RFK Jr.: The DNC’s Plan To Destroy Democracy Must Be Stopped; Protect YOUR Vote by Signing This Petition Before Sept 14

In this incredibly important, 4-minute video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticizes the Democratic Party elites for undermining the democratic process. He highlights the DNC’s plans to punish states where President Biden lost in 2020, which he believes could disenfranchise millions of voters. RFK Jr. expresses concerns over the DNC’s secretive strategies that could overshadow the popular vote. Reflecting on America’s democratic history, he urges citizens to sign this “Demand a Fair Vote” petition before the DNC’s pivotal vote on September 14th:



In a real democracy, every citizen has the same prized possession: their vote. That vote gives you a say in whether you can earn a good living, whether your kids have access to decent schools, whether they’ll be sent to war, and whether they’ll get health care. When democracy crumbles, citizens become more like serfs. They labor under laws that are made by oligarchs and elites. They work two jobs for barely livable pay. They get taxed to fund Wall Street, wars, and bank bailouts. Your vote is your power, and right now the Democratic Party elites are trying to take it away from you.

At the order of President Biden, the DNC is punishing states where President Biden lost in 2020. He came in fourth, for example, in Iowa and finished last in New Hampshire. So, the DNC is trying to move those states out of their historic first slots and start instead with South Carolina, where President Biden finally won his first victory. What are you going to do about RFK Jr?

“I’m very, very proud of the president, and we’re going to get it done for him and Kamala Harris in this primary and again in the general election.” ~ DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison

Those changes violate state laws, so the legislatures can’t comply with the plan. But do you know who the real losers are? You are. You’re going to lose your right to vote in a free and fair election.

Based upon the DNC’s plan, if you live in the state of New Hampshire or Iowa, your vote just won’t count. And Georgia too, by the way. In that state, they want to kick anyone off the ballot if they campaign in New Hampshire. These crooked measures will disenfranchise millions of citizens. These people will be robbed of their votes just because the elites say so.

And it’s not only voters in a handful of states that the DNC is trying to silence; it’s every voter in every state. So how do they plan to do that?

Well, there’s another rule that the committee is drafting behind closed doors, and it’s similar to a trick that they used to kick Bernie Sanders out in 2016. They’re flooding the convention with party operatives with opaque names like PLEOs and automatic delegates whose job is to drown out the popular vote. Once the PLEOs and automatic delegates arrive at the Chicago convention next summer, the vote tallies all change, and the People’s Choice can be overturned in an instant. I could win two-thirds of the popular vote and still be denied the nomination.

That’s not democracy. That’s theater.

When I was growing up, this country was the democratic light of the world. We were the exemplar. We were the template for all the other nations on Earth. This is what democracy looked like. We did it better than anybody. Based on our example, dozens upon dozens of new democracies took root in every corner of the Earth. But when we deny citizens their right to vote, and when we rig the process in favor of insiders, then the flames of democracy flicker, and someday soon, it will go out.

The good news is that these rules don’t take effect until the DNC votes on them on September 14th. So let’s use our power while we still have it. It’s time to demand a fair primary process where every vote counts equally, and the candidate who gets the most votes wins the nomination. That’s the democracy we learned about at school. That’s the democracy that people around the world yearn for. That’s the democracy that we now have to fight to protect. Whomever you plan to vote for next year, now is the time to tell the DNC that you want democracy back in the Democratic Party. Add your name to the “Demand a Fair Vote” petition below:


Please use your voice while you still can.

I’m Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and I appreciate your help.

Democrats Attempt to CENSOR RFK Jr in House Hearing on CENSORSHIP

Source: Kim Iversen

The key idea of the video by Kim Iversen is that Democrats demanded censorship of RFK Jr at a House hearing on censorship (see HERE), highlighting the issue of government censorship and the importance of the First Amendment for respectful debate and democracy. However, RFK Jr was allowed to deliver his eloquent opening statement, which is shown in its entirety near the beginning of this video, in which he called for comity, respect,  kindness, compassion, and empathy when debating policy.

Editor note: Why do you think the Democrats want to censor RFK Jr? Could it be that he has stated that he would stop US involvement in foreign wars (negatively impacting the profits of the Military Industrial Complex), plus he will crack down on the corruption in the pharmaceutical industrial complex (which will impact their bottom line as well). These are the two biggest contributors (lobbyists) who line the pockets of congressional members with cash in order to promote their products and safeguard their profits.


Kim Iversen:
Today, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was invited by Republicans to testify about censorship to the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which is the same subcommittee that Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellenberger testified in front of. And it went about as you would expect. Democrats showcased just how pro-censorship they’ve become. Now, we’re going to play some of the clips for you so that you can see for yourself – starting off with RFK Jr’s opening statement.

But, literally, before he even began speaking, they tried to censor him. Democrats noticed that RFK Jr. was slated to give a 10-minute opening statement when most are only given five minutes, and they immediately objected to it. They said they didn’t want him talking for that long. Watch this:

Stacey Plaskett (Ranking Member for Dems):

“Excuse me, point of order. I know that witnesses usually have five minutes. I see 10 minutes on the board. Is it going to be 10 minutes?”

Jim Jordan (Republican Chairman):

“We’ll give him five minutes, but we’re pretty lax with this.”

Stacey Plaskett:

“We are? I’ve seen you gavel down on quite a number of witnesses.”

Jim Jordan:

“I’ve given senators and former Democrat members of Congress and all kinds…”

Stacey Plaskett:
“He’s neither, he’s neither.”

“Jim Jordan:
“I’m just saying in past history.”

Stacey Plaskett:
“OK. OK. Watch the time for all the witnesses.”

Jim Jordan:
“And if you want to cut him off and censor him some more, you’re welcome to do it.”

Stacey Plaskett:
“Oh, that’s not my job! That’s your job! Why don’t you threaten a witness so that they can not want to be a witness?”

Jim Jordan:
“Mr. Kennedy is recognized for his opening statement. We’ll give him five minutes more or less and then we’ll move to the next one. Mr. Kennedy, go right ahead.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr):

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman…”

Stacey Plaskett Interrupts RFK Jr: 

“Mr. Chairman, maybe we could put five minutes on the clock. Not ten.”

Kim Iversen:
“I mean, honestly, they just did not want him to speak. So, they tried to censor him. Other people who were invited to this session included three invited by Republicans and one invited by Democrats.

“The other two invitees, besides RFK Jr., were Emma Joe Morris and John Sauer. Emma Joe Morris is a journalist who now works for Breitbart, but she was one of the main reporters covering the Hunter Biden laptop story for the New York Post that was heavily censored as we saw.

“Also, John Sauer is a Special Assistant Attorney General at the Louisiana Justice Department. He’s involved in the Missouri vs. Biden lawsuit, which is making its way through the courts right now. It’s heading to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, where judges have ruled that the government did, in fact, infringe on the First Amendment rights of Americans by censoring them through social media.

“So, those are the other two who are testifying alongside Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is there to testify to the fact that he has been censored while campaigning for president.

“The Democrat, who is all the way over there – she’s wearing the gray suit on the screen and turquoise top, is Maya Wiley. She is the President and Chief Executive of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. She at one point worked for the ACLU, but she is the pro-censorship person, basically, that Democrats have called her in – claiming that we need to censor people because they say dangerous things which lead to dangerous outcomes. So, censor, censor, censor.

“So, we’re going to play RFK Jr’s entire opening statement. I was hesitant to do this because it is 10 minutes long. Even though they tried to limit him to five minutes, saying, “Put five minutes on the clock, five minutes, five minutes,” he went for 10 minutes anyway. Luckily, no one interrupted him, but it is a very good and powerful 10 minutes.

So, we’re just going to play the whole thing. The whole thing is really riveting, so we’re going to go ahead and watch now.”

[00:03:35] RFK Jr’s Opening statement

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I want to start… I want to put aside my written statement for a moment and address one of the points that was brought up. I think it’s an important point by the ranking member: that this body ought to be concerning itself with issues that impact directly impact the American people: the rising price of groceries, 76% over the past two years for basic foodstuff, the war in Ukraine, inflation issues, the border issues, many, many other issues that concern us all as a nation.

We can’t do that without the First Amendment, without debate. When I gave my speech, my announcement speech in Boston two months ago, YouTube — I talked about all those issues. I focused on groceries. I focused on the fact that working-class people can no longer afford to live in this country. I talked about inflation, all the issues that deeply concern you, and that you’ve devoted your career to alleviating those issues.

Five minutes into my speech, when I was talking about Paul Revere, YouTube de-platformed me. I didn’t talk about vaccines in that speech. I didn’t talk about anything that was a forbidden subject. I was just talking about my campaign and the conversation we ought to be having with each other as Americans, but I was shut down.

That is why the First Amendment is important. Debate, congenial, respectful debate is the fertilizer, it’s the water, it’s the sunlight for our democracy. We need to be talking to each other.

Now, this is a letter that many of you signed, many of my fellow Democrats. I’ve spent my life in this party. I’ve devoted my life to the values of this party. 102 people signed this. This itself is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address. This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing. The charges in this, and by the way, censorship is antithetical to our party.

It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman. Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to. It is the basis for democracy. It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government. We need to be able to talk.

And the First Amendment was not written for easy speech. It was written for the speech that nobody likes you for. And, I was censored, not just by the Democratic Administration, I was censored by the Trump Administration. I was the first person censored, as the chairman pointed out, by the Biden Administration two days after he came into office.

And, by the way, they had to invent a new term called ‘mal-information’ to censor people like me. There was no misinformation on my Instagram account; everything I put on that account was cited in sourced; peer-reviewed publications or government databases. Nobody has ever pointed to a single piece of misinformation that I published.

I was removed for something they called ‘malformation.’ Malinformation is information that is true but inconvenient to the government, that they don’t want people to hear. And that’s antithetical to the values of our country.

After I announced my presidency, it became more difficult for people to censor me outright. So now I’m subject to this new form of censorship, which is called targeted propaganda, where people apply pejoratives like anti-vax. I’ve never been anti-vaccine, but everybody in this room probably believes that I have been because that’s the prevailing narrative.

Anti-Semitism, racism – these are the most appalling, disgusting pejoratives, and they’re applied to me to silence me because people don’t want me to have that conversation about the war, about groceries, about inflation, about the war on the middle class in this country – that we need to be having.

And, by the way, I want to say this while I’m on the record and under oath:

In my entire life, I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or anti-Semitic. I have spent my life, my professional career, fighting for Israel, for the protection of Israel. I have a better record on Israel than anybody in this chamber today. I’m the only person who has publicly objected to the two billion dollar payout that the Biden administration is now making to Iran, which is a genocidal program. I’m the only one who objected to that. I fought more ferociously for Israel than anybody.

I am being censored here through this target, through smears, through misinterpretations of what I’ve said, through lies, through association, which is a tactic that we all thought we had discredited and dispensed with after the Army-McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. But those same weapons are now being deployed against me to silence me. I know many of the people who wrote this letter. I don’t believe there’s a single person who signed this letter who believes I’m anti-Semitic. I do not believe that. There is no evidence of that.

I want to say something that I think is more important, and it goes directly to what you talked about ranking member, which is the need to address the toxic polarization that is destroying our country today. How do we deal with that? This kind of division is more dangerous for our country than at any time since the American Civil War. How do we deal with that? Every Democrat on this committee believes that we need to end this polarization.

Do you think you can do that by censoring people? I’m telling you, you cannot. That only aggravates and amplifies the problem. We need to start being kind to each other. We need to start being respectful to each other. We need to restore the comity to this chamber and to the rest of America, but it has to start here.

My Uncle Edward Kennedy has more legislation with his name on it than any senator in United States history. Why is that? Because he was able to reach across the aisle because he didn’t deal in insults, because he didn’t try to censor people. He brought home people who were antithetical to what he believed in. He came home almost every weekend with people like Orrin Hatch, to our house at the compound in Hyannis Port. At that time, Orrin Hatch to me was like Darth Vader because I was an environmentalist. And, I was saying, ‘Why is Teddy bringing this guy home?’ But he was effective because he understood that comity and respect and kindness and compassion and empathy for other people is the only way to restore function in this chamber.

But, more importantly, today we need to give an example in the leadership of our country, of being respectful to each other.

If you think I said something that was anti-semitic, then let’s talk about the details. I’m telling you that all of the things that I am being accused of right now by you and in this letter are distortions, they’re misrepresentations. I didn’t say those things. There are fragments that I said. But, I denounce anybody who uses the words that I have said to imply something that is negative about people who are Jewish. I never said those things.

I want to also point out, also, that the Chairman pointed to Dennis Kucinich, who is right behind me. There is no two people in the country who feel more differently about American politics than these two people. And yet they were friends. Dennis attended his children’s basketball games, attended his daughter’s wedding.

This is how we need to start treating each other in this country. We have to stop trying to destroy each other, to marginalize, to vilify, to gaslight each other. We have to find that place inside ourselves of light, of empathy, of compassion. And, above all, we need to elevate the Constitution of the United States, which was written for hard times. And, that has to be the premiere compass for all of our activities.

Thank you very much.

[00:13:32] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=812

Kim Iversen:

So that was a great opening statement. He was given that ten minutes, even though they tried to put the timer on him. And, of course, right after… so they tried to censor him before he gave his speech, and then they of course, they continued to try to censor him. Here is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. She is claiming that he is going to make defamatory and degrading comments, and so she wanted to move to an executive session, which is more private. And, then Massie moves to ignore her. He moves to ignore her idea to move to a more private, executive session. He wants to continue the hearing, which is called tabling, so watch this.

[00:14:08] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=848

Debbie Wasserman Schultz:

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I’d like to raise a point of order. Point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2, which Mr. Kennedy is in violation of. I move that we move into an executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments, as recently as last week.

Rule 11, Clause 2, says: ‘Whenever it is asserted by a member of the committee that the evidence or testimony at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person, or it is asserted by a witness that the evidence or testimony that the witness would give a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate the witness…’ and it goes on.

Mr. Kennedy, among many other things, has said: ‘I know a lot now about bioweapons. We’ve put out hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes. The Chinese have done the same thing. In fact, COVID-19, there is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately. The races that are most immune to COVID-19

Chairman Jordan:
Is the lady making a motion or a speech?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
I’ve made a motion to move into executive session because of Mr. Kennedy’s testimony.

Thomas Massie:
Mr. Chairman, I move to table motions.

Chairman Jordan:
Gentleman from Kentucky has moved to table.

Kim Iversen:
OK, so you have to watch the vote for yourself. They go back and forth about this executive session and tabling, so we’re going to skip ahead to the actual vote.

And so, the ‘yeses’ want to continue the hearing. This is their voting on Massie’s motion; he wants to table her motion. She wants to move to an executive, private session.

Thomas Massie requests to table that.

So, they now have to vote on whether or not they’re going to continue this session or move to an executive, into an executive hearing. So, the ‘yeses’ are for continuing, and the ‘no’s’, which are a bunch of Democrats, are for censoring RFK Jr. and moving to a more private hearing. Watch this:


[Roll call ends with 10 eyes to 8 no’s]

[17:38] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1058

Chairman Jordan:

The motion to table is agreed to. We will now move to our second witness.

[17:44] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1064

Kim Iversen:

OK, so again, the rule that they’re citing, that all those Democrats who said that they wanted to move to an executive session, the rule that they’re citing is that they believe that RFK Jr is going to make defamatory, derogatory, and degrading statements. So, they’re saying he’s going to say hate speech, and that is against the rules, and so we want to move to this executive private session.

Now, I wanna play this clip to you. They’re, they, they do move on with this hearing, and Stacy Plaskett, now if you remember her, she is the representative from the US Virgin Islands. She’s the one who sent Matt Taibbi a letter basically saying that you have perjured yourself and you could potentially serve time in jail for perjury.

And she was very much one of the, her and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, were very much attacking Matt Taibbi and and Michael Shellenberger (for their reporting on the Twitter files). So much more of the same here. Obviously, what they’re here to talk about is completely lost on her. You know, there you have RFK junior saying, ‘we’ve got to get back to you know a better place in politics. We have to hear each other out. Censoring is not helping us. It’s depolarizing the country. This is just not a good thing.’ And that is obviously, the entire idea, is completely lost on her. This is a little snippet of what she had to say:

[00:19:02] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1142

Stacy Plaskett

But more importantly, again, I go back to just the fact that we are creating a platform for these, for this kind of discussion. Not about the censorship, not about free speech, but the content of some of that speech that we are amplifying in this room.

Kim Iversen

‘I can’t believe we’re platform forming these people and amplifying this speech,’ so she’s saying what we need to censor, we should be censoring. She also later went on to say, by the way, that she’s appalled that her Republican colleagues intentionally chose to elevate this rhetoric, to give these harmful, dangerous views a platform in the halls of the United States Congress.

She said, ‘There’s no doubt as to why they’re making the choice. It’s not to guard free speech or to ensure equality for all. All of this is to show us by their conduct over and over again that any attack on Joe Biden to get Donald Trump back in the White House is what they need to do.’ That was what she was claiming here.

Now, I hate to subject you to this, but I have to. I am so sorry. I have to subject you to this, but this is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz attacking RFK junior and basically misrepresenting his comments that he had made that really made a lot of headlines, claiming that he was saying that COVID was bioengineered to help Jews and Chinese and go after whites and Africans. And, and I’m sorry, I have to subject you to this. Watch this, I’m sorry:

[20:31] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1231

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

[She repeatedly attacks RFK Jr without giving him a chance to respond. It’s truly despicable behavior.}

[24:06] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1446

Kim Iversen:

OK, I’m sorry I had to subject you to that. She is just cringe. Oh man, oh man, oh… I don’t know how these meetings don’t just break out into all out brawls. It feels like they should. She obviously mischaracterized everything that she, that he said. And the last thing that she was going over was when he spoke at the anti-mandate rally in Washington DC, he mentioned that Anne Frank could at least hide and that people that were hiding from mandates, it wasn’t as easy to hide because of basically digital Big Brother is what he was talking about. He’s talking about the digital era and the spying and the cameras and the checks and, you know, the digital vaccine IDs that you would have to have. All of those things. So, obviously very much mischaracterizing it.

But here’s Thomas Massie to the rescue. He shows up, you know he’s the scientist that went to MIT, and he introduces the studies that RFK Jr referenced and he introduces these into congressional record. Watch this.



Thomas Massie

‘I ask unanimous consent to introduce into the record to study that Mister Kennedy just referenced: “New Insights into Genetic Susceptibility of COVID-19.” The main body said that they investigated genetic susceptibility to COVID-19 by examining DNA polymorphism in ACE2 and TMPRSS2, those are receptors for COVID, in 81,000 human genomes, And they found unique genetic susceptibility across different populations. I have another document that I would like to ask unanimous consent with objection to submit and this is from the FDA. “FDA review of efficacy and safety Pfizer by antech COVID-19 vaccine.” This is dated December 10th, 2020 and it shows that the Pfizer trial and the USDA broke down the effectiveness of the vaccine into seven different racial categories because this was also a concern of theirs and it would frankly be delinquent not to study the effects across different racial categories,

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:

But, Mr. Kennedy said it was bioengineered to target on Caucasians and spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people. That is different…


Kim Iversen:

It seems like there should be able to be maybe a lawsuit there, like a slander lawsuit, for RFK Jr against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz because she’s not quoting him. She is summarizing with her own spin as to what he said. It’d be one thing if she quoted him directly but she’s instead spinning it making claims and, you know, that he actually did not make.

There was a lot of other testimony like I said. There were two other witnesses, the woman that reported on Hunter Biden’s laptop for the New York Post and also one of the attorneys in the Missouri vs. Biden free speech, the social media censorship case. But in the interest of time, we just don’t have time to play those clips. But they did a really great job as well testifying.

I do want to play for you, however, a couple of clips from Wiley. She is the one who is the one that Democrats brought in. Maya Wiley, she’s a civil rights attorney, and here is a civil rights attorney essentially arguing on behalf of Democrats that censorship is something that should happen for the protection of people. And this is always the excuse they use as we must censor because if we don’t censor then we’re going to be infringing on the rights of others because others are going to be harmed or others are going to feel bad or they’re going to be targeted and that infringes on their rights and so therefore we need to protect those rights by taking rights away from other people. And that’s essentially the argument that Democrats make by and large.

But here’s the clip of Representative Stewart asking her if she agrees with whether or not, whether or not she thinks the government should be in charge of this. So watch this clip.

[27:59] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1679

Mr Stewart:

Do you agree the government shouldn’t be responsible for restricting views that the American people are exposed to? We agree on that, right? You wouldn’t answer it at first but it’s clear that you do agree with that.

Ms Wiley:

That’s a different question.

Mr Stewart:

OK, so to my question, do you agree with that or not?

Ms Wiley:

I agree that the government should not violate our constitution.

Mr Stewart:

Do you agree with my question?

Ms Wiley:

Your question is…

Mr Stewart:

This is so simple.

Ms Wiley:

It is not so simple.

Mr Stewart:

So I’m gonna ask you one time and it is so simple, a 7th grader could understand this question. Should the government be responsible for the views and the facts that the American people are exposed to?

Ms Wiley:

The problem I have is that I don’t know any facts in which the government…

Mr Stewart:

You’re unable to answer question which for me is fairly shocking as an American citizen.

Kim Iversen:

Really shocking. It’s shocking that we have now devolved into a society where people believe that it’s for the greater good to censor. That is antithetical to the United States Constitution, to what we stand for. When governments get involved and start censoring because they believe it’s for the best interest of the people, that is what so many dictators around the world do. That’s why they do it. They do it because they think, ‘Well, this is for your own good. I must, it’s for your own good.’ And it is so dangerous. That is not the country that we want to be living in.

And here’s Jim Jordan making that point about the good old days. Remember the good old days of the ACLU? Watch this.

[29:34] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1774

Jim Jordan:

Ms Wiley you were a lawyer for the ACLU?

Ms Wiley:

I was.

Jim Jordan:

Mr. Kennedy, I remember when the ACLU defended the First Amendment. They were the champions of the First Amendment. Do you remember that? Do you remember that ACLU?


I remember when the ACLU represented Nazis who they who they were appalled by.

Jim Jordan:

Appalled, disgusted by and yet they would defend the crazy things they said right? That that’s how much the First Amendment meant to them, right?



[30:00] https://youtu.be/qIX4Ozs8R8A?t=1800

Kim Iversen:

Exactly. I remember those good old days as well. I remember being a young elementary school student in the state of Idaho, where there was literally a neo-Nazi camp and a bunch of neo-Nazis in the state, and everybody was very much against them. They wanted to have a parade, and they were allowed to have the parade. No one went to the parade that they were allowed to have.

I remember asking this question of my father, of my teachers: ‘Why are we allowing this?’ You know, all of us young kids sitting there appalled that Nazis would be allowed to march in a parade in our streets. And they said to us, ‘Because of the First Amendment, they’re allowed. They have their free speech rights. We might not like it. We don’t have to go to their parade, but they’re allowed to do it because of the First Amendment.’

And we, little children, not understanding, very much like Maya Wiley, clearly not understanding, reverting into our little like lizard brain emotions and saying, ‘You know what, we shouldn’t allow this. You know, as children, where are we? We shouldn’t allow this. This is wrong. This is terrible. This is bad.’

And the adults who had better insight than we did as children, the adults who understood the importance of free speech, said, ‘We know, kids. We know that this is appalling. We know it’s abhorrent. We know that we don’t agree with this, but we must allow it because you don’t want the government stepping in and silencing you, thinking that, because they determine from their morals that you’re wrong, because one day it’s going to be you. If it’s them today, it’ll be you tomorrow, and you don’t want it to be you tomorrow.’

And the great state of Idaho protected the free speech of those neo-Nazis. I know a lot of people want to look at Idaho as a red state, ‘Oh, well they supported it.’ No, we did not. Nobody in the state of Idaho supported that. But they were allowed because Idahoans supported free speech.

And it’s appalling that these days, and I get it, I get the emotions. I get you. You feel like, ‘I’m doing this for the greater good. We have to protect. But we must. It’s going to hurt people’s feelings, or what have other people agree, and they join in.’

And you know, those parades did not swell. Those parades did not get larger. People did not join in on those neo-Nazis. In fact, they went away. We allowed them to march the streets, and ultimately, everybody ignored them, and they went away.

You cannot be afraid of bad ideas, thinking that your fellow Americans are going to be sucked into those ideas. You have to have faith that you’ve given them a good education, that you’ve taught people, and that people can make up their own minds. You have to believe that your fellow Americans are not idiots. I mean, but you know, a lot of people, they don’t believe that. They believe that their fellow Americans are idiots. They believe that they must tell them what to do, otherwise, they’re going to make bad decisions.

And that is, unfortunately, where we’re at with so many in the government right now, and so many of our leaders. I mean, to hear our leaders defending censorship, that is something that little children are supposed to be doing because they’re emotional and they can’t understand it, not our congressional leaders. But this is where we’re at today, and it is very dangerous.

We are on a dangerous path right now with censoring ideas, good and bad. None of them should be censored, no matter how much we want to. So, good for Robert F. Kennedy Junior for saying his peace, for Jim Jordan and for Republicans for inviting him and others to talk about the censorship that is going on in our government and in our society.

And we’ll hope that something comes of this. Not sure what can come from it, but awareness, awareness and people rallying behind the fact that they do not want censorship in our society. I think it’s ultimately a good thing.

Echoes of JFK: RFK Jr’s “Peace & Diplomacy Speech” – A Contemporary Blueprint for World Peace

Source: Team Kennedy

Drawing inspiration from his uncle’s (JFK’s) landmark 1963 address at American University, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivers a speech of monumental significance. RFK  Jr. talks passionately about how the US must prioritize peace and diplomacy in order to heal the country and establish “not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women — not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

Watch JFK’s absolutely brilliant peace speech:

If you truly want peace in the world, then please share these videos.

NOTE 1: RFK Jr.’s speech begins at 11:30 into the video.

NOTE 2: You can read the transcript and listen to JFK’s 1963 speech HERE.

NOTE 3: Be sure to watch more great videos by Team Kennedy HERE.

The Democratic Party Is Trying to Silence RFK Jr’s Rising Popularity | Kim Iversen

Kim Iversen talks with Tony Lyons about how RFK Jr’s rising popularity and anti-corruption stance are being silenced by the Democratic Party. Dems fear RFK Jr.’s potential as a corruption fighter and prefer Biden who they believe will continue to implement their corrupt policies.

  • 00:00 🚫 Democrats are attempting to silence the rising favorability of RFK Jr, fearing his potential as a corruption fighter and preferring Biden who they believe will follow their corrupt policies.
    • RFK Jr’s rising favorability in the polls is causing fear among Democrats who are attempting to silence him, despite his potential as a corruption fighter.
    • The Democratic party is shunning RFK Jr. and holding on to Biden because they believe Biden will follow their corrupt policies and do as they tell him, rather than truly running for president.
    • Democrats are pushing back against supporting RFK Jr because they fear his honesty and his ability to fight against corruption, so they are trying to keep him out of sight to prevent people from voting for him.
  • 03:19 🚫 RFK Jr. believes mainstream media is censoring him, while the Democratic party ignores him and tries to hand the nomination to Biden, but he continues to engage with the public and believes alternative media is crucial for winning the election.
    • RFK Jr. believes that the mainstream media is censoring him and that alternative media, such as podcasts and radio shows, will be crucial in winning the upcoming election.
    • Bobby is the only candidate actively engaging with the public, conducting interviews at the border and discovering that people from all over the world are crossing, while the Democratic party is trying to ignore him and hand the nomination to Biden.
  • 05:31 📺 RFK Jr’s rising favorability and alignment with Trump’s views have led to questions about why he is running as a Democrat, with the speaker suggesting that he could appeal to both parties as a third-party candidate due to flaws in the current two-party system and the Democratic party’s shift towards war and censorship, emphasizing that RFK Jr. is not an anti-vaxxer but an anti-corruption advocate who questions the safety and testing of vaccines, sharing similarities with Donald Trump in his fight against corruption.
    • RFK Jr’s criticism of the Biden Administration’s border policies and his alignment with Trump’s views resonate more with people on the right, leading to questions about why he is running as a Democrat.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for a third-party candidate to appeal to both Democrats and Republicans, highlighting the flaws in the current two-party system and suggesting that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could run as a Democrat despite not fitting into the traditional Democratic box due to the party’s shift towards war and censorship.
    • RFK Jr. is not an anti-vaxxer but rather an anti-corruption advocate who wants to question the safety and testing of vaccines, and he shares similarities with Donald Trump in his fight against corruption.
  • 08:42 📺 RFK Jr. has been a long-time fighter against corruption, advocating for capitalism of the middle class, but his support for Israel and hesitation regarding Palestinians has caused controversy among left-leaning individuals.
    • RFK Jr. has been fighting corruption for 50 years, bringing lawsuits against corrupt officials and corporations, and he is pro-capitalist, advocating for the capitalism of the middle class, not the corrupt corporations working closely with the government.
    • RFK Jr’s support for Israel and his hesitation regarding the Palestinians has caused controversy among left-leaning individuals who believe that Israel has too much influence on American politics.
  • 11:00 📺 The speaker discusses the importance of recognizing Israel as a partner in the Middle East while also holding them accountable for human rights abuses, emphasizing the need for all countries, including the United States, to strive for the highest standards of human rights.
  • 12:38 🔇 RFK Jr’s rising favorability is being silenced by the Democratic Party after his controversial comment on vaccine mandates was taken out of context, potentially influenced by pro-Israel super PACs, leading to his wife publicly condemning his remarks.
    • RFK Jr’s rising favorability is being silenced by the Democratic Party due to backlash he received for a comment he made on the anti.
    • RFK Jr’s recent controversial statement about vaccine mandates was taken out of context by the media, potentially due to political pressure from pro-Israel super PACs, leading to his wife publicly condemning his comments.
  • 15:01 🚩 RFK Jr’s rising favorability and willingness to challenge powerful groups is inspiring demands for debates and real democracy, as he is seen as a non-corrupt president who can solve issues and is not influenced by big corporations or a corrupt government.
    • Powerful groups in the government, media, and corporations are afraid of Robert F Kennedy Jr and are trying to find any reason to silence him, but he is willing to listen to different voices and change his mind.
    • RFK Jr is a non-corrupt president who is not influenced by super Pacs, big pharmaceutical companies, big oil companies, big media, or a corrupt government, and he may have the ability to solve the issues in the Middle East.
    • Bobby Kennedy’s rising favorability and willingness to discuss any subject without being controlled by powerful groups is leading the American people to demand debates and real democracy, rejecting the idea of a president who doesn’t feel the need to justify their decisions.
  • 18:26 🗳️ The Democratic party should stop pretending to be democratic and admit that they don’t hold fair elections or primaries.


MUST SEE: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: Running on Truth | Episode 1 | “The Experiment”

Source: Team Kennedy

Faced with a wall of censorship and propaganda, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has developed an unusual campaign strategy—telling Americans the truth. In Episode 1 of this series about his presidential campaign, Mr. Kennedy describes how God, nature, and his family’s legacy have inspired him to run for the highest office.

In this powerful and poignant speech (transcript below), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shares his vision for America. He is committed to truth and transparency, and ending government lies and the corrupt merger of state and corporate power. Drawing from his father’s teachings, Kennedy Jr. vows to serve “Kennedy people” – the underserved, the overlooked, and the voiceless in society, and to help all the homeless, Republicans and Democrats and Independents, who are Americans first. With a call to protect creation and a deep sense of the divine, he presents his presidential campaign as a crusade for truth and unity, promising to take back the country for the American people.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK, Jr.): We’re going to do a mass experiment, a new kind of mass experiment: what happens when you tell people the truth and see what happens? My job is to tell people the truth and if Americans have an appetite for that, then I will be president.

Dr. Christiane Northrup: This is a time to bring America back together. We have been torn apart and if anyone can bring it back together, it’s the Kennedys.

Dr. Robert Malone: I hope that what he can do is to break through by just being himself; being his honest self – very selfless, very focused on doing the right thing and hopefully, people will be able to see that. But, we are absolutely up against a major, major media wall.

RFK, Jr.: The reason people were having fights with their family is because the families were being lied to about information. And some family members believed the lies, and some did not. And that caused polarization, and it amplified the vitriol. It poisons all of society when the government is lying and when the media is lying to you: when the trusted source of information can no longer be trusted.

Dr. Pierre Kory: You know, it’s really hard to tell how many people are awake and have, you know, how much this is exposed to the average American because we’re living in a sea of propaganda and censorship.

Dr. Christiane Northrup: What’s happened here today is that you have lifelong Republicans, lifelong Independents, lifelong Democrats. It’s time that we ended the schism. The people standing here today do not identify with any political party. We identify with unity, with health, with freedom – because that’s what’s important about today.

Cheryl Hines: My husband, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is going to come out and make a very important announcement. Are you ready for this?

Dennis Kucinich: The next president of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.!

RFK, Jr.:
My mission over the next 18 months of this campaign and throughout my presidency, will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening now… [Applause] a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country – to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs, to strip-mine our assets, to hollow out the middle class, and keep us in a constant state of war.

These lockdowns were a war on the poor, and they were a war on American children. There’s been a systematic attack on our middle class, and the coup de grâce was the lockdown. The lockdown was the biggest shift in wealth in human history. I don’t want, you know, the Democratic party to be the party of fear, pharma, war, and censorship.

55 years ago last month, I sat as a 14-year-old boy, behind my father as he announced his campaign for the presidency of the United States. And my father, at that time, was in many ways in the same position that I’m in today. He was running against a president of his own party. He was running against a war. He was running at a time of unprecedented polarization in our country, and he had no chance of winning.

My father, when he declared, had not a single molecule in him that he believed that he could win the Democratic nomination. And, the day he died, he won the California primary, the most urban state in this country, and the same day, the South Dakota primary, the most rural. He had succeeded in uniting America.

I was with my dad when he died in Los Angeles, and we brought him back to New York. Then we brought him from Penn Station in New York to Union Station in Washington, DC. Normally, that’s a two-and-a-half-hour train ride, but it took us seven and a half hours because there were two million people on the tracks. That, I will never forget, as a 14-year-old boy, what saw from the windows of the train that day. All of the urban train stations in Trenton, Newark, Philadelphia, and Baltimore were crowded with black and white men singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

God talks to human beings. There are many factors: through each other, through organized religion, through the great books of those religions, through wise people, through art, and music, and literature, and poetry. But nowhere with such detail and grace and color and joy as through creation. When we destroy a species, when we destroy a special place, we’re diminishing our capacity to sense the divine, understand who God is, and what our own potential is as human beings. We deserve a president in this country who cares about these things and who talks about these things to the American people.

My father, when he came back one time from the Delta, he said (we were all at the dinner table when he came in) and he said, ‘I was in a tar paper shack today. It was smaller than this dining room, and there were two families living there. The children get one meal a day. And when you get older, I want you to help those people.’

When we would go into Southeast Washington or Appalachia, he would say to us, ‘These are your people. These are Kennedy people.’

He said, ‘Other people, the big shots, the corporations, the millionaires, don’t need the Kennedys. They have lobbyists, they have PR firms, they have lawyers.’ And he said, ‘These are your people, and these are the people you need to spend your life helping.’

And when I’m president, I’m going to be president for those people. We’re going to take back this country. You give me a piece of ground and a sword, and I am going to take back this country with your help – to help all the homeless, Republicans and Democrats and Independents, who are Americans first.

Thank you all very much.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Running For President in 2024!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for president in 2024 as a Democrat, according to a statement of candidacy filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, April 5. Kennedy Jr. has a distinguished career as an environmental lawyer and has long been involved in public service and activism. He is a passionate advocate for children’s health and is the chair of the nonprofit group Children’s Health Defense. He has been a very vocal critic of the COVID-19 vaccines, the pharmaceutical industry, Anthony Fauci, and the lockdowns.

He is the son of the late Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated on his own campaign trail, and the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, who was also assassinated in a sophisticated plot with multiple gunmen. Kennedy Jr. believes that there is no doubt that the CIA killed both his father and his uncle.

Kennedy’s candidacy for the presidency represents an exciting opportunity for the Democratic Party. His background and experience make him a strong candidate, and his commitment to public service and activism are sure to resonate with voters.

As the primary race heats up, his candidacy is sure to add energy and excitement to the race and could lead to meaningful discussions about the direction of the country and the role of government in promoting the public good.

The U.S. desperately needs a president with Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge, integrity, history of public service, and a burning desire to create a better world for our children and future generations.

Watch This Incredibly Important Speech: Tulsi Gabbard Testifies on the Weaponization of Federal Government

Source: Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard delivers a brilliant speech regarding the Weaponization of the Federal Government during a House Subcommittee meeting.

Joe Biden to Americans Who Believe Vaccine Mandates Encroach on Their Freedom: “What’s the big deal?”

“Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test. Well, guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else. What about that?” Biden then added, “What’s the big deal?”

During a press conference, WHIOTV 7 reporter John Bedell ask President Joe Biden about his mandates being overturned by the courts: “Your vaccine mandates have suffered some setbacks in court recently. Federal judges have halted three of those COVID vaccine mandates. Are you going to back down or are you going to continue to fight those in court?”

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem,” Biden responded.

[CLN EDITOR NOTE: Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s the people who ARE vaccinated who are creating the variants and spreading the disease, resulting in excess deaths. Not only that, they work only for a few months, which is why boosters are needed. See HERE and HERE and HERE.]

IN FACT: The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming “Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated”

Biden further proclaimed “Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test. Well, guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else. What about that?” Biden then added, “What’s the big deal?”


They Are About To FORCE Vaccinate People! – It’s Happening! | World Alternative Media

Source: World Alternative Media

Josh Sigurdson reports (see all of the news links below under RESOURCES) that we are going into full-fledged global tyranny. Austria, Germany, and other countries are now calling for mandatory vaccinations.

As previously reported, Italy has been threatening to do door-to-door jabs and mandate that every person MUST get the jab.

In addition, massive fines are being given to the unvaxxed in Italy, Australia, Greece, and other countries.

Meanwhile, men, women, and children including countless athletes are dropping dead from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and strange neurological disorders following the jab. And yet the mandates continue.

This is evil and we must stand up now.


On The Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down The Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters

(Note: Ursula Van Der Leyen, who is  President of the European Commission, does not specifically say anything about the Nuremberg Code. What she does say is that it is “understandable and appropriate” for EU countries to discuss mandatory COVID vaccinations because of the new Omicron variant.” Have a look at the above article and you’ll see a very chummy photo of Ursula with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla that was taken last month.)

Italy Restricts Public Life For Unvaxxed with New Covid “Super Green Pass”

Greece plans to impose monthly fines of $113 for people over 60 who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine

Massachusetts Hospital Fires 200 Employees For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests after Taking COVID Vaccine This Year – Many Died

Pfizer Vax Docs Reveal 1,223 Deaths and 42,086 Adverse Reactions/ Vaccine Injuries in its First 90 Days!

7-Year-Old Child Suffers Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage One Week After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Shot (VIDEO)

 “We Right NOW Are On the Precipice of the Mass Murder of 5-to-11-Year-Olds in This Country” ~ Dr. David Martin

Source: XANDREWX on BitChute (click HERE to watch in full screen)

Watch Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. David Martin explain why we must focus our efforts to stop the mass murder of young children via vaccination. The transcript is below, and below that is Dr. Martin’s entire, MUST SEE, speech at the Red Pill Expo.

Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc, who co-authored “A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U’S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products” With Dr. Peter McCullough in 2021. It was accepted for publication in Current Problems in Cardiology, but the preprint was abruptly removed without explanation. Dr. Rose told Ivory the journal finally responded, saying essentially that they removed the paper “because they could.”


Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph.D., MSc, BSc: What we found it was me and Dr. McCullough Peter McCullough, co-authors on this paper. The most prevalent finding was that 19 times above background rate myocarditis was seen in children, aged 12 to 15. And this is striking. I mean, if it was five times, it would still be crazy. But 19 times is that’s not something you can ignore. And the CDC and the FDA didn’t, but they underwrote it. They didn’t take it seriously enough and they’re still kind of brushing it aside as a non-issue…
Ivory Hecker: You’re saying there’s a bigger chance of getting myocarditis from the shot than from COVID?
Dr. Jessica RoseAbsolutely. And way more so if you are male and if you’re young.
Dr. David Martin, Ph.D.We right now are on the precipice of the mass murder of 5-11-year-olds in this country. And we’re pretending that that’s as important or less important as whether we have, you know, critical race theory in schools or whether we have something else. Ladies and gentlemen, let me just pause for a moment. CHILDREN ARE BEING MURDERED! And we’re pretending like it’s one of the issues.
I’m sorry, but for me, that’s not one of the issues. Right now, the emergency use authorization and illegality of the criminal conspiracy that gave rise to that emergency use authorization is THE issue! And if we aren’t focused on THE issue, we are going to watch young men and women who never get to live to see adulthood in our name because we were so damn concerned about the topic that was interesting to us.
I’m going to put my life energy where it belongs. I am going to put my life energy on a single focus, which is until we hold the criminal conspirators accountable and until we end the emergency use authorization, we’re not done. And there is no other topic, right now, there is no other topic that I’m concerning myself with, save the preservation of the next generation from a mass-murdering genocidal, psychopathic, group of criminals who have decided that they can look on a five-year-old with contempt. And it’s high time we start actually calling out what it is. This is a genocidal initiative and that is exactly what’s being done. And it’s been I’m done by a criminal conspiracy and we must address that issue.

Dr. David Martin FULL Speech at the Red Pill Expo (click HERE to watch in full screen)

Here are “The Names of the People Killing Humanity” compiled by Dr David Martin (it’s ONLY a list until he provides the evidence):

1.  Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001), Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management LLP
2.  Andre Hoffmann, Vice- Chairman, Roche
3.  Angel Gurria, QECD
4.  Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
5.  Christine Lagarde,  President European Central Bank
6.  Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime minister of Canada
7.  David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
8.  Dustin Moskovitz, Open Philanthropy
9.  Fabiola  Gianotti, Director-General, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
10.  Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
11.  H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Office of H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah
12.  Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
13.  Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Sberbank
14.  Jim Hagemann Snabe,Chairman Siemens
15.  Julie Sweet , Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
16.  Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
17.  Kristalina Georgeva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
18.  L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19.  Larry Page, Google
20.  Laurence D Fink, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
21.  Luis Alberto Moreno, Member of the Board of Trustees World Economic Forum
22.  Marc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
23.  Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations
24.  Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestle
25.  Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
26.  Mukesh D Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries
27.  Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company
28.  Patrice Motsepe, Founder and Executive Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals
29.  Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda
30.  Peter Brabeck-Latmathe, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum
31.  Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
32.  Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund
33.  Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore
34.  Thomas Buberi, Chief Executive Officer, AXA
35.  Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
36.  Zhu Min, Chairman, National Institute of Financial Research

“Politics is a Total Sham”: Aaron Rodgers Destroys Both Parties, Champions Bodily Autonomy, Becomes Un-Cancelable

By Matt Agorist 

“People are constantly trying to use you to help them create the particular illusions by which they live. This is particularly true of the collective illusions which sometimes are accepted as ideologies. You must renounce and sacrifice the approval that is only a bribe enlisting your support of a collective illusion… You must be willing, if necessary, to become a disturbing and therefore an undesired person, one who is not wanted because he upsets the general dream.” ~-Thomas Merton

Currently, Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers is lighting up the media airwaves, triggering supporters of vaccine mandates and receiving a slew of backlash. For his personal medical decisions, the establishment media has taken to digitally tarring and feathering him, up to and including, lying about what he’s said in order to discredit him. The hate, vitriol, and slander are flying at him, yet Rodgers has harmed no one.

This is the gamut of scorn that all people in Rodgers’ shoes must go through in today’s society when they challenge the status quo. It has many names but ‘cancel culture’ sums it up well. It is a form of weaponized ostracism and most who go through it don’t survive.

Recently, however, some folks have reached un-cancelable status. Joe Rogan, Dave Chappelle, and now Aaron Rodgers have reached points in their careers where no one can pull their strings and, therefore, the calls from the cancel cult fall on deaf ears.

Canceling or censoring someone’s peaceful views is not done for the betterment of society. It is done because it challenges the collective view of the established norm. The collective hates to have its views challenged because it forces them to defend often illogical, unreasonable, and even completely false ideologies.

Rodgers choosing to abstain from getting the covid vaccination — although a personal and private choice that is no one’s business but his own — was seen as a challenge to the collective and, therefore, an information war was waged against him. But thanks to his un-cancelable status, Rodgers is weathering the storm just fine.

In an interview on Friday with Pat McAfee, Rodgers got to tell his side of the story and he held no punches. Out of the gate, Rodgers acknowledged that he was in the “crosshairs” of the cancel culture over his personal medical choices and he immediately pointed out their lies.

I realize I’m in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now. So before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I think I’d like to set the record straight on so many of the blatant lies that are out there about myself right now. And I appreciate the opportunity to tell my side of the story on here. First of all, I didn’t lie in the initial press conference. During that time, it was a very clear witch hunt that was going on across the league, where everybody in the media was so concerned about who was vaccinated and who wasn’t and what that meant and who was being selfish and who would talk about it and what it meant if they said it’s a personal decision, they shouldn’t have to disclose their own medical information and whatnot.

The media claimed that because Rodgers said he was “immunized” that he lied about his vaccination status. But this is simply not true. Again, Rodgers’ vaccination status is no one’s business but he did not lie when saying he was immunized.

I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body, not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something. Health is not a one size fits all for everybody.

Rodgers explained that he has an allergy to two of the currently available mRNA vaccines which left him with only the option of the Johnson & Johnson shot. But after seeing all the adverse events reported in the media about J&J’s jab, Rodgers made the wise personal decision to avoid it. This decision was easy considering the fact that it wasn’t available because it had been temporarily pulled from use at the time players were getting vaccinated.

No deaths or anything, but just some really difficult times and physical abnormalities around the J&J shot. And then in mid-April, the J&J shot got pulled for clotting issues, if you remember that. So the J&J shot was not even an option at that point.

Having no other options at the time, Rodgers explained the steps he took to “immunize” himself.

So then my options became, “Okay, what can I do to protect myself and my teammates if there’s not one of the big three options for me in my own body?” And so I looked into and talked, again, to a lot of medical individuals and professionals and found that there was an immunization protocol that I could go to, to best protect myself and my teammates. And it was a long term protocol that involved multiple months. I’m very proud of the research that went into that and the individuals that I met with and we felt like it was what was best for me.

Whatever Rodgers’ protocol was seemed to be extremely effective as he looked completely healthy during the interview — and he currently has COVID-19.

Rodgers went on to explain how natural immunity is not even part of the conversation in regard to mandates, which is devoid of all “science.” Ignoring someone’s natural immunity they have acquired through the previous infection — which is far more effective than a vaccine — and forcing them to get the shot or lose their job, is the antithesis of following the science.

What’s more, as Rodgers pointed out, the establishment continues to focus solely on the vaccine while ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who died from the virus had multiple comorbidities.

At this point in the interview, Rodgers dropped a hard pill to swallow.

“How about we teach people how to be healthy? Until that is the conversation,” Rodgers said, “The non-vaxxed right is gonna champion me and the left is gonna cancel me. And the whole time, I don’t give a sh*t about either of them … Politics is a total sham. I’m not gonna go on FOX News just like I wouldn’t go on CNN. I have no desire to do that. The only desire I have is for people to take autonomy over their body in all forms and facets.

You have a right to make a decision about your body. That should be an unalienable right for all people to make an educated decision based on what they think is best for them.”

Mic drop. But it didn’t stop there. Rodgers went on to call out the billions in our tax dollars that are flowing into the bank accounts of Big Pharma before ending on an incredibly open-minded note.

“I hope we can take a step back and quit lying, quit with the witch hunt and the canceling and realize this is a conversation to be had not a controversy. Let’s move this forward with some love and connection, that’s what we need in this world. Let’s communicate instead of canceling someone or silencing someone. That gets us nowhere.”

Indeed Aaron Rodgers, indeed.

Source: The Free Thought Project

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

“What, SERIOUSLY?” Biden’s HILARIOUS Excuse For JFK File Delay!

Source: Russell Brand

“My father’s initial belief was that the CIA had killed his brother. I always believed that, and I think you’d have to be an idiot not to.” ~ Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (whose father, Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1968, and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1963 – BOTH BY THE CIA)

President Joe Biden has further postponed the release of secret government files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Russell Brand gives us the hilarious reason why another delay – nearly 58 years after JFK’s death.

Read more about it here:

Release of JFK Records Delayed Again, with Biden Citing Covid-19 and National Security

Let us not forget that then-president Donald Trump also delayed the release – again citing national security:

Bowing to CIA Secrecy on JFK Assassination, Trump Blocks Release of the ‘Good Stuff’

Don’t Forget Trump’s Deal with the CIA on the JFK Records

So, are they trying to hide? Let’s start with the fact that the CIA killed JFK. This is WELL KNOWN. Watch JFK’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr as he provides a very brief history of the CIA and why they killed his uncle.

Dr. Ron Paul Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Who Admits the CIA Killed his Father and Uncle

See also:

The “Secret Society” Speech That Got JFK Killed

JFK’s Assassination Isn’t a Conspiracy Theory, It Was a Sophisticated Plot

Insider Reveals CIA Killed JFK in Near-Deathbed Confession

Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination

Documents Show JFK Was Murdered Days After Demanding Answers About UFOs From The CIA

New Evidence of Zapruder Film Alteration and Government Cover Up of JFK Assassination

Dire Warnings From Past U.S. Presidents and Other High-Profile Leaders About an “Invisible Government” That Runs the U.S. With “No Allegiance To the People”

Florida Fines Key County $3.5 Million For Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: “No one should lose their jobs because of COVID shots.”

“No one should lose their jobs because of COVID shots.” ~ Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Source: HuffPost

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida has issued its first fine to a county it says violated a new state law banning coronavirus vaccine mandates and for firing 14 workers who failed to get the shots.

The Florida Department of Health on Tuesday issued the $3.5 million fine for Leon County, home to the state capital, saying the municipality violated Florida’s “vaccine passport” law, which prohibits businesses and governments from requiring people to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

“These are people that, presumably, have been serving throughout this whole time and now all of a sudden they’re basically getting kicked to the curb,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a news conference in St. Pete Beach.

Later, the governor tweeted, “No one should lose their jobs because of COVID shots.”

The law took effect last month and can result in a $5,000 fine per violation. It is being challenged in court and conflicts with a Biden administration order that companies with more than 100 employees require their workers to be vaccinated or face weekly testing.

In a statement, Leon County Administrator Vincent Long said the county believes its vaccination requirement is legally justifiable and necessary to keep people safe.


Texas Gov Bans ALL Vaccine Mandates – Including for Private Employers

Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order banning vaccine mandates.

Rebekah Allen, Texas Tribune
October 11, 2021

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order cracking down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates — this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring vaccinations for employees or customers.

Abbott also called on the Legislature to pass a law with the same effect, promising to rescind the executive order once that happenedThe Legislature is in this year’s third special legislative session, which ends Oct. 19.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, & our best defense against the virus, but should always remain voluntary & never forced,” he said in a tweet announcing his latest order.

The order marks a significant reversal after Abbott previously gave private businesses the choice to mandate vaccines for workers. An Abbott spokesperson said in late August that “private businesses don’t need government running their business.”

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COVID Concentration Camps in Australia

Source: The HighWire with Del Bigtree 

Australian localities are erecting ‘mandatory quarantine facilities’ for Covid positive travelers. The cost for this dystopian, compulsory, prison-style retreat? $2,500 for individuals and $5K for families out-of-pocket. No parole unless you can provide a negative #Covid19 test.