Three Southern California Cities Infested With Mosquitoes Carrying Heartworms

Source: istockphoto

Heartworm is a potentially fatal but curable disease that is caused by a parasite. The name of this parasite is Dirofilaria immitis. It is generally transmitted by Mosquitoes that carry the parasites’ larvae from the host animal to another.

This disease is quite prevalent in the Southern cities; however, according to a vector control agency warning, mosquitoes carrying dog heartworm were recently found in three Southern California cities. So, if you are a little surprised, worried, and want to know what this is and where it all started? You are not alone! We will share all the information through this article.

Heartworms can live in your dog for up to five years before they are found. Recently, the lab which tests mosquitoes, fleas, and other similar things countywide for West Nile virus and other transmissible diseases has lately added dog heartworm to their monitoring. Their study found mosquitoes carrying the potentially deadly parasite in at least three Orange County cities.

Three Southern California Cities That Are Suffering From Dog Heartworm

A recent survey found that the chances of dogs catching heartworm disease in Orange County have gone up because of the ‘Aedes aegypti’ variant of mosquitoes. This mosquito is generally called the “ankle biter.” Several mosquitoes of this species were recently found positive for dog heartworm in Fullerton, Seal Beach, and Huntington Beach.

However, steps were taken to eradicate them to the extent possible. As per recent research, after testing 260 samples, 4 of them were positive for dog heartworm. The above statement indicates that there are a few heartworm-positive dogs in the community, but it also tells us that it could be of low risk based on what we know from this data. There was not a single heartworm-free state across the US in 2019, as per the American Heartworm Society. However, things are under much control now.

Southern California has a significant pain point: the region has become home to ankle-biter mosquitoes that can spread heartworm to your dog with just one bite.

Dog Heartworm – Symptoms and Preventions

Many dogs don’t show any signs early on, but once these heartworms set up a camp in the host’s heart, lungs, and blood vessels then we can see certain symptoms in our dog.

These symptoms include exhaustion after exercise, mild cough, tiredness, weight loss, a swollen belly, and loss of appetite.

Baby heartworm larvae take some time to grow up, due to which dogs do not show symptoms quickly, but in the long run, the worms cause problems in the lungs and heart which can be very dangerous to our pet.

So, how can we prevent Aedes mosquitoes from growing?

Homeowners must keep standing water cleared away to limit the breeding sites of mosquitoes. Aedes is considered a “backyard breeder.” They can lay eggs in containers with only a little water. In such a scenario, prevention is the key solution.

Talk to your vet about heartworm preventatives for your pets, and get rid of still water to stop these mosquitoes from breeding. It’s the breeder’s responsibility to take an active role in checking for standing water. These mosquitoes typically come out in numbers starting in April, and the Aedes variant can be especially seen in October as well.

How Is Heartworm Disease Diagnosed?

In most scenarios, heartworm illness may be diagnosed with one or more simple blood tests. Further diagnostic tests are frequently necessary for heartworm-positive dogs to evaluate if the dog can safely undergo heartworm disease therapy. Before beginning treatment, the following diagnostic tests are recommended:

Serological Test: Antigens of adult heartworms are detected via a serological test. A blood sample is used for this test.

X-Rays: Before starting therapy, X-rays are done in dogs with heartworm disease to determine the amount of heart and lung damage.

Blood tests: Before starting treatment of heartworm illness, blood tests are recommended to determine the existence of heartworm-associated organ damage.

Prevention and Treatment

There are several chewable medicines available in the market that can help you prevent your dog from testing heartworm positive. Heartgard is a widely acclaimed heartworm preventive medicine.

If you are wondering where to buy Heartgard for dogs, they are readily available at pet stores or online pet care stores. These medicines kill the microfilariae, larvae, and some young heartworms. But they do not affect adult heartworms, which makes prevention all the more necessary.

There are two recognized treatment protocols or methods to treat adult heartworm infestation: a 2-dose protocol and a 3-dose protocol. In both circumstances, the drug is administered through injection deep into the muscles of the dog’s back. Around one-third of the dogs will have local discomfort, swelling, stiffness with movement, or, in rare cases, a sterile abscess at the injection sites. The 2-dose protocol consists of two doses separated by 24 hours.

The Science Behind CBD Products For Animals

Source: Pixabay

With new regulations and more research into its health benefits, the CBD market exploded in the last couple of years. Only in the US, the market grew over 700% in 2019 and experts predict it will reach around $23.7 billion by 2023.

This level of growth is mainly due to CBD’s versatility and widespread use. Cannabidiol is derived from the famous Cannabis plant, but unlike its cousin THC, it has no psychoactive effects on users. Its effect is mainly therapeutic as it helps people relax and release stress, which may also help with pain relief and other health conditions.

Nowadays, CBD can be found in a wide range of products from cosmetics to oils and beverages to dog treats. And this leads us to the topic of this article – CBD and its use on animals. We will discuss its effects and the science that says CBS products are safe for use on animals (according to specifications).

Treatment for Pain Management and Other Health Problems

According to scientists, CBD is a compound that resonates well with cannabinoid receptors in the human and animal systems. These receptors have a variety of functions in the body, but when things go wrong they can produce inflammation in the body and affect the digestive system.

As a result, a product like CBD oil for dogs with arthritis can indeed help your dog feel better as the CBD in the oil will reduce the pain, allowing your furry friend to move more freely. Of course, the oil is only for pain management and cannot cure de effects of arthritis, but it is a way to offer Pluto a better life.

Seizure Control

Pets who suffer from seizures seem to also react well to CBD treatments. According to a small study performed at the Colorado State University, CBD products can help reduce seizures, but there is a need for further observation.

Improved Quality of Life

Older pets or those who suffer from an inflammatory disease (like arthritis) may benefit from CBD treatments. According to owners who use these products, their pets seem to enjoy life more, which is incredibly good news.


Whether it’s separation anxiety or because of a trauma, the signs are quite clear. Your pet tends to be shy and shacky around new people, other pets, and even new toys. You may also notice they do their business in unusual places (on the carpet/floor, in your laundry, and so on).

As we already mentioned, CBD is a relaxant and can help reduce stress in humans and animals. Therefore, if the vet agrees, you may want to try a few products designed for relaxation purposes.

How to Choose the Right CBD Product

When it comes to animals, the CBD industry offers three options:

  • Oils or oil tinctures
  • Capsules
  • Treats

The oils are great when you need to measure the exact dosage (they tend to come with a dropper) and you can administer it directly in the pets’ mouth or by using an absorbing treat (like a muffin or a cracker). Capsules on the other hand may be more difficult to administer, but the advantage is the dose is already measured.

Lastly, treats may be the best option for a fussy pet as they are tasty and infused with the specified amount (on the package) of CBD. Still, treats are not an exact science, so you can’t measure the dose very accurately.

In summary, the few studies that have been done up until now show CBD products are beneficial for pets with various health problems. Still, just like us, each animal is different. So, it’s important to pay attention to their behavior and notice any changes before and after the treatment.

Here Are 3 Horse Health Issues You Need To Be Aware Of

Are you thinking about getting your first horse? Perhaps you have recently invested in one of these beautiful creatures. A horse can be a great companion and is a fantastic choice of animal for people of all ages. For instance, once you get your horse, you can get your child enrolled in horse-riding lessons. Or you can learn to ride yourself. However, you do need to be aware that owning a horse comes with a lot of responsibilities. In particular, you need to think about the health issues that your animal might develop. These are some of the common health issues that you might need to handle or treat.


Similar to humans, horses can develop arthritis. Research suggests that one insurance company might pay out close to one million each year due to this condition. While slowly developing the disease can have a tremendous impact on your horse. Some of the signs include lameness, stiffness and swelling.

There are numerous steps that you can take to prevent your horse developing issues like this. For instance, you might want to think about cooling them down after exercise while riding on a variety of different services is also recommended.

While there is no cure for this condition, there are treatment options. For instance, you might want to think about a joint supplement. These can be taken orally. Or, you could consider massage therapy. An equine massage gun can help your horse by ensuring that its joints are less stiff, reducing pain.


This is the name given when a horse experiences abdominal pain. It’s not always serious but it’s important to make sure that you are providing your horse with the relief it needs. There are various signs including seeing your horse scraping at the ground or feeling restless. A horse with colic may also have a high temperature and an increased pulse.

If you want to prevent this condition, then make sure that you are regularly taking care of your horses’ health and give them a routine that does not cause stress. If you already have noticed the signs, then it is important that you speak to a vet. You also need to give your horse breaks when they try to lie down or roll.

Gastric Ulcers

This is caused by an erosion of the lining in the stomach which can be painful for your horse. There are numerous sizes including changes to your horse’s temperament. You might find that they are more subdued than usual, and you could notice physical changes too. For instance, the horse’s coat could seem duller overall.

If your horse seems to be suffering, then it will be worth going to the vet. They will perform a gastro scope and offer medicine which can usually treat the problem in about four weeks.

We hope this helps you understand some of the health issues that your horse could develop, particularly as they age. Luckily, there are some great treatment options that could provide a great benefit for your animal and help ensure that they do have a great quality of life.

6 Things to Look Out for When Walking Your Dog

Walking is an essential part of any dog owner’s day-to-day routine, but your daily stroll could pose more of a risk to your dog than you realise. Unfortunately, you are likely to encounter a wide range of health risks when you’re out with your pooch, which can make you fear for their welfare. By educating yourself about the risks and learning how to mitigate them, however, you can enhance your dog’s safety. With this in mind, take a look at these six things to look out for when walking your dog:

1. Pesticides

Many lawns, fields and verges are treated with pesticides to help the grass grow and to rid the area of insects and fungus. For animals, however, these pesticides can present a serious health risk. They’re typically poisonous when ingested, so, if your dog eats grass that’s been freshly treated with pesticide or, worse still, gets into a container of chemical pesticide, it can make them very ill, very quickly.

If you think your dog has ingested any type of pesticide, it should be treated as an emergency, even if they aren’t displaying any symptoms. To prevent this from happening, keep your dog on a lead when out walking, prevent them from wandering on to unfamiliar land, and consider using a muzzle so that they can’t eat things when they’re out and about.

2. Rubbish

Unsurprisingly, the vast amount of litter that’s left lying around in public spaces can cause injury and illness to dogs. Sharp items, like aluminium cans or broken glass, can easily lead to cut paws or mouths, for example. In addition to this, some dogs will attempt to eat rubbish, which means they can ingest all sorts of materials, including plastic, wood or even metal. In many cases, this can result in surgery being required, as the material is unable to pass through their digestive system and could even tear vital organs.

If possible, try to avoid areas that you know are likely to contain a lot of litter. However, this can be hard to do as even grass verges contain a significant amount of rubbish. If your dog shows interest in the rubbish that’s on the ground, keep a close eye on them while you’re walking and muzzle them, if necessary. Teaching your dog the ‘leave it’ command, can also be an effective way to prevent them from ingesting anything that may be harmful to them.

3. Ticks

Ticks feast on the blood of mammals, which means they’ll ‘adhere’ to your dog’s skin and swell in size as they feed. Although ticks will eventually drop off, they can cause significant harm when they’re present because they’re capable of spreading bloodborne diseases from one animal to another.

If your dog is bitten by a tick, you can remove it yourself, but care should be taken to ensure the whole insect is removed. If you’re unsure how to do this, it’s best to visit a vet. However, removing the tick does not necessarily eliminate the problem. If your dog has been bitten, a disease could have been transferred to them already.

Although ticks are most commonly found in long grass and bushes, they can be present in a variety of environments. Due to this, it can be tricky to prevent ticks on dogs. However, Bella & Duke’s herbal spray on repellent is a natural way of reducing the risk. By slightly adjusting the scent of your dog, repellents can make them a less attractive host for ticks, which means that they’re less likely to target your pooch. To find out more about how to protect your pet, take a look at this guide for ticks on dogs and learn how to keep your pooch safe. You can also pick up raw dog food from Bella & Duke, delivered to your door.

4. Water

Many people are surprised to learn that water can be harmful to dogs. After all, they need water to survive, and many dogs can’t resist jumping into lakes, rivers, or puddles. However, the difference is that drinking water has been treated to ensure it’s safe. In contrast, fresh water, like that found in rivers and lakes, can contain a vast array of parasites, germs, and viruses. Due to this, dogs can become very unwell if they drink this type of water. Similarly, puddles can be contaminated by nearby pesticides, which means they aren’t safe for your dog to drink either.

In addition to this, hazards lurking beneath the water, like sharp stones or discarded rubbish, can also cause accidents and injuries, which makes the water a dangerous place for our canine companions.

If you’ve got a water-loving breed, it might be virtually impossible to stop them jumping into a lake or a (muddy) puddle when they see one. To keep them safe, however, you should ensure that they don’t drink the water. Furthermore, check your dog before you go out and make sure they don’t have any scratches or sores, as this could increase the likelihood of them contracting something.

5. Diseases

Sadly, dogs can also contract diseases when they’re out walking, so this is something you need to be vigilant about. Alabama rot disease is, perhaps, one of the best-known health risks that can arise from a daily walk. Although the disease is relatively rare in the UK, it is difficult to treat and can be fatal if it’s contracted. Fortunately, dog owners are a caring bunch and will often publicise cases widely, so that other owners can stay away from an area that’s known to have had a case of Alabama rot disease.

The condition is spread more easily in muddy conditions, which means it’s more likely to affect dogs in autumn and winter. Ideally, you should avoid excessively muddy areas but, if you do walk your dogs in woodland or forests, keep them close and wash the mud off them as soon as possible.

6. The Sun

It’s easy to forget that dogs feel the impact of the sun even more than humans do but they’re incapable of sweating via their skin, which makes it much harder for them to cool down. Instead, dogs pant in an attempt to regulate their body temperature. When it’s very hot, however, this isn’t effective enough to prevent overheating, which can lead to serious health implications.

Before you head out with your dog on a sunny day, feel the temperature of the pavement with your hand or the sole of your foot. If it’s too hot for you, then it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. Similarly, try to avoid taking your dog out in the middle of the day, as this is when the sun is at its hottest. Instead, opt for early morning strolls and evening walks. Also, check out www.dogfriendlyretreats.com.

Keeping Your Dog Safe When You’re Out and About

With so many hazards to beware of, walking your dog can be worrying. However, you shouldn’t let this prevent you from having fun with your pooch. Now that you know more about the hazards they’re likely to face, you can take preventative measures to help keep them safe. By doing so, you’ll have peace of mind while you’re walking, and your dog will be able to enjoy themselves as they explore new pastures.


Six Health Issues You Should Never Overlook in Your Dog

Source: Unsplash

Being a pet parent comes with a lot of responsibility. Many adopt a pet as a practice run for having a child, and they can certainly be hard work sometimes!

While that is the case, they bring so much joy and excitement to our lives and can cheer us up on our darkest of days.

The last thing that we want is for our beloved dog or cat to be experiencing any health issues. While for some conditions, they can be challenging to spot, there are other conditions and health issues that can be noticed and treated. However, as a pet parent, you will probably want to do everything in your power to ensure your pet’s health and safety and not to let things get to this challenging stage. For example, with joint issues you can find glucosamine for your dog to alleviate the suffering and as a preventative measure.

If you are about to adopt a dog, it is often recommended that you research the relevant information about the breed of dog you are getting, information about their recommended diets and required nutrients, and the health conditions that they could be prone to. That’s where we are here to help! Detailed below are a range of health issues that a dog might experience in its lifetime.

Ear Infections and Related Issues

Ear infections for both pup and human alike can be irritating and painful.

While most pet parents are very apt at getting their pets seen by a professional when experiencing ill-health, there are reports that the rate of attendance at follow-up appointments when treating things like ear infections are not that high.

When looking for symptoms of ear infections, you should be aware of any signs of discomfort[1]; dogs tend to scratch their ears and shake their heads in an attempt to relieve the symptoms themselves. Not to mention, any sign of discharge will require attention sooner rather than later.

Furthermore, ear infections are a health issue that should not be overlooked in dogs, whether they have long, floppy ears or short, pointy ones. Ear infections that are left and not treated can result in more severe health issues, like loss of hearing.

Weight Fluctuations and Excess Weight

Again, like humans, having excess weight or weight fluctuations is not a particularly good sign and could hint at other health issues.

Whether you notice your dog has become a little on the skinny side or is retaining more weight than usual, when these health issues are present, you should consider getting your beloved dog assessed by a professional. The question that a lot of pet parents might be asking themselves: how can you tell if you have an overweight dog?

You could do things at home to assess whether your pooch is experiencing any weight fluctuations and of which, could help in giving you a better idea of what is going on with your dog.

If it is discovered that your overweight dog is experiencing health issues due to its weight, then you should consider changing their diet. You could take your pet to the vet, to get a professional opinion.  You could also try to make small changes to their diet, such as reducing the number of treats you give them. If you decide on a more drastic change, then you should seek the advice of your vet.

Excessive Panting and Breathing

As most seasoned pet parents are aware, dogs pant at times when they are trying to cool themselves off, so naturally, they pant a lot more during periods of warmer weather and after a long run around.

While the panting is sometimes deemed ‘normal’ for dogs, you should be aware of signs of excessive panting and breathing as a devoted dog owner.

This type of symptom can hint at numerous health issues, which certainly should not be overlooked. The health issues in question can include heat stroke – mainly when in periods of warmer weather or when residing in warmer climates – chronic health conditions, and in worst-case scenarios, has experienced some sort of life-threatening trauma.

Each of these health issues should be addressed and are generally easy to notice in comparison to more internal health issues. That being said, as the person who loves them the most in the world, if anyone is going to notice that there is something wrong with your pet, it is you.

If you have the slightest gut feeling that there is something wrong, nothing is stopping you from contacting your registered veterinary surgery, just for some peace of mind.

Pressing or Resting Their Head on a Wall

This can sometimes be missed by even the most devoted pet parents, especially if you are away from your dog throughout the day with other responsibilities.

While it can often be missed, it is a sign that could be indicative of something more severe. When a dog is pressing or resting its head on a wall, it can hint at various health issues, each of them as severe as the next.

On one end of the spectrum, your dog could be doing so as a way of alleviating a headache. Other, more serious health issues that head pressing could be indicating can range from a range of neurological and nerve problems, including an infection of the nervous system or a tumour of some sort.

Either way, this is a particularly significant health issue, which should not be ignored; as a pet parent, you should contact your registered veterinarian as soon as possible.

Increased or Decreased Urination and Hydration Levels

Just like humans, your beloved pooch must have adequate access to a water source at all times. Trying to ensure that they are drinking enough water, and consuming the right food, is of utmost importance.

So, what happens if you are noticing that your dog is consuming less or more water than usual, or is urinating more or less? Both of these symptoms could indicate something more serious, and could require some treatment from a professional.

Increased water intake could range from fevers and infection to more severe health issues, like kidney or liver disease and cancer. By addressing these kinds of health issues, when you notice them, you are helping to ensure the continued health of your four-legged friend in the best way possible.

If There Are Bits Present in Their Vomit

This is most certainly, an issue that is easily noticed, and something that could indicate something is wrong with your dog’s digestive system.

Particularly if you have noticed that there are black bits within their vomit, which look like coffee granules, getting your dog seen by a professional could help to uncover the cause. A health issue like this could insinuate that your dog might have a stomach ulcer of some sort and has partially digested blood.

Contacting your veterinarian is of utmost importance, as they will be able to provide your pooch with the care they need during this delicate time.

Generally speaking, we are confident that as a pet parent, you will be responsible for ensuring your pooch’s health and will ensure that they can access the care that they need when posed with a health issue like this.

There is nothing wrong with addressing health issues big and small; if it is bothering you or your dog, get them seen. Vets are understanding, and will empathize with your situation and your emotions.

Benefits of Using the Right Abbotsford Vet Hospital and Veterinary Clinic

If you are a pet owner in a city like Abbortsford (or anywhere else for that matter), you will agree that seeing your furry friend sick, unhappy and struggling healthwise is cause for concern. The well-being of a pet is of utmost importance to the owner; hence they go all out to ensure that it stays strong, healthy, and happy always. Giving your furry friend the best medical care helps it stay healthy.

In most cases, people do not see the need to take their pets to a hospital except it falls sick or starts showing abnormal behaviours. However, it is necessary for pet parents to always visit a veterinarian for routine check-up. This will go a long to ensure that any abnormality is discovered and treated on time. If you are looking for a well-equipped vet hospital with the latest infrastructures, tools, instruments, and best veterinarians to give your pet that soothing relief and healthy life, you are certain to find a Veterinary clinic in Abbotsford that can meet these demands and more. They offer numerous services ranging from x-rays, animal dentistry, grooming, vaccinations, surgery, behaviour diagnosis, animal orthopedics, and general veterinary practice.

We have outlined some of the benefits of using vet hospitals and clinics in Abbotsford, please read on as we explain more on these benefits.

Top Benefits of Using Abbotsford Vet Hospital and Veterinary Clinic

The following are some of the benefits of using Abbotsford vet hospitals and veterinary clinics:

Proximity and Convenience

Using a vet center close to you makes it easier and faster for you to walk-in at any hour of the day. Despite your busy schedule, you can just drop by to seek advice or treat your animal in a jiffy. Also, they have active websites to make it easier for you to contact them from the comfort of your bed, office, or work.

Easy Access to Well-Experienced Experts and Professionals

Veterinarians with the expertise, skills, and knowledge of animals near your locality save you the stress of having to travel long distances to seek medical help for your furry friend. Therefore, you have direct access to experts with little or no effort. Nothing is more gratifying than having the best hands attend to your pet. Consequently, you can keep your mind at rest and watch your pet rejuvenated within a short time.

Improved Facilities

With the advancement of technology, animal clinics and hospitals in your vicinity are well-equipped with modern facilities that aid the quick diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of your darling animal. So, you are sure to get the best services with the use of these modern types of equipment.

Extensive Research Centers

Abbotsford vet hospitals and veterinary clinics continually engage in research to discover more ways to treat animals and also increase their productivity. These researches have led to tremendous changes and improvements in the animal care sector. As a result, there are a lot of amazing discoveries and alternatives available at your beck and call. A notable example is the introduction of IVF to encourage the growth of new species and crossbreeding.

So, you are on a safer side when you use clinics that are knowledgeable about all that concerns your pet. You can also make personal efforts to care for your furry friend.  If you want to find out more information about how to care for your pet, you can check out this video.

Education and Incentives

Most times local animal clinics hold free seminars to enable pet parents know and understand its behaviour and conduct. Also, you can get free consultation sessions, awareness programs and campaigns that can educate you more on how to maintain a strong and healthy animal.

On the other hand, when it comes to incentives, you are sure to always get one from local Abbotsford vet clinic. Notwithstanding the season or time of the year, they offer as much as a 5% discount on some of their services. They also have other helpful routine health plans and insurance covers that can guarantee safeguarding the health of other members of your family at any point in time. Indeed, this gives you fewer worries about your furry friend.

Quality Services

More than just an animal clinic, providing quality services is a watchword for this local veterinary in Abbotsford. Ensuring that you get the best value is their topmost priority. So, you do not have to worry about substandard materials or tools, you are in safe hands. No matter how complicated the condition of your pet is, there will always be a way out.

Effective Management

You might wonder what your connection with the management could be. However, if the hospital is not managed properly it would be difficult to have your needs met. Abbotsford vet clinic is effectively and efficiently managed with the right staff and enhancement of doctor-pet patient relationships. This ensures that the health of your animal is adequately catered for without any loopholes.

Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right Abbotsford Vet Hospital and Veterinary Clinic

Here are some helpful tips on how to choose the right vet clinic for your pet:

  1. Search the Internet for available ones around your location.
  2. Read reviews about them from previous customers.
  3. Check out their services and if they have an area of specialization.
  4. Ask friends or other pet parents around you for suggestions.
  5. Consider the cost and quality of the services they offer.

These are helpful tips you should take into consideration before choosing a hospital for your pet. You can check the internet for more tips. Additionally, if you need ways to naturally take care of your pet, you can check here: https://www.wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-Your-Pet.


There are numerous benefits of using the right Abbotsford vet hospital and veterinary clinic and we have outlined them in this article. These animal clinics provide unique and top-notch services from which you are sure to always get the best. So, whether your animal is a cow, sheep, goat, cat, or dog, there is a provision for its health care. Therefore ensure that you give your animal the best medical care that it deserves.

5 Convincing Reasons to Give Your Dog CBD.

Image source: LolaHemp

By Jessica Smith

For many years, dogs have become a favorite companion for humans. It is almost impossible to walk into any home and fail to find a pet. However, this comes at an expense, especially when you need to take good care of their health, including finding a professional vet and identifying the right medication to give them for particular ailments. For this reason, there is a growing trend in pet health and wellness year in, year out, and it turns out that CBD for dogs is gaining popularity for a good reason.

The thought that CBD helps dogs alleviate pain, inflammation, and treat several ailments is mindblowing in itself. But how does CBD interact with a dog’s health system? Scientists and veterinarians know that CBD affects the endocannabinoid receptors in the nervous system, maintaining a balanced and normal health state. 

What are the reasons to give your dog CBD?

Even though there is no conclusive evidence suggesting how CBD helps treat ailments in dogs, it has been used for its cardiac benefits, anti-inflammatory properties, appetite stimulation, and anti-anxiety benefits, anti-cancer benefits, and others. Most importantly, CBD for dogs has been used to control seizures and relieve pain.

Here are five convincing reasons to give your dog CBD. 

1. CBD can alleviate pain in dogs.

There are several painkillers to give your dog when they are in pain. However, some of these treatment options cause liver damage and have adverse side effects. On the contrary, CBD is a more natural pain reliever for ailments caused by inflammation. Its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties make it a perfect remedy for arthritis and joint pains. 

Like humans, dogs rely on their Endocannabinoid system (ECS) to restore and regulate their immune response. However, due to certain reasons, dogs might get deficient in Cannabinoids and thus require CBD oils to supplement, modulate pain and restore balance in the ECS. For these abilities, CBD is a perfect treatment alternative for dogs with hip dysplasia, arthritis, and joint pain. 

2. CBD for pet skin care.

Taking care of your pet includes grooming them and taking care of their skin. However, depending on your dog’s coat and skin, it is crucial to identify the right conditioners and shampoos. CBD skincare products are soothing and can offer relief to itchy skin. These products contain antioxidant properties making them perfect for pet skincare. 

If you are looking for natural remedies to your dog’s itchy and dry skin, look for Lazarus Naturals pet care products. Most pet products have a unique blend of CBD and natural extracts such as aloe vera and oatmeal.

3. CBD can reduce epileptic seizures.

According to research on dogs and epilepsy, about 5 percent of dogs experience epileptic seizures. CBD can be a perfect treatment alternative for the management and control of epilepsy. CBD oils interact with the CB1 receptors, primarily in the nervous system and the brain, to control seizures and calm overactive neurons. These receptors play a more significant impact in the treatment of seizures and epilepsy.  

If your dog suffers from spasms, tremors, and convulsions, the right CBD oils may be a viable treatment alternative to treat and reduce the seizures’ frequency. 

4. CBD can help with anxiety and stress management.

There are several reasons why your dog could experience stress or anxiety. Even if they are living in a happy household, they might be susceptible to anxiety and stress. However, like humans, treatment for anxiety remains almost the same. Here is a rundown of signs to look out for when your dog suffers from anxiety and stress; 

  • Excessive urination.
  • Aggression and excessive barking.
  • Drooling and yawning.
  • Changes in body posture.
  • Excessive panting, and so much more. 

When you notice your dog is stressed and anxious, CBD might offer an effective solution. It helps with regulating serotonin levels, which equally influences emotional response. CBD in the correct dosage can curb anxiety and lower stress levels. 

5. CBD might help promote homeostasis.

CBD promotes the interaction of Endocannabidiol receptors in the Endocannabinoid system. This equally supports your dog’s biological activity. Even more, it can activate CB1 and CB2 receptors, which actively reduce inflammation, promote cell function, and relieve stress. To keep your dog’s ECS functioning at its optimum, CBD can supplement its reserves for Endocannabinoids.

Widespread concern for many pet owners is their pet’s appetite. When your dog stops eating, CBD might help revive their appetite, boost immunity, and prolong life. 

While these are some of the best reasons to give your dog CBD, does it have any side effects or risks? Well, no scientific research or evidence lists the potential side effects of CBD for dogs. Some common side effects are dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, and drowsiness. Even though these are mild side effects, it is vital to consult with your vet before administering CBD to your dog or any other pets.

How to Treat Your Dog and Make Them Happy: 7 Helpful Tips

From the moment we first lay eyes on our precious pooches, all we want is to ensure their safety at any given time. Those big puppy dog eyes and floppy ears just do something to your heart; you want to protect them as much as you can! Approximately 77% of dog owners have spent more time with their dog due to lockdown this year, and there is no doubt you feel closer than ever with your dog. If you are looking for a way to shower your favorite companion with some love, you are in the right place! We have detailed a list of gift choices for you to peruse when wanting to find the absolute best present for your dog. Furthermore, we have also included an extensive list of ways to keep your dog safe, happy, and away from harm all year round. Read on for more!

Keep Small Items Out of Harm’s Way

The last thing you want at any given point is to be opening a present with several small parts, one of which gets consumed by your dog! Ensuring that anything like this is opened away from your dog will ensure no risk of them gobbling up any stray pieces. While you must keep dogs away from anything that might put them at harm, you will undoubtedly want to make sure to remember to pick them up a present too! After the year that we have experienced, we think that they are also deserving of a gift, even just to thank them for their continued companionship and for providing comfort throughout the testing times. Keep reading for our top present suggestions when wanting to treat your cherished family member!

Dog Treats

The ultimate present for any dog out there, dog treats are a favored gift for dogs big and small and can be used in a variety of different situations, from an after-dinner snack to telling them ‘well done.’ However, most pet owners are conscious about what the treats are made of and how they will affect their dog. If you are searching for goodies that will look after your dog’s inside just as much as the outside, we have just the suggestion.

Rather than purchasing the standard dog treats available in most supermarkets, consider checking out the selections of natural dog treats that are on offer. Not only are they delicious but they are full of all the vitamins and minerals that dogs require to lead a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. Bella and Duke provide this range of natural dog treats, with something suitable for teething puppies through to our aging seniors. If you are interested in finding out more about the variety of natural dog treats available and how they will benefit your adored companion, head to their website!

Dog Cleansers and Shampoo

While there are many cosmetic products out there for pampering your dog, you must make sure that the ingredients within said products are safe for use on your dog. Certain products are developed for different breeds of dogs and consider the length of their hair. As a pet parent, it can be said that you are more than willing to pay what it takes to ensure the safety of your dog, and the same can be said when purchasing shampoo and cleaning products. Making sure to do your research and not buy the first thing you come across will ensure that the ingredients are not potentially harmful to your devoted companion while leaving their coat shiny and smooth!

Dog Clothing

Not something that a lot of people think of when wanting to treat their pets, but something that can be both a worthwhile investment and have some comedic relief as well. Many businesses sell dog coats, which are perfect for the cold and wet winter months that we face presently, while others sell more dress-up items, great for those wanting to give their pup a makeover! Whatever you are looking for, you will need to ensure that you are purchasing the right size and fit for your dog; any ill-fitting clothing can rub and cause hair loss and blisters, not what you want for your dog in the slightest!

Dog Toys

The main event for any dog, there are so many different toys out there to choose from. From tug-of-war style toys through to treat dispensers, you and your dog are spoilt for choice. Similarly, to that of dog clothes, there are several toys out there that are designed for different sized dogs, as well as age-specific toys. When perusing the selection of available dog toys, you want to inspect them in detail before giving them to your dog, to ensure that there are no small parts that could be swallowed or anything sharp that could cause harm to them. While most toys out there have already been inspected for these kinds of things, nothing is stopping you from checking, just to be 100 percent sure.

Dog Beds

This can be a bit of a hit-or-miss purchase for some, mainly if your dog prefers to ignore their own bed to sleep on yours! While this may be the case for many pet parents out there, spoiling your dog by purchasing them a new bed to sleep on is a great way to ensure that they are safe, warm, and happy. Much like our previous suggestions, there are many dog beds available, from anxiety-reducing beds for worrisome pups to easy-to-access cushions and beds for those with delicate joints and bones. There is something available for any dog, and we are confident that your dog will love you even more for treating them like royalty!

Getting a New Friend

Not only would this be an excellent addition for yourself, but it would be a great companion for your dog! That is, of course, if your dog is okay around other dogs; you don’t want to be upsetting or making them anxious by bringing another dog on board. While this is not a suitable option for those due to lack of funds – let’s face it, this year has been tough – or for those without the room for a second dog, this is certainly something to be considered favorably by those wanting to get another dog for their brood. What better time to surprise your family with a new member than the present!  That being said, if you are considering getting another dog, it must be remembered that they are for life, not just as a commodity. Make sure that you are entirely ready to get another dog before deciding to get one.

Finally, sit back, relax, and have fun with your pet! Any pet parent out there knows that our pets make a massive difference in our life experiences. While you shower them with love, affection, and comfort daily, there is nothing wrong with buying them lots of suitable treats too! They certainly would not have a problem with it. Spending time with your beloved dog and playing with them and their new toys is something which will make them happy. All pets want is to be with their owner, and what is better than a cuddle from your furry friend after a hard day?

Here Is a Guide for General Pet Care at Home

A pet can be a great addition to any home, but without proper care, your pet may lose its meaning. Whether you’re a first-time adopter or an experienced pet keeper, it’s essential to keep its health and happiness a top priority. Here are useful tips for all pet keepers. If you’re considering bringing home a new dog, adoption is the best option.

Proper Dog Handling

After acquiring your puppy from your preferred online pet store, the next thing is to learn the basic techniques of carrying a puppy correctly. To carry a small dog, place one hand under the dog’s chest, with either your forearm or other hand supporting the hind legs and rump. It is unacceptable to lift your puppy or small dog by the forelegs, tail, or back of the neck. When carrying a large dog, lift from the underside, while supporting his chest with one arm and his rear end with the other arm.

Often keep in mind that the dog needs a warm, quiet place to rest. It is also ideal for including the dog bed or training crate, with a clean blanket. Remember to wash the dog’s bedding regularly. If your dog will be spending a lot of time outdoors, provide shade and plenty of cool water in hot weather, and a warm, dry, covered shelter when it’s so cold. Always keep your dog clean and reduce shedding with frequent brushing. Check and remove all fleas and ticks daily during warm weather, before bathing the dog, comb and remove all mats from the coat.

Medicines and Poisons

Never give any drug to your dog before a veterinarian has prescribed it. If you suspect that your animal has ingested a poisonous substance, immediately call your veterinarian for 24-hour animal poison information. Female dogs should be spayed, and male dogs neutered within six months of age. Remember to regularly inspect your dog for ticks and fleas and use a flea comb to remove flea. With several new methods of flea and tick control, you can have a discussion with your veterinarian about the best options.

Proper Feeding and Nutrition 

The small dogs between eight to twelve weeks old should be given four meals a day. Feed young dogs aged between three to six months old three meals daily. Those between six months to one year should be given two meals a day. However, with bigger dogs, i.e. when it attains one year. One meal a day becomes sufficient. For some dogs, such as larger canines or those prone to bloat, it’s better to feed two smaller meals. Premium-quality dry food offers a well-balanced diet for adult dogs and maybe mixed with either water, broth, or canned food. A dog from an online pet store may enjoy cottage cheese, cooked egg, or fruits, and vegetables, but remember that any such additions should not total more than ten percent of his daily food intake. Young dogs are fed on high-quality, brand-name puppy food. Clean and freshwater needs to be available at all times and remember to clean food and water dishes frequently.

When Should You Give Your Dog CBD Oil?

In recent years, CBD oil has become one of the most popular alternative health products on the market. While the health benefits of cannabinoid for humans is widely known, pet owners are now discovering just how beneficial it can be for their dogs.

Unfortunately, administering CBD oil to your dog isn’t the easiest thing in the world. There is a good chance that your pet won’t like the texture or the taste of the CBD oil. There are different ways you can sneak this supplement into their diet. You can bake cannabinoid treats or put it in their food. Click here for more info about how you can administer CBD to your dog.

When Should I Give My Dog CBD Oil?

Often cannabinoid is used to treat pets who have health issues. If your dog has anxiety or a health condition such as arthritis that leaves them in pain, then you’ll definitely want to treat them with a CBD oil supplement. Here are some of the best times to give your dog a dose of CBD oil:

Showing Signs of Pain

Most pet owners are in tune with their dog so it’s easy for them to tell when their dog just isn’t feeling well. Some of the most common signs that your dog is in pain include:

  • Not as active as usual
  • Stop eating
  • Limp omg or reluctant to walk
  • Yelping or growling

Whether your pet is dealing with an underlying health condition that causes pain or they’re getting up in age CBD can help. As soon as you notice signs that your let is in pain you should administer a dose of CBD oil.


 Having a hyperactive pet can be stressful. A dose of CBD oil can help reduce hyperactivity in dogs who have impulse control issues, bursts of energy that leads to damaged items, and fails to listen to instructions. Giving your pet CBD oil every day will help them keep calm for an extended period of time.

Having an anxiety attack

Excessive barking, trembling and destructive behavior are signs that your dog is in the midst of an anxiety attack. Once you notice that your dog is anxious you should administer a dose of CBD oil to help them calm down.

When  is the Best Time to Give Your Dog CBD Oil

Pet owners can add CBD oil to their dog’s daily care regimen by providing a dose every morning. This is a good way to help minimize pain in sick dogs before it becomes unbearable. Also, if you know when you’re dog is most likely to get anxious, medicating him or her with CBD oil prior to an anxiety attack is the best thing you can do. Taking preventative measures helps. ensure the safety and overall being of your pet.

As with anything you should check with your dog’s veterinarian before replacing your dog’s prescribed medication with CBD oil. Although CBD oil is 100 percent safe for animals your vet can help you decide whether it can help alleviate your dog’s symptoms.

Chondroitin: Reasons Why Your Dog Needs Glucosamine

Your pet is your lifetime companion. Without them, your life couldn’t have probably been the same. So, take good care of them. You can’t stand it to see your dog in pain, right? Did you know that lack of glucosamine in their body could lead to joint pain and muscle stiffness? Well, now you know. But the good news is that glucosamine supplementation can help prevent this. Read on for more insights!

Understanding the Basics

Glucosamine is a natural substance that’s found in dogs. The highest concentration of glucosamine is typically found in healthy cartilage. Essentially, the glucosamine in your pet’s body produces glycosaminoglycan that helps in forming and repairing body cartilage. When your dog starts to age, the natural production of glucosamine also slows down significantly. Consequently, the body’s natural repair process also degrades, leading to joint pain, as well as, stiffness. Providing your dog or cat with glucosamine supplements can go a long way in rebuilding cartilage and restoring their joint function and activity levels.

Types of Glucosamine

There are two common types of glucosamine available in joint supplements. And these include glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL). HCL is widely used because hydrochlorides are easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. For dogs and cats whose digestive tracts are shorter, HCL is particularly important.

It’s also important to note that glucosamine hydrochloride is also a sustainable ingredient and a by-product of the food industry.

The Benefits

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that’s found in the connective and cartilage tissues. It plays a significant role in maintaining the strength and flexibility of these tissues. But due to injury or normal wear and tear that often occurs with age, your pet’s body might not be able to naturally produce enough of glucosamine to keep up with the bodily needs. And this is exactly where glucosamine supplementation comes in handy.

Glucosamine offers powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It has also been proven to be highly effective at restoring dogs’ joint health and increasing mobility. Plus, it improves lubrication in their joints.

Plus, glucosamine enhances the concentration of proteoglycans in cartilage, as well as, the synovial membrane that produces the fluid lubricating your pet’s joints. Plus, glucosamine helps in supporting the repair of damaged cartilage by boosting collagen deposition and providing joint care for both dogs and cats.

How Does Chondroitin Work?

Cartilage serves as a cushion between joint bones. Chondroitin sulphate is an essential structural component of cartilage that provides much of its elasticity. Giving this supplement to your dog or cat can relieve their joint aches and pains.

Being a uniform substance that’s naturally present in numerous forms, Chondroitin offers the highest possible treatment quality. Just be sure to choose a supplement that’s both affordable and efficient.

The Bottom-Line

No pet owner can stand seeing their dog or cat suffering. Joint pain is a common condition among aging dogs. But this can be prevented through glucosamine supplementation. Giving glucosamine supplements to your pet can go a long way in relieving joint aches and pains. So, what are you still waiting for? Get them a dose of glucosamine and help them lead a healthier life!

The Full-Spectrum and Broad-Spectrum Hemp Oil for Cats

When it comes to nutrition and medicine, humans and felines have a couple of differences. That is primarily why a cat is will see a veterinarian and not a physician. However, a pharmaceutical discovery has proven to be beneficial to both parties.

Let us go over the wonders of cat’s hemp oil.

Although beneficial to both humans and felines, there are defined differences in their CBD products. This is considering their anatomical differences, health peculiarities, among other reasons.

It is therefore best that humans stick with products designed for human use while only giving their pests those made for them.

Having said that, from a general stance, what are the various kinds of formula for these products?

The Major Kinds of Cat Hemp Oil Formula

First, these classifications are not restricted to felines. As passively stressed above, humans also have products of these kinds, designed to meet various needs.

In light of this, there is the full-spectrum and broad-spectrum hemp oil. One major difference between them is the properties allowed in their production.

To understand this, you need to know what the average cannabis plant is made up of. Also known as marijuana, the cannabis plant has 2 major chemical components. This is the CBD and THC.

The CBD is the shortened form for cannabidiol, while THC is for tetrahydrocannabinol. The name cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol can be a mouthful, so you can simply stick to CBD and THC respectively.

Let us start with a little story down memory lane. Before the pharmaceutical discovery of hemp oil, the conventional image of the cannabis plant was pretty awkward.

In plain terms, it was seen in no other light than a hallucinogenic plant. Smokes, ecstasy, and hallucinations were the features that came with it.

As things are, the emergence of CBD and hemp oil at large is changing how this plant is perceived. However, let us understand how this plant works. To do this, let us answer the following questions.

What is responsible for the hallucinogenic feature of the cannabis plant?

Why does Hemp Oil not cause hallucinogenic feelings?

It seems like an irony, but let us get right to it.

The chemical component tetrahydrocannabinol is majorly responsible for the hallucinogenic feeling that is often associated with this plant. This is not to say that it does not offer medicinal value. In fact, it is packed with a couple of advantages.

However, moderation is of the essence when this chemical component is involved. If this is not adhered to, the feeling and health of your cat can be on the line. So, how is this hemp product able to offer so much without the ecstatic feeling?

The answer is by simply maximizing the CBD component in the plant. This is done by outrightly removing every THC component or limiting its presence in the formula. To know more about the differences between THC and CBD, you can click here.

Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil

These medicinal products have a blend of the THC and CBD chemical components. Knowing the hallucinogenic abilities of THC, it is added in a very minute quantity.

In clear terms, the addition of THC is way less than 1 percent. This act is regulated by government administrative bodies in many parts of the world. This is to ensure that the health of our cats is not compromised or taken for granted.

Why the addition of THC in the first place?

Of a fact, there is a negative side to THC. However, it also offers a lot of medicinal value. It only requires that it be used appropriately.

For example, THC has been scientifically proven to help users with low appetite and sleeping abnormalities. These are just a few of the many health and psychological benefits that it offers.

Broad-Spectrum Hemp Oil

The easiest way to explain these products is in relation to THC as well. As against the use of a bit of THC in the full-spectrum alternative, it does not contain THC at all. As a result, these products have a higher concentration of the different types of CBD present in the plant.

One of the advantages of this formula is the presence of little or no side effects. This is a luxury you do not have with products that contain THC. Although the dosage should be strictly followed, the adverse effects are minute.

Aside from the formula which may or may not include THC, Hemp oil comes in various types. For more on this subject, you can visit: https://pethempcompany.com/blogs/cannabinoid-science/hemp-oil-for-cats.

Wrap Up

In this article, we have drawn your attention to the kinds of hemp oil formulas available. In doing this, we explained how the use of the major chemical components in cannabis is central to these formulas.

Conclusively, with the aid of your veterinarian, you should maximize the possibilities of these treatments when needed. To choose between the full or broad-spectrum alternatives, you should also involve your veterinarian.

Simple Ways You Can Exercise With Your Pets At Home

Humans can monitor their health and fitness and keep track of their goals towards improving different aspects of their well-being. However, your pet has no idea how to keep themselves healthy and fit; thus, it becomes one of your responsibilities as the pet owner to ensure its good health and shape. A balanced diet and nutrition are not enough to keep your pet healthy and fit, so encourage them to be physically active.

Even when you and your pet are currently stuck at home, due to the quarantine measures, working from home, on day-off, or having no classes, you can help your pet stay active. To learn more about taking care of your pet, whether it be dog, cat, bird, hamster, reptile, read through Petsumer.

While staying at your living space, here are 5 simple ways to exercise with your pet:

1. Running Up and Down The Stairs

One of the best ways to keep your pet’s energy and excitement up is to run up and down the stairs with them. Before doing this exercise, make sure your stairs are wide, reliable, and safe enough to do this activity. Eliminate all potential safety hazards from the stairs, such as slipperiness, small objects, and poor lighting.

If your stairs pass the given conditions, go for this exercise. This type of activity is more challenging for your pet than a stroll and run inside your neighborhood. Due to the change in elevation, muscle groups in your pet’s arms and legs are more stretched and worked out.

2. Completing Obstacle Courses

To keep your creativity game going, set up some obstacle courses indoors or in your garden that you and your pet have to overcome. Obstacle courses are a type of agility training that exercise not only your pet’s muscles but also the following advantages:

  • Increase endurance
  • Exercise natural instincts
  • Improve coordination

Along with its advantages for your dog, completing an obstacle course with them also offers health advantages for you. This agility training can also challenge your mind and body and assist you in getting in shape. Lastly, an obstacle training course improves your bond and connection with your best companion.

3. Play Hide and Seek

Who said only children like to play a game of hide-and-seek? Get your whole family and pets involved for a fun game of hide-and-seek as a form of bonding and exercise. In this game slash training, assign your dog as the seeker and let your family members hide.

If your home is quite spacious, this game is ideal for your pet and family’s exercise since you can play around the house. Except for its fitness advantages, you can teach your pet a few practical skills: recall skills, enhanced use of olfactory sense, problem-solving skills, and calmness.

Preferably, take a video of your playing session to keep this memory of your silly game. Some pet owners even share these in their social media accounts.

4. Have a Training Workout

For a more robust exercise that will harness your dog’s capabilities, go for a training workout through teaching a few moves to your pet. Dogs usually excel in these types of activities. Here are some workout ideas for you and your furry friend:

  • Use your pet’s favorite toy to play fetch, while your other hand lifts weights.
  • Do squats while holding your pet’s food. Every time you squat, pass the treat around your hands while circling it around your legs. Allow your pet to eat the treat every time you go up.
  • Improvised and modified push-ups can keep your pet engaged. When you lower your body and press up, extend your arm and pick up your pet’s favorite toy. You can hold the toy upward for your pet to reach or throw and fetch with your pet.
  • The best way to tone the lower body of your pet is through running exercises on the treadmill. Having this specific equipment in your home satisfies the need for vast space for running. Ideally, get your pet a dog treadmill than a regular treadmill.

5. Meet Up With The Furry Pals
Your pet might be getting bored at home with humans, so a great way to enhance their exercise is to invite their other furry pals over, whether from the neighbor, friends, or relatives. You can also do this if you have more than one pet in the house. Since they are used to seeing each other’s faces daily, seeing new furry pals will make them more excited to play.

Once your pets have met up with their pals, let them play alone, but this can mean less exercise for you and them. Therefore, you can do the exercises or activities enumerated above with your pets and their friends. After all, the more, the merrier!

Final Word

Giving importance to your pet’s health like how you would on your own is a strong quality that pet owners should have. Generally, pets like dogs need at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise everyday, so you should encourage them to accomplish this timeframe.

With the lack of opportunities to play and have fun outside, due to the current events, you can still keep yourself and your pet’s health and fitness in excellent condition through these exercises. Most importantly, have fun and cherish your moments!

6 Treatment Types to Help You Manage Chronic Pain

From migraines and rheumatoid arthritis to fibromyalgia, there are many different forms of chronic pain Multiple sclerosis, for example, can cause the MS hug wherein individuals will suffer from extreme pain in their chests. Chronic pain, regardless of the cause, can take a toll on your life and can become the reason why your range of motion will be limited. Leaving this health problem unaddressed can become the reason why you will lose your friendships, and become unproductive at work.

The good thing is that many kinds of treatment can help you deal with the pain and find relief. These strategies might be simple and cheap, but once practiced regularly, these can become your ticket to finally live a pain-free life where you can seize more opportunities.

We’re going to delve deeper into six treatment types that can help manage chronic pain.

1. Alternative treatments

Alternative and complementary medicine can help in many different ways. There is a wide range of treatments to choose from: herbal supplements, meditation, massage, and acupuncture. You can combine treatments along with your medication and other conventional treatments.

Acupuncture is especially effective for treating chronic pain like neck and back pain, osteoarthritis, tension headaches, and migraines. Adding acupuncture to your medication treatment might give you the best results.

The healing power of man’s (and woman’s) best friend also shouldn’t go unmentioned. Various studies have shown that pets, such as dogs, can provide effective pain management, providing a distraction when petting and cuddling. Dogs such as a chocolate lab can also help to provide comfort through companionship and improve poor mental health while decreasing depression that can result from chronic pain.

There are many alternative treatments for chronic pain today. If you don’t have any experience in undergoing any of these, it’s best if you do your research to know how each of these treatments works. Use the World Wide Web, or ask recommendations from people who have experienced any of these alternative treatments. You need to acquire enough information, so you’ll know which treatments will work best for treating your chronic pain.

2. Chronic pain medications

If you’re a chronic pain patient, you probably have prescribed medication. These pain medications are your first line of defense. Antidepressants, NSAIDs, opioids; the type of your medication depends on the type of chronic pain and your previous health condition.

Start with the lowest dose to see if it brings relief. Muscle relaxants also help. But, keep in mind that medications aren’t a permanent solution to your pain problem.

If you’re leaning towards this direction, ask your doctor for their recommendations first. There are many medications available in online and offline stores today, and choosing one that isn’t suitable for your case can only result in side effects and health risks. Instead of managing chronic pain, you’ll end up using medications that will make your condition worse.

3. Interventional pain management

While we’re fully aware of how uncomfortable people get when it comes to needles and injections, interventional pain management is sometimes the only solution. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to include needles.

Specialists recommend other pain management methods. Some of them are intrathecal or pain pumps, spinal cord stimulation, and facet rhizotomy.

All these treatments are excellent at providing relief, but they can’t heal the real cause of your chronic pain. Perhaps the best course of action is to combine your interventional pain management with physical therapy.

4. Physical therapy

The best thing about physical therapy is that you can develop your personalized chronic pain treatment plan to not only find relief but improve your well-being. Work with your physical therapist to come up with a therapy treatment that will help you reduce all symptoms and pain.

The goal is to make your daily routine painless or, at least, less pain focused. This type of chronic pain treatment usually includes a combination of active and passive treatments that help regain your strength and improve your motion range.

5. Mental health help

In many chronic pain cases, patients are experiencing different types of pain that come with a wide range of emotional and mental challenges. These challenges can become the reason why you will have a hard time managing chronic pain. Regardless of the number of strategies you are using in managing chronic pain, if you are experiencing mental health conditions, your efforts will be worthless. It’ll be very challenging for you to get rid of chronic pain if your mental health is not at its best state. Talking to a professional or a therapist might be beneficial in addressing these challenges.

On a more positive note, a therapist can instruct you on different stress management techniques that can significantly help in making your daily life less painful.

Since chronic pain health conditions are usually followed by side effects such as anxiety, depression, and stress, mental health therapy can instruct you on the most effective techniques to manage all three side effects. By seeking mental health help, you will be able to treat the root cause of your chronic pain, instead of merely treating the symptoms.

Even though it may seem like it can’t help much, your attitude greatly helps by not allowing your chronic condition to take over and conquer you. Even if your condition can’t be treated or cured, you can learn to live with it, with the right mindset.

6. Using herbal supplements to treat chronic pain

Herbal supplements are also an excellent way to treat chronic pain. For instance, supplements rich in Kratom can be beneficial in treating horrible pain flares. The moment you start experiencing symptoms, put some under your tongue, and you can experience relief in less than 3 minutes. Kratom acts pretty much as an antidepressant in many different ways, and it can help with weight loss. find your body’s ideal kratom capsules and enjoy their benefits.

While there are many different ways to take it, the most recommended, and the fastest way, is to put a spoonful under your tongue and wash it down with a glass of water. You can also buy capsules or put it in a smoothie or tea. Since there are many different strains and brands out there, the most recommended brand that gives proven results is Trainwreck Kratom.

It’s actually 11 different kratom strains mixed into one, and this is a powerful combination that provides almost instant relief. Using Kratom has certain advantages:

  • You don’t need a prescription
  • It’s legal in many places and goes well with medicinal marijuana
  • It can help treat anxiety and depression
  • It can help get through physical opioid withdrawal

Other herbal supplements that can help manage chronic pain include-

  • Capsaicin – helps soothe your back pain and provide relief from cramps and diarrhea
  • Ginger – fantastic anti-inflammatory effects
  • Devil’s claw – eases common arthritis discomfort and eases low back pain
  • Comfrey – effective for lower and upper back pain
  • Glucosamine – helps with joint pain, improves joint movement

Talk To A Pro First

In today’s fast-paced life, each one of us goes through stress, anxiety, or chronic pain at some point in time. These six treatment plans can help you manage chronic pain in 2020. However, you must consult a medical practitioner before starting with any alternate therapy plan.

Pet Nutrition: Ways To Keep Your Dogs Healthy During This Crisis

The food you will feed your dog can significantly affect the quality of their life. Feeding your dog with high-quality food that’s apt for their nutritional requirements will make it very easy for them to stay active and ward off common illnesses and diseases. Good nutrition can also improve your dog’s coat and fur, resulting in a better and healthier appearance.

However, because of the spread of the coronavirus, keeping your pet healthy can become a struggle nowadays. You might have limited access to pet stores that sell your dog’s food, and might not have any idea how to prepare their meals from scratch. You might also have a lot of questions as to which ingredients are safe for your canine companion, such as, “Is turmeric good for dogs?”  “What human foods can pet owners give to their dogs?” or “What are the dos and don’ts concerning pet nutrition?” The list goes on, particularly if you’re a first-time pet owner.

Save yourself from the stress of answering all of these questions by using this article as your guide, especially during these trying times. Here are ways you can keep your dogs healthy during this crisis:

1. Avoid Relying On The Marketing Hype And Take The Label Test Instead

Since people around the world are now staying at home because of the pandemic, businesses are now revamping their marketing schemes online in order to haul in customers. Businesses, especially those that are already considered as household names, will commission complex marketing ads just to entice people at home to buy from them. Businesses would even couple these marketing strategies with new services, such as online delivery and discounts, just to entice more pet owners to buy from them.

If you truly want the best for your dog’s nutrition, avoid giving them food based on how the product is being marketed. Sure, these marketing strategies can help you know more about a specific dog food and its existence, but this shouldn’t be your sole deciding factor when purchasing one. A well-planned marketing strategy doesn’t always equate to high-quality dog food.

If you see yourself attracted to a specific dog food because of how it’s marketed, do not buy the product immediately. Instead, spend some time to check its label first, so you’ll know what your dog is getting from their food. This is especially important if your dog has very specific nutritional requirements.

After you have determined the ingredients used to make the product, do a quick online search to know more. The Internet can provide unlimited information for you to know more about the dog foods available in the market today and if these are indeed healthy for your furbaby. You’ll be surprised at how some of these ingredients can cause health problems to your dog or worsen any current health condition.

2. Introduce Fresh Whole Foods

Providing good nutrition to your dog is actually a very achievable task because there are now countless dog foods available in the market today. Regardless of the age and breed of your dog, you can easily buy one that fits the bill. And, while these commercially-produced dog foods promise the healthiest diet to your dog, solely giving kibbles to them won’t do the trick as it should be balanced with some healthy and clean raw dog food.

Giving the same dog food to your dog can lead to familiarity and can become the reason why your dog will lose their appetite to eat. Giving the same dog food to your dog even as they continue to age can also result in deficiencies. Keep in mind that as your dog continues to develop and grow, their bodies will also require different vitamins and minerals.

If you don’t want any of these to happen, and want to ensure that your dog remains healthy, introduce fresh whole foods to their diet. Just like how these help improve your health, fruits and vegetables can also improve the bodily functions of your dog, help them become more active, and keep them safe from common illnesses and diseases.

But, just because all fruits and vegetables are healthy to humans, this doesn’t always remain true when it comes to your dog’s nutrition. Some fruits and vegetables can be very toxic to your dog, even when given in small quantities.

Listed below are the fruits and vegetables that are dangerous for your dog:

  • Grapes and raisins: Ingesting small pieces of grapes and raisins can cause kidney damage and failure to your dog. If you suspect that your dog accidentally chewed on any of these fruits, take them to the vet as soon as possible.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms can make your dishes more flavorful, but these can actually have adverse effects on your dog’s health. Mushrooms contain toxins that can cause acute kidney injury, liver failure, and even death to dogs.
  • Nuts: Any type of nut is dangerous to your dog because its high-fat content can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. When not treated promptly, these health conditions can worsen and result in dehydration and death.
  • Onions: Almost all meals require onions to be cooked. However, when it comes to dog nutrition, onions are a big no-no. This vegetable can be very toxic to your furry friend as this can cause lethargy, pale gums, and elevated heart rate.
  • Cherries: Cherries are healthy and filling snacks, but any kind can be harmful to your dog. Because of their cyanide content, cherries can be very toxic to dogs and cause respiratory failure.

3. Wash Non-Organic Produce In Apple Cider Vinegar
Deciding which food to give to your dog is like looking after a kid–you need to pay attention to the small details as these can significantly affect your dog’s health. When giving non-organic produce to your dog, do not solely rely on washing them with water.

Plants naturally produce allelochemicals, a substance that can prevent pesticides from penetrating their surfaces. This substance can help improve and maintain the appearance of any product. However, allelochemicals can be toxic to your dog when eaten.

Make sure that all of the non-organic produce you’ll give to your dog is free from allelochemicals by thoroughly washing them with apple cider vinegar. Simply soak all of these non-organic products with a mixture made from one part apple cider vinegar and four parts water for one minute. Rinse with running water before serving them to your dog.

4. Do Not Overfeed Your Dog

Regardless of how spoiled your dog is, you should never overfeed them as this can only result in several health problems. Overfeeding your dog can lead to excessive weight gain and cause obesity. Being overweight can make your dog susceptible to other health problems, such as kidney and liver failure and lethargy.

Even if you are only staying at home with your dog during this crisis, have the discipline to only feed your dog with the right amount of food. If your dog is overweight, feed them earlier in the day so they can still have time to sweat and lose weight. Conversely, if your dog needs to gain more weight, feed them more regularly, especially before bedtime. Feeding your dog late in the day will prevent them from burning off calories, making it easy for them to gain weight.

Moreover, do not worry when you notice your dog has become skinny. Younger dogs are usually active, which means that they can lose weight faster. In the same manner, do not worry when your dog starts to gain weight more easily when they start to age. This is a normal reaction of their body since they are getting less and less active with age.

5. Get Creative With Your Dog’s Teeth And Gum Health

The tooth and gums of your dog can affect their overall health. Regardless of how appetizing their meals are, if their teeth and gums hurt, they won’t be able to eat at all. Your dog’s inability to eat can make them lethargic and sickly.

Make sure that these do not happen by getting creative with your dog’s teeth and gum health. You can do this by spending time to regularly brush your dog’s teeth with products made especially for them, or let them gnaw on raw bones. The latter is a great option for pet owners who can’t keep their dogs still when brushing.

Aside from these options, you can also let your dog chew on whole foods, such as zucchini and carrots. These vegetables are naturally crunchy, and chomping these into smaller pieces can create a rubbing effect that can remove plaque off of your dog’s teeth. This is a healthy option that can also satisfy your dog’s need to chomp and grind.

However, if this is your first time to clean your dog’s teeth, be patient as they might reject your efforts. Dogs aren’t used to brushing their teeth, which is why, as a pet owner, you should try out different techniques to determine which will work. You can play games or give them treats when they agree to let you clean their teeth or play games and tire them out before the session.

6. Consider Giving Supplements

For humans who are usually on-the-go, taking supplements is a great way to ensure that they receive the right amount of nutrients that their bodies need. Humans have to stick to a well-balanced diet in order to achieve optimal health, but it’ll be challenging for them to achieve this goal if they are always busy.

For you to ensure that your dog also gets the proper nutrients their body needs, consider giving them supplements. These supplements can boost the nutritional content of the foods they eat and aid their nutrition in the long run. However, with the number of supplements available for dogs today, choosing one can be tough. This is especially true if you don’t have any experience when it comes to providing supplements to your pooch.

To help make this process easier, take note of the following tips when choosing supplements for your dog:

  • Consider the age of your dog: As mentioned, dogs will require different vitamins and minerals as they age. When choosing a supplement for your dog, it’s best if you consider their age first. You need to make sure that the supplement you’ll give them suits their requirements; else, you’ll end up feeding them with supplements that can take a toll on their health.
  • Research well on the firm you’re eyeing to buy the supplements from: If this is your first time to give supplements to your dog, spend some time to research on the credibility of the firm that produces it. The information you can gain from this process can help you set your expectations and determine if the supplement you’re eyeing to buy is suitable for the needs of your pet.

Moreover, this process can also give you access to the experience of other pet owners and help you avoid any scams during the process. You don’t want to do business with a firm that doesn’t stay true to their promises, right?

  • Check the price: For your dog to experience the health benefits of supplements, they should be able to use the product every single day. Letting your dog use supplements for one week won’t have any effect on their health.

When choosing a supplement for your dog, do not forget to consider the price of the product as well, as advised by the guys at Pet Life. As mentioned, supplements should be given to your dog regularly, which means that you should choose a supplement that you can easily afford, one that fits in your budget and will not require you to sacrifice your bills or groceries.

Work With A Pro

If you plan to make drastic changes or incorporate new foods into your dog’s diet, it’s best if you consult a vet about it first. Regardless of how well you know your dog’s nutritional requirements, giving them the wrong food can lead to severe health risks and side effects. Giving your dog the wrong type of food can even increase their risk to diseases and, in worse cases, death.

By talking to your vet before giving anything to your dog, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing that you’re actually doing what’s best for them and are keeping them safe from risks.