willingly engages with other canines or houseguests, they’re probably a very confident and happy pet.

Some breeds are naturally more defensive or closed-off. That means they’ll need to “get to know” other dogs or visitors before letting their guard down.

There’s even breed-specific legislation in the United States about breeds that insurance companies deem “naturally more aggressive,” according to the ASPCA.

Breeds aside, a dog that’s always eager to socialize is likely one that feels very secure, safe, and confident at home.

3. Your Dog Grins Happily, Not Aggressively

Flashing their big, ol’ pearly whites can send mixed signals for those who aren’t familiar with the various reasons why dogs grin.

For example, if your dog is grinning as you adorn them in fashionable dog clothes, take a closer look at their facial expression. This will let you know whether they’re comfortable or if you need to purchase their outfit in a bigger size.

A mouth that’s drawn backward in a sharp “C” shape with wide eyes and eyebrows pointed downward is more of an aggressive grin, says a review in the Animals Journal.

Whereas the opposite expression — a grin curled upward accompanied by a soft gaze and relaxed eyebrows — indicates a much more positive, happy-chappy grin.

4. Your Dog Wags Their Tail Loosely from Side-to-Side

There’s more intent than meets the eye behind a dog’s wagging tail. A pup who holds their tail up high is one that feels confident, aroused, and open to play.

The direction of their tail-wagging also says a lot about how your dog is feeling. A loose, casual wag from side-to-side is your dog’s way of saying it’s feeling friendly, pleasant, and excited.

When dogs look at stimuli that make them feel happy, such as their owners, their tails wag toward the right side. On the other hand, stimuli that make them feel uncomfortable results in a left-leaning tail wag.

5. Your Dog Peers at You with a Soft, Warm Gaze

“Smile with your eyes” isn’t just advice aimed towards humans. Your dog communicates quite a bit through their gaze.

Avoiding eye contact doesn’t mean your dog is ignoring you—quite the opposite. Dogs avoid making direct eye contact to appease you and decrease tension. Their gaze will appear “softer” in relaxing and non-threatening contexts, as well.

6. Your Dog Points its Ears Forward

Your puppy’s ears aren’t just for listening — they’re also for emotional expression. Ears that are pointed forward show that your dog is interested, paying attention, and feeling approachable.

On the other hand, ears pinned back to express that your dog is feeling scared or anxious. Side-facing ears indicate internal conflict on some level — perhaps your dog is feeling confused or stressed about a specific stimulus.

7. Growling and Barking Aren’t Always a Red Flag…

What your dog is literally saying through their growls and barks depends largely on their tone and volume. According to a study in the Royal Society Open Science Journal, shorter, higher-pitched growls separated by shorter pauses are considered more playful.

The context of bark is a bit harder to distinguish, adds the Animals Journal review. This is mostly due to some breeds barking less than others and the different vocal ranges between species.

However, the growls and facial expressions accompanying your dog’s bark can tell you a lot about what they’re trying to say to you.


Your dog is in constant communication with you. However, many of the signals dogs use to indicate happiness are also utilized to communicate fear or aggression.

Thus, familiarizing yourself with the nuances of your dog’s demeanor and tone will help you recognize when they’re truly in a happy-chappy mood.

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The Use of Service Dogs for People with Physical Disabilities in the USA

Service dogs have been a significant asset to people with disabilities in the USA and throughout the world for many years. Dogs have long been applauded for their ability to assist in several different tasks. In many cases, a service dog can make all the difference in its handler’s overall quality of life.

Although dogs have been helping humans in many capacities for centuries, the concept of a service dog as we know it today has only been around for a few decades. In the United States, The Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) formally defined the role of service dogs in 1990, providing legal protection to dogs serving in this meaningful manner. Today, the idea of canine companions as aids for people with physical disabilities is widely recognized and accepted.

What Makes a Dog a Service Dog?

Once upon a time, when you heard the term service dog, you might have pictured a guide dog leading a person who was visually impaired or blind. Many dogs serve as guide dogs, but that is not the only task that these amazing pups can do. Over the years, as people have learned more about various disabilities, the part that these talented pups play in their owner’s lives has increased dramatically.

The Americans with Disabilities Act states that a service dog is:

Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.

There is no specification or rule that only allows certain breeds to be a service dog, as long as a dog can perform a specific task or tasks to assist its owner.

While service dogs can be any breed, the ADA does stipulate that service animals can only be dogs, except for rare instances where miniature horses are acceptable. This rule means that any other kind of pet, even if highly trained to help you perform specific tasks, cannot be a legally designated service animal.

Even though any dog can be a service dog, that doesn’t mean that any breed will be a good fit in every circumstance. Some breeds fare better with certain conditions, especially in the case of physical disabilities. Therefore, it is vital to consider the specific disability of the person who needs an assistance animal. For example, if the person is in a wheelchair and the dog needs to help with mobility issues like pushing or pulling the wheelchair, a small breed wouldn’t be the best choice.

Are There Different Types of Service Dogs for People with Physical Disabilities?

There are many classes of service dogs, including guide dogs, hearing dogs, seizure response dogs, mobility dogs, and sensory dogs. The person’s disability determines the type of service dog a person has and what kinds of tasks are needed.

Here is a look at the different categories of service dogs:

Guide Dog (or seeing-eye dogs)  -These dogs help their owners find objects, avoid dangerous situations, and navigate a variety of areas and terrain. These pups can give particular sound or touch cues to alert their handlers to different events, such as one short bark when a stranger approaches.

Hearing Dogs These dogs alert their owners to certain noises like sirens and alarms by touching their owners or performing a particular action and then leading them toward the sound.

Diabetic Alert Dogs – These dogs are a type of sensory service animal trained to sense a change in blood sugar levels and alert their handlers when it occurs. The handlers can then take the necessary actions immediately. If they need medical attention, their service dog can alert other members of the household or seek help from nearby people.

Seizure Alert Dogs -These dogs can sense and alert their handlers to an upcoming seizure so they can take the necessary precautions as soon as possible. Although there has been some debate in the medical field about dogs’ ability to sense impending seizures, dog owners and professional trainers have professed that it is possible. Currently, dogs trained to alert their handlers to a potential seizure are recognized by the ADA as a service animal.

Mobility Support Dogs – These service dogs help their owners move about, which means they need to perform very physical tasks such as pull wheelchairs up ramps and even assist with lifting heavy items.

Autism Service Dogs –There are several new categories of service animals that have recently started to emerge, many of which focus more on kids. Many of these dogs work with children that suffer from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and children with autism. They help relax the children, help them interact in social situations, keep them from running away, and track children who have run off.

Sensory Dogs – In addition to sensing things like potential seizures and low blood sugar, these canines can detect anything that is a particular issue for their handler. For example, a sensory dog with an owner who has a lethal allergy to peanuts can sense when a food contains the offending food and alert their owner to the danger.


What Types of Specific Tasks Do Service Dogs Perform?

Service dogs perform a variety of tasks based on their handler’s needs. There is no set list of tasks that every assistance animal must learn, and some of these talented and sensitive pups can carry out quite a few very impressive and creative commands.

Some of these tasks include:

  • Picking up dropped items
  • Pressing buttons or moving levers
  • Alerting a person to potential danger
  • Pulling a wheelchair
  • Performing specific actions to alert their handler to certain sounds
  • Fetching necessary items
  • Guiding their handlers around obstacles
  • Reminding their handlers to take medications
  • Opening doors
  • Turning lights on and off
  • Providing stability to their handlers when walking
  • Sensing and alerting their handlers to potential allergens in foods

Although the tasks assistance animals perform are not limited to these examples, for a pup to be considered a service dog, the tasks must be directly related to its handler’s disability.

How Can Your Dog Become a Service Dog?

Many factors determine a dog’s ability to be a service animal. One of the most essential components is your dog’s temperament and how easy your pup takes to training.

Your dog should be calm in crowds, not spook easily, and not be overly protective. For your pup to be a legal service dog, you must have a disability that directly impacts your quality of life, and your dog must be able to perform at least one task connected to that disability.

You can train your pup yourself if you feel you have the necessary skills. The ADA does not require mandatory registration or certification of service animals. However, registering your pup can make things a lot easier when it comes to bringing your dog to different places or living in an environment that does not usually allow dogs.

What Are Service Dogs Allowed To Do That Other Dogs Can’t?

Service dogs have certain permissions that other dogs do not have, like accompanying their handlers into public places that do not typically allow dogs and living with their handlers in no-pet housing situations. Your furry friend can also fly with you in the cabin of an airplane for no extra fee. Plus, hotels and other establishments that usually require a pet deposit are supposed to waive this fee for service animals.

If your service dog enters a business with you, employees are not supposed to ask you for any documentation or make you show any proof that your pup is a service animal. For example, no one can ask you to make your dog perform a task. However, employees and landlords do have the right to ask you if you require a service dog due to a disability.

Note: Although service dogs have many extra rights, they still must be vaccinated and licensed, and you must maintain adequate control of your animal at all times.

Are Service Dogs and Emotional Support Dogs the Same?

Service dogs and emotional support animals (ESAs) are not the same things. Emotional support dogs are a source of comfort for their owners, often used by people with anxiety or other stress issues. Emotional support animals may accompany their handlers on flights and live in residences where dogs are generally not allowed; however, the ADA does not recognize emotional support dogs as service animals.

Therefore, businesses do not have to allow your dog entry if it is an emotional support animal. In the case of ESAs, it is up to the business owner’s discretion to let your pooch enter the premises.

Do you feel a service dog would significantly improve your quality of life but aren’t sure where to begin? To learn more about service dogs and how your canine companion can become one, contact us today. Our knowledgeable team of specialists is always on hand to answer your questions and guide you in the right direction!!

A Gift For All of Us: a Falcon In the Garden

A Magical Moment

To see something extraordinary three times is a blessing, and a message, and a gift.  An extraordinary thing happened the other day that was such a good sign and omen, that I know you’ll just love it.
When I looked out the front window, I saw a giant falcon fly into our Gravenstein apple tree, and perch on the lowest branch, only a few feet off the ground.  This bird looked like a peregrine falcon to me, with distinctive striped/dappled patterns on its golden chest and on both sides, giant yellow-orange talons (that seemed as big as its head) and a beautiful, curved beak.  It was watching activity at our neighbor’s house across the street, where tree trimmers had been clearing branches away from overhead electrical lines.  There was a pile of branches in front of our neighbor’s driveway–and a mother and her young son had stopped to look at all the branches.  The falcon watched all this with great interest, settling into our apple tree where it remained for about 10 minutes or so.
The falcon’s head swiveled around to see me watching it–even though I was inside the house, about ten feet away from the window.  I was amazed to see how alert and aware this bird was, and how keen its vision must be.  After the falcon had rested in our apple tree for about ten minutes, it flew directly toward me (!!!) and then just up above me, to the right, to sit atop the roof over our front porch!  It saw me watching it from a respectful distance inside the house.  I could tell it was watching my every move, since any time I made even the slightest movement, the falcon swiveled its head to stare at me intently.  The falcon also kept a close eye on our front yard, no doubt aware that we have a gopher who burrows there regularly.
After many minutes of sitting on the porch roof, the falcon flew off toward our backyard.  I went to look out the kitchen window, and a few minutes later, the falcon flew right toward me a second time, (!!!) so I got a perfect view of its beautiful golden breast and outstretched wings–and then it flew up over the roof of our house.  I returned to the living room, to see if I could spot it in the front yard, but saw no sign of it.  I then returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, when I saw the falcon fly directly toward me a third time (!!!)–looking at me as it approached the house, and then landed atop our front porch roof once more.
This falcon was so gorgeous in full flight, and so regal when keeping watch on the yard, but the it’s most remarkable quality was how much love I could palpably feel from being in the presence of this beautiful bird.  I was especially overwhelmed with how much love it had shown me by flying directly toward me, while looking me in the eye, THREE times that afternoon.  I see a lot of birds in our garden, including crows, bluejays, house finches, and hummingbirds–and in the entire 30 plus years I’ve lived here, yesterday was the first time a bird ever flew directly toward me while looking right at me the whole time.  Only one other bird has flown up to a window and peered in at me on the other side, and that was a hummingbird several years ago, who seemed to be saying “Thank you!” to me, for having refilled the nectar in the hummingbird feeder.  This summer I’ve also had a few hummingbirds hover close to me, and sometimes fly into a spray of water when I’m watering the yard.  All of those moments are memorable, indeed, but this felt truly exceptional.
This bird looked like a young peregrine falcon.  Peregrine falcons have been my favorite bird ever since I was a little girl, and saw one in a children’s book.  I’d been watching three baby peregrine falcons that hatched this Spring up at the top of UC Berkeley’s campanile tower, where a Cal falcons camera monitor showed livestream video from their nesting box from the time their mother sat on the eggs, to the time the young peregrine’s flight feathers came in, and up until their very first practice flights.

Blessing, Message, and Gift

There was so much love in this bird’s visit that I spent quite a bit of time just soaking it in.  This falcon had a truly majestic presence, and in addition to that, it seemed especially attuned with me–the way it flew directly toward me while clearly seeing me (inside my house) three times in a row.  I am aware that to see something extraordinary three times is a blessing, and a message, and a gift.
What I’d been doing in the days before the peregrine’s visit was honoring the memory of my dear beloved deceased friend and mentor, the American linguist, Dan “Moonhawk” Alford.  Moonhawk often described himself as hanging out
“at the lonely intersection of language, physics, Native America and consciousness,”
and the few precious hours I spent hanging out with him at my first Language of Spirit conference in New Mexico was life-changing for me.  Moonhawk has a way of illuminating important ideas, such as how language shapes consciousness, and he has a genius for inspiring people to think differently.  Moonhawk pointed out how it might be, for example, that in Nature, “A does not always equal A,” because
“you can never step into the same river twice.”
Such a seemingly simple point gets to the heart of how our western science and logic was constructed with a mechanistic bias, while the natural world is ever-changing, generous, alive and profound.
Another mind-expanding point that Moonhawk made is that our English language is noun-based, which affects our view of the cosmos.  Moonhawk pointed out that he’s spent time with Native Americans who could talk for hours, or even for an entire day, without once uttering a single noun.  Such a thing is mind-blowing to most westerners, whose thoughts shape the way they think to an extraordinary degree.  Even the idea of God is a verb to Native Americans, and this mental conceptualization of reality is so different from typical western reductionist viewpoints, yet such a perfect match for quantum physicists, such as David Bohm, who’d met with Moonhawk and Leroy Little Bear at a special dialogue hosted by the Fetzer Institute in Michigan in 1992.
I’d been reading Moonhawk’s articles on his website, after having watched a DVD documentary film honoring him and physicist David Bohm and Blackfoot indian Leroy Little Bear, called “The Language of Spirituality” this weekend.  I’d been talking with Moonhawk in my heart for the past several days–hearing his jokes, witticisms, and responses in my heart–so it feels right that Moonhawk’s spirit is so with me.  And indeed the peregrine falcon’s visit was a blessing, a message, and a gift.
As always, I encourage us all to keep asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?”
I invite you to watch the companion video to this blog post at:



QuantumJumps300x150adCynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps.  Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and is president of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at:

Should You Get a Horse? Here Are 10 Key Things to Consider

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Horses are majestic creatures that make wonderful companions for many years. It’s even been proven that they can help with certain conditions – such as Alzheimer’s due to their kind and gentle nature.

However, if you’ve never owned a horse before, it’s important to realize the time, effort and cost that’s associated with this decision.

So many first-time horse owners jump into the process without carrying out thorough preparation first. This leads to them resenting their horse and sometimes even giving it up.

But, it doesn’t have to be like this. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, you can sit down and weigh up all the key considerations associated with getting a horse.

To help guide you in the right direction, we’ve created a list of 10 key things you should keep in mind ahead of purchasing your own horse:

1) The Cost of Caring for It

Horses aren’t cheap animals to keep by any means. And it extends further than just the initial purchase price. Over the years, you’ll have to budget not only for their bedding, but food, trips to the vet, any clothing you’ll need to wear to ride them, etc.

Of course, there are plenty of stores that sell certain items (take Equi Supermarket for example) throughout the country. But that doesn’t mean that the costs won’t start to rapidly ramp up – leaving you with a hefty bill to pay throughout the time you own the horse.

Two other prominent costs you’ll have to budget for is the cost of training your horse and any riding lessons if you’re less experienced. Therefore, before you get a horse, make sure that you factor in these costs and whether they are attainable in the long term.

2) Do You Have The Space For Them?

Horses are big animals, so you’ll need a lot of space for them. This space will have to include their stable, shelter and room for them to roam around in.

Generally, it’s recommended that you have at least one acre of space for them to live in, to ensure that they get enough exercise and can lead a happy life. If you don’t have the space, then a horse might not be the best animal for you to keep on your property.

Of course, at times you can rent a stable nearby where you can keep your horse. But if you’re thinking about this option, you’ll need to be ready for the responsibility of going out there each day to care for it.

Plus, not having a horse on your property might make it more difficult to gain a connection with them as they aren’t as close by.

3) The Horse’s History

If you’re looking at horses online, it’s important that you fully discover the horse’s background. Never take what the seller is saying as fully legitimate – spend some time conducting your own research around it.

Even though some sellers might look trustworthy, they could just be putting on an act to try and sell the horse quickly.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to check veterinary records to ensure that they are fit and healthy. You don’t want to be duped out of money and to find that the horse isn’t happy in its life.

4) Go and Visit it

Following on from the above, once you’ve conducted research about the horse it’s important that you go and visit it yourself. This way, you’ll get a flavor of what the horse’s temperament is like and whether it would be a good fit for you.

Although it might be tempting to purchase the horse online without visiting it, it’s worth going to see it first as it might not be exactly like what’s advertised. Like anything online, a seller could put up different images or false information about them.

While visiting them, ask the seller if you can ride the horse and any other questions you might have about its background. Any legitimate and reliable seller should allow you to do this.

5) Consider Riding Lessons Ahead of Time

As mentioned above, a prominent cost you’ll have to consider is riding lessons. And while you can do these after you’ve purchased your horse, it’s a good idea to consider doing these ahead of time.

Why? Because you’ll feel more comfortable when it comes time to owning your own horse. Plus, you might find that after taking riding lessons a horse isn’t the right pet for you.

6) Do You Have the Time?

If you’re thinking about keeping the horse on your property, you’ll need to consider how much time it will take for you to care for them each day. Not only will you need to feed them twice a day, but you’ll need to clean out their stables, give them some exercise, etc.

Also, if you’re thinking about going on vacation over the next few months, you’ll need to factor in arranging somebody to care for your horse while you’re not there.

For this, there are boarding facilities that can take on this responsibility for you. But before you take the leap and go for the first one you find, you’ll want to visit the facility and ensure that they have the right equipment/accommodation to care for your horse to a high standard.

7) Should You Lease a Horse?

As a first-time horse owner, you’ve obviously had no real experience of owning your own horse. So before you purchase one, maybe consider leasing a horse instead for the next few months. Through this type of arrangement, you’ll pay a portion of the horse’s expenses.

In exchange for this, you’ll be able to spend time with the horse, grooming it and riding it. A good way of giving you an insight into what it would be like to own one, it will ease you into the transition without giving you all of the responsibilities upfront.

After this lease comes to an end, you can then sit down and think about whether purchasing a horse is the right decision for you in the long term.

8) Consider Volunteering

Alternatively, if you don’t want to lease a horse, you could volunteer at a nearby stable instead. Another way of giving you a flavor of what horse-ownership will be like, it will give you time to bond with the horses and appreciate the time and effort that goes into caring for them.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about paying for any of their expenses upfront – giving you some more time to gather the money for your own horse. A happy medium, it’s the perfect way to do a rewarding task while giving you invaluable experience.

9) The Type of Horse You Buy

When looking at horses, you’ll undeniably want one that’s well-mannered and well-trained, especially because you’re new to owning one.

So make sure that you research into the types of horses that you can own and compare and contrast different horses that are for sale.

Some people might have personal preferences that are based on the color of horse or its sex. If you fall into this bracket, use it as a way of narrowing down your search.

Of course, there’s a chance that after visiting some horses you might find that you’re more flexible.

10) Who They Are Recommended For

Some advertisements will clearly indicate whether the horse is suitable for a beginner, intermediate or advanced rider. A key factor that you’ll also need to consider in your search, it will ensure that you purchase the best horse for your requirements.

This is also important if you’re buying the horse for one of your children – as some horses are typically more suited to younger children.

Stallions for example, tend to be less suitable for beginners or young children due to their size. Whereas ponies or small horses are better for children because of their stature.

A Word of Advice: Get a Veterinarian to Check the Horse First

Before buying the horse, you might also want to consider getting a veterinarian to check them over. This way, you’ll have the peace of mind that they are in good general health and are suitable for private ownership.

Even though you’ll want to look at any vet records as part of the process, by asking the seller if you can take them to the vet it will ensure that you have seen first-hand that they are healthy.

If you have an instructor or friend that has experience with horses, they can also come with you to this to guarantee that the horse hasn’t got any underlying issues.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are the top 10 things you should consider before getting a horse. A big decision to make, it’s so important that you sit down and look at these considerations, along with thoroughly researching ahead of time.

You want to give your horse the best life possible and to enjoy owning them. So make sure that you don’t just purchase a horse without doing this first!

Golden Retriever and Kitten Play for the First Time!

Video Source: This is Bailey

Watch an adorable golden retriever named Bailey and an incredibly cute little kitty named Simon play together for the very first time!

The Gift of Gratitude & Loving With No Regrets

Beautiful pet cat memorial print Rainbow Bridge Gift | EtsyThis week I wanted to write about something near and dear to my heart…gratitude. So many times we find ourselves taking things for granted, and while I don’t believe it’s intentional, life always has a way to remind us to appreciate everything we have, and to never assume something you care about is trivial.

It’s sounds cliche, but as the saying goes, “You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.” Unfortunately, I experience a heart-breaking reminder of this just two days ago when I had to say good-bye to one of my furbabies, Obi. 

I rescued Obi from a shelter in Chicago in 2015. It was immediately following my separation from my first husband, and after seeing Obi, I felt like the recent hole in my heart had a chance of being refilled.

I always said that Obi chose me that day, not the other way around. As I walked past the various cats (wanting to take them ALL home), Obi caught my attention because he was the only one with his little nose sticking out of the cage, and also the only one who welcomed me with a “meow” as I approached.

I stuck my finger in his cage and he immediately put his head down and butted the cage door as to say, “YOU human, I choose YOU.” It took 0.0003 seconds for me to fall completely in love with this little furball and although I already had my 15 lb. orange tabby, Lukas at home, I didn’t think twice to adopt him. Obi was going on 4 at the time, and I was blessed to have another 5 wonderful years with him.

A few months later I underwent surgery and that cat did not leave my side the entire two weeks of my recovery. He seemed to have a sense of when I was in pain and would always do his famous head-butt when he was attempting to not only get some pettings but also to let me know he could feel what I was feeling. And soon enough, that interchange of energy was mutual.

Later that same year, Lukas and Obi make the 2,000-plus miles trip from Chicago to Phoenix when I decided to relocate and get a fresh start. Immediately they loved their new environment as now they could lay outside in the warm sun any time of year. And that quickly became Obi all-time favorite spot. You never know you have a cat . . . | Rainbow Bridge | Pet grief ...

In Jan of this year, my husband and I were blessed to discover that were are expecting. We couldn’t be more excited and since finding out I always made a point to talk to my cats and let them know there would soon be a new addition to our small family. Lukas didn’t seem to care much, but Obi would sit there and listen to me intently talk about my son’s anticipated arrival later this year in September. 

Unfortunately in all the excitement and joy of planning for Aleric to join us in the world, Obi had somewhere along the way caught a pretty bad respiratory infection and while there were no immediate symptoms, he started to slowly lose weight and the luster in his normally shiny silver coat. He was still eating and drinking as well as snuggling like normal, but I could just feel something going on with him. A few weeks ago I noticed him sleep and taking really hard breaths. My vet said to keep an eye on him but as long as he’s eating and drinking that it should pass.

But it didn’t pass and on the 18th he began to hide in various areas of the house and was just not himself. I heard that cats will often do that when they know they’re going to pass over the rainbow bridge, so I called the vet immediately. We ended up taking him to an Emergency Vet and to our dismay and utter shock, they told us there was nothing they could do and that the humane thing would be to put him down.

The thought of my little friend struggling for breath broke my heart into a million piece and I knew it was the right thing to do…I had to let him go. As I write this with tears in my eyes and memories in my heart, I am still plagued with the regret I wish I could’ve done more, or seen how bad it was earlier on. Thinking that there must be something I could’ve done to save him.

The look in his gentle eyes as he passed on is something I will never forget. As I told my lil friend how much I loved him and thanked him for choosing me as his human, he looked at me in a way that has forever touched my soul and my heart. I could literally feel him saying thank you and that he loved me too.

I know it takes a certain audience to really understand the kind of effect losing a pet can have on a person, but especially since being pregnant, I realize that Obi WAS my kid. And the more I think about it, my pain is not only valid but reminds me of the fact that animals can often touch us in ways that not even another person can.

And as he left his physical body, Obi gave me a gift I will forever cherish, a sense of gratitude and a vital reminder that all we ever have is this moment and to never, ever waste even one on things that bring you down. His gentle soul will always be a part of me and I somehow even feel more confident as a soon-to-mother.

Obi was truly an angel in my life and I can only hope that everyone in the world gets to feel as loved as I did while being his human. The joy he brought to my heart is something that can never be replaced. So let this be a celebration of life when the rest of the world seems hellbent on destruction. I honor Obi for the teacher he was and for reminding me of the student I will always be – one who knows that there is never an end to our learning and growing.

To all of those out there who may be in mourning over a family member, friend, or in my case a beloved pet, I just want you to know to never stop loving as much as you can in this life…because all this ends. And there is nothing perhaps more painful than love unexpressed.


In remembrance of my dear friend, Obi: 8-28-11 to 6-18-20


tamaraTamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

Guide To Boxer Dog Temperament and Personality

Are you looking for a canine household companion? Well, Boxer dogs are believed to be one of the most loyal and caring creatures that make perfect family members. Both adults and children are enchanted with their vigorousness, affection, and protectiveness. Their aggressive appearance aids their role of family guard dogs, always ready to protect their owners from danger.

Anyhow, these canines can be rather demanding pets, requiring round-the-clock attention on the part of their owners. Their temperament and habits can be overwhelming to people who are too busy to spare enough time for the new furry family member.

Prior to adopting a Boxer, make sure you get familiar with its personality traits, temperament, diet, and training requirements.

The following guide can help you learn more about these amazing creatures.


Boxers leave an impression of being hostile creatures due to the menacing appearance, which contradicts their loving personality. Anyhow, these canines are known to be one of the most affectionate and loyal companions once you gain their trust. Owing to their protective nature, they’re considered to be one of the best family guard dogs. Click here for some helpful tips on gaining a dog’s trust.

Nevertheless, adopting a Boxer means having your hands full most of the time, as these canines require constant companionship. You aren’t supposed to leave them alone for hours, as their behavior will gradually change for the worse. Therefore, Boxers make good companions to people with flexible work schedules, not to the ones being stuck at work most of the day.

Moreover, Boxers are known to be vigorous and frisky creatures, thus being the ideal family pets. Children are fond of their energetic and playful nature, which makes them feel safe in their presence. Additionally, unlike other breeds, these canines are incredibly adaptive to changes. They won’t become anxious when moving house or introducing a new member to the family.

Despite the numerous positive personality traits, Boxers can be rather stubborn if not being trained. Training is essential for establishing yourself as a household leader. Otherwise, your canine companion will consider itself in charge of the house, completely ignoring your presence and commands. Therefore, you are advised to commence training from a young age, since older dogs are more challenging to train.


When it comes to temperament, Boxer dogs display different behavior, which is determined by a variety of factors. Male and female canines develop dissimilar characteristics regarding playfulness and sociability. The former tend to be friendlier and more vigorous, while the latter are more reserved and protective. The following link, https://petcbdcommunity.com/boxer-health-problems/, includes useful information about the characteristics and personality of Boxer dogs.

Furthermore, physical activity is one of the main factors that have a huge impact on their temperament. These canines require a daily dose of exercise in order to release their excessive energy. You’re supposed to take your companion for a run or a walk every single day, without exceptions. Anyhow, the best solution would be having a yard where it can play around all day.

Another factor that affects the temperament of this breed is socialization, which is crucial for its friendliness towards guests and strangers. In order for your companion to feel unthreatened in everyday situations, you’re expected to work on its sociability. It’s paramount to introduce it to different people, take it to unfamiliar places, and expose it to all kinds of situations out of its comfort zone.

Training is also crucial in shaping the personality of Boxer dogs, which is known to be rather demanding. Most owners experience difficulties in trying to tame these canines due to their leadership attitude. You need to earn a Boxer’s respect in order for it to listen to your commands. Make sure you use positive reinforcement during the training, as these dogs detest being scolded.

In addition, nutrition plays a major role in the behavior of Boxer dogs as well. Apart from getting its daily dose of exercise, your companion is supposed to be fed with healthy food that lacks preservatives. Bear in mind that food quality affects both its behavior and health.

Nevertheless, canine owners are not always in control of their pets’ temperament, regardless of the effort and patience they’ve invested in the training process. Some dogs have a genetic predisposition to aggression, which cannot be eliminated.

Therefore, prior to adopting a Boxer, make sure you meet one of its parents, as it’s the only way to get a hint of its future temperament. Purchase the dog from a reliable breeder who has taken proper care of its health and diet.

Wrap up

Adopting a Boxer is a huge step to take, considering their demanding personality.

Anyhow, its loving nature and strong loyalty are rarely found in other pets.

You won’t regret adopting one!