Using Everything You Have To Look After Your Skin

When it comes to health and beauty, your skin is possibly the single most important part of the whole mix. This part of your body is always on display and is impossible to keep hidden away, making a lot of people feel very protective towards it. Of course, though, makeup and health treatments alone won’t keep your skin looking as fresh as possible. Instead, you need to look for the external elements which are putting it under threat. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the little-known skin risks, giving you the chance to get started on making your skin’s youth last as long as possible.

Image Source: Unsplash / Sarah Comeau


Most people are aware that too much exposure to sunlight can result in a burn-like rash, with extreme cases even going as far as causing cancer. Along with this, though, a lot of people don’t realize that the sun can also cause things like wrinkles. With the collagen in your skin is broken down, it won’t be able to maintain its elasticity, and this will make it hard for lines not to show. This can often be solved with supplements, and there are loads available on the market to choose from; you just need to read a review or two before you start using something all the time.

Too much exposure to sunlight isn’t the only way this element can impact the way you look, though. If you spend too much time indoors and out of the sun, you will notice your skin quickly starting to get pale. While you may be completely healthy, having pale skin will usually make you look a little bit poorly, and this is something that most people will want to avoid. To help out with this, there are loads of products on the market that can give your skin a little more color. Ranging from subtle moisturizers to potent makeup, it’s nice and easy to solve this issue once you are aware of it.


When you see someone in the later years of their life, you will often be able to tell whether or not they’ve spent more of their life frowning or smiling. Of course, in reality, the lines which appear on your face are usually caused by a range of emotions, but this only gives you more to fight if you want to maintain your youth. Most people will have their own approach to beauty and aging, and a scientific one is definitely not going to do you any harm.

Wrinkles aren’t the only thing that will appear on your skin when you let emotions take hold, though. Stress is a great example of this, often causing bags to appear around people’s eyes, and bringing with it a range of other appearance-altering side effects. The way that you combat stress will often be down to the issue which is causing it. In most cases, this will simply mean doing the job you’ve been putting off and removing it entirely. For more complex situations, though, it will be a good idea to try and take an outside perspective, reminding yourself that things really aren’t too bad.

Food & Water

The food you eat on a daily basis will always have a dramatic impact on the way that you look. Aside from dictating your size, this lifestyle choice will also change the appearance of your skin, with a good diet being the best way to achieve a youthful and fresh look. Eating a poor diet can come with a range of different issues, though. For example, outbreaks of spots can often be connected to bad eating. To improve this part of your body, it will be worth spending some time working on your diet. There are loads of websites out there which can help you with this, giving you the chance to get all of the help you could possibly need.

While the food you eat is important, consuming plenty of water will be even more crucial to the health and appearance of your skin. When people don’t drink enough, they will often lose the color from the skin and may even find even more breakouts showing up, making it worth keeping this area in mind. One of the best ways to force yourself to drink enough is by simply carrying a bottle around with you. By having a drink at hand all the time, it won’t ever be a matter of convenience, taking away the issues which have stopped you from hydrating yourself properly in the past.


When most people think about something like humidity, their skin won’t be the area which they are concerned about the most. With very dry or moist air surrounding you all the time, though, you will quickly notice a change in it. In dry conditions, most people will find their skin becoming flakier as it struggles to hold its moisture in. When the air is moist, though, it will be hard to avoid getting sweaty and damp as you get through the day. Neither of these conditions is hugely attractive, but they can easily be solved with the help of some moisturiser and some antiperspirant.


As time goes on, more and more of the world’s cities are becoming laden with air pollution. Largely consisting of gasses and small particles, most people are only concerned about breathing this sort of waste in, even though it also poses a threat to their skin. Not only will the larger particles in this mix make you dirty, but they will also clog pores and make your skin look bumpy. Thankfully, though, this is far easier to solve than breathing issues, with a simple facial peel often being enough to clean away all of the nasty stuff. It’s always worth keeping an eye on this, even if you live somewhere with reasonably clear air.


 If you’ve spent much time reading health posts in the past, you will probably be well aware of the importance of sleep when it comes to your health. Getting enough rest doesn’t only change the way you feel, though, as it will also impact your appearance, with the outcome of not getting enough sleep being very similar to the symptoms caused by stress. Along with this, if you have any injuries and sore spots, it will be especially hard for your body to heal them quickly if you’re not getting enough sleep. There are rarely any reasons which are good enough to miss out on at least seven hours each night.

Makeup & Treatments

Not a lot of people realize that the makeup they use to hide the imperfections on their skin will also be contributing towards them. These chemicals are often only tested for safety, rather than being put through courses that will assess their long-term impact on someone’s appearance. Of course, though, some people are far more likely to have issues with this. Cheap makeup will often cause outbreaks of spots and discoloration of your skin. This makes it worth looking for brands that have invested the time and effort into making sure that their products won’t ruin your skin after a few months of use.

Some people like to take their beauty quite a lot further than simply applying makeup each day, and this will often mean going for special treatments which will rely on chemicals to change your skin. While the odds of something like this going completely wrong are fairly low, people often don’t get the results they expect from things like plastic surgery. This often makes them worth simply avoiding, as the chances that permanent damage will be caused are simply too high to risk. Of course, though, you could always look for some ways to get more creative with your makeup options.

Even though there are a lot of threats out there when it comes to the appearance of your skin, it’s important to make sure that you don’t let this take over your life. Spending time outside isn’t going to make you ugly, and being happy isn’t going to fill your face with wrinkles. In fact, in reality, the more you spend doing the things you love, the more beautiful you will look. If you need any further help with this, there are loads of blogs around the web which have sections devoted to skincare. If you’d like to get some professional help, though, you will need to look for a company offering skin consultations.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to start protecting your skin from the world around it. This is one of the most important parts of your body, and is an area which everyone you meet will see, making caring for it a priority for a lot of people. As time goes on, this will only get easier and easier.

How To Get Scalp Micropigmentation Carlsbad Treatments

Before and After Scalp Micropigmentation Carlsbad

Getting a bad hair day is a huge problem for most women, while a receding hairline is for men, and even though there are so many hair products available on the market, many more people suffer from hair problems that cannot be solved with a hair gel, cream or serum. One of the worst things that could happen to a person regardless of gender is to have thinning hair, massive hair loss, and baldness, which can be due to stress or an illness. For some, baldness runs in the family, and it is just a matter of time before it manifests in their scalp. A revolutionary method has been developed by someone who has specialized in treating hair and scalp issues from a cosmetic perspective. So far, there has never been a hair treatment that can achieve what this new procedure has. Scalp micropigmentation Carlsbad is a treatment that involves injecting in tiny needles an organic-based dye that will go into the outer dermis of the scalp and will resemble hair follicles. The three-dimensional appearance of the hair follicles would give it an appearance of hair in a close-shaved look. This hairstyle is quite dashing and will greatly improve the appearance of any person who had a bad hair day or no hair at all. It is important to note that no other hair treatment could provide the long-lasting effect of SMP, such that it is both cosmetic and psychological. With an SMP, the person can lead and live his or her life again, unencumbered by having to cover or hide his or her hair and real appearance from others. Finally, it is now available in the Carlsbad area and even in other states, one has just to know how to contact them and book their services.

Find A Scalp Micropigmentation Carlsbad Specialist Near You.

If you have thinning hair or baldness and you feel that there is nothing you can do about it but endure it, then you are wrong. Just recently, a solution to the age-old hair problem has been solved with a new treatment or procedure. This is called scalp micropigmentation Carlsbad which essentially is tattooing pigments into a person’s scalp and made to look like hair follicles. You can find a local specialist or clinic that can do the procedure in your area by initiating a web search using any web browser. The browser will lead you to several results and websites and you need to go through the first page or so and then check out their services and rates as well as customer reviews so you can have a better idea of what treatments they do and the effects it has for the previous customers. A bad review will not necessarily mean that the procedure is bad, it could just be because they are not feeling well or have been stressed and tired. The procedure itself takes time and effort to do so make sure to find a specialist that offers high-quality equipment and chairs. After which, you can now choose which website offers the best deal and with the highest feedback scores. Initially make contact if they have an opening for you and a possible consultation. Since they do consult with other people around the globe, you can just take a picture of yourself and the problem areas in your hair and scalp and send it to them based on the address on their website. They will then examine the details of the problem and schedule you for a virtual consultation. If you are a primary candidate for the procedure, you will then be given a schedule for the treatment.

What To Prepare for Getting the Scalp Micropigmentation Carlsbad Treatment?

If you have been scheduled for the next scalp micropigmentation Carlsbad treatment then it is the right time to start with the required preparations before the treatment. If you have a long hair length, now is the time to cut it and shorten it to a more manageable length especially for those with thinning hair, while those with bald or patches of the scalp without hair need to shave their head to prepare for the tattooing. After shaving and cutting your hair, it is time to not use any harmful chemicals on your scalp, that includes shampoos and conditioners, leave-on masks, and hair dyes. This would enable the hair to return to its pristine state before the procedure. The sessions may take from two to four hours and this would mean that you will go hungry while having the treatment, thus it would be better to eat a heavy meal before the procedure or to bring with you some energy bars. You also need to be well hydrated so drink water more than usual. Having enough water in the body moisturizes the skin and the scalp is still essentially skin.

After-care with Scalp Micropigmentation Carlsbad Procedure

There will be utmost two sessions for the scalp micropigmentation Carlsbad treatment before the desired effect is attained. This would mean that there is a rest period in between treatments that is crucial to making sure that the tattooed pigments will not leach or fade which they are prone to when it is first applied. After 4 weeks, you will be asked to come in for the second session which is much briefer than the first session, mostly because this is just a touch-up and to check the initial outcome of the SMP. After the second session, the specialist will assess if you need a third session, but more often than not, the first 2 sessions are quite substantial and enough. After the second session, the patient can not wash or bathe the head and use harmful chemicals. Do not also expose yourself to sunlight as the UV rays can have a tremendous effect on the pigments, it can cause fading and they will not look good at all. If ever the pigments do fade, it has to be reinforced by another session. You are also not allowed to wear any form of coverage of the head as it can cause an increase in temperature and will make the scalp sweat and may cause irritations. There are creams available that you can use for such symptoms.

5 Best Body Butters for Oily Skin

People who have oily skin face issues like acne breakouts and their skin pores get clogged often. When we say your skin creates too much oil, it refers to sebum. Sebum is the oil that is produced naturally by the sebaceous glands of our skin. It protects our skin from dryness by hydrating it. However, too much of it clogs pores and leads to many skin issues.

To deal with oily skin, use organic body butter. Body butter is a skin moisturizer that is obtained from natural sources. It is extra thick as compared to body lotions and rejuvenates the skin deeply. However, some people feel that using body butter makes their skin sticky or greasy. To determine the body butter that is best for oily skin, VedaOils brought the below list for you:

1. Lemon Body Butter

Lemon Body Butter is also rich in antioxidants that protect your skin. Your skin cells absorb it quickly when applied topically. Therefore, it will not make your skin sticky after application. Using Lemon Body Butter is preferred especially during the winter season to prevent the skin from becoming rough and dry. It is ideal for those who have oily skin because it controls oil production to some extent.

2. Cocoa Body Butter

Cocoa Body Butter is derived from natural cocoa and contains powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are powerful enough to eliminate the free radicals that harm your skin. Its non-greasy texture helps you to hydrate your skin without making it greasy. Moreover, Cocoa Body Butter it gets absorbed easily in the skin pores without leaving any stickiness behind. Also, it makes the skin healthy and matches any skin tone perfectly.

3. Turmeric Body Butter

Turmeric Body Butter possesses strong antibacterial properties that make it effective against acne. It exhibits anti-aging properties and can be used for treating wrinkles, dark circles, acne, and other skin issues. It contains a high proportion of VItamin E and Vitamin C. Therefore, it moisturizes your skin deeply without making it oily or greasy. As it controls acne breakouts it is ideal for those who have oily or combination skin.

4. Soy Body Butter

The easy spreadability and high penetrating ability of Soy Butter enables people with oily skin to use it. It contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids that heal your skin and moisturizes it. Also, it is ideal during the winter season when the skin becomes chaffed or irritated. You may also use it for conditioning your hair as it makes it soft and silky.

5. Shea Butter

Shea Butter has a buttery texture but its comedogenic rating is zero. It means that it does not cause clogging and therefore, it is perfect for oily skin. The oils accumulated deep in your skin cells get dissolved in the oils present in Shea Butter. As a result, it helps to remove these oils from your skin pores.

Also, it controls sebum production and aids in preventing skin from becoming oily. Also, it gets absorbed quickly in our skin cells without leaving any residue or greasiness behind. It is effective against acne due to its antibacterial and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Due to all these qualities, Shea Butter is ideal for people who have oily skin. You may also use Shea Butter for protecting your skin from sun damage, dry weather, and pollution.

6. Lavender Butter

Made from Lavender flowers, Lavender Butter is excellent for oily skin. It also has an amazing fragrance that will leave you spellbound. Its bactericidal properties kill bacteria that are responsible for acne breakouts. It also unclogs your skin pores and soothes your skin naturally. You can also apply it to your face for preventing acne and other skin issues.


All the above-mentioned body butter is ideal for oily skin. Many other kinds of butter like mango butter, almond butter, jojoba butter, etc. also work for oily skin. However, choose only body butter that is completely organic and chemical-free. You can explore organic and pure body butter on the website of VedaOils. Also, you will find a wide range of body butter that suits oily skin on their portal. Purchase body butter today and get rid of oily skin and acne!

The Benefits & Process of Microneedling Treatment Explained

Also referred to as Collagen Induction Treatment (CIT), microneedling is a procedure that’s hugely popular around the world because of its ability to provide a more even skin texture. Its efficacy is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that it’s enjoyed by many big names in the entertainment world.

While you may have heard about it in passing before, there’s a good chance that you don’t know what’s involved and what benefits it offers – something we seek to rectify with this blog.

Helping the Skin to Regenerate Itself

As the skin gets older, the natural mechanism that keeps it looking young begins its steady decline – usually from a person’s late twenties. The result of this decline is a worsening lack of collagen that causes the skin to become less supple and flexible.

Microneedling Grieshaber works by stimulating the skin to once again produce lots of lovely collagen, combined with elastin that gives skin its youthful glow. The great thing about it is that it’s suitable for most skin types and all it takes is an initial consultation with an expert dermatologist to confirm that its appropriate for you.

The treatment is known to offer a range of skin benefits that include:

  • Increased collagen production meaning firmer skin tone
  • Reduced pore size, fewer wrinkles and tightened skin
  • Improved appearance of acne, burn and trauma scars
  • A reduction in hyperpigmentation
  • Elimination of weight or pregnancy-related stretch marks

How the Benefits are Achieved

The treatment is effective because of the way in which tiny channels are created in the skin, while at the same time not damaging the epidermis. This kick starts the natural processes in the skin that have stopped happening on their own, with the many benefits including younger-looking, firmer and more resilient skin.

If you want to increase the effects of microneedling even more, there’s another treatment called a Vampire Lift or to give it its official title – PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) that uses the patient’s own blood to simulate the creation of collagen and the regeneration of skin cells.

While it might sound like a gruesome treatment initially, all it involves is the drawing of a small amount of your own blood, which is then spun rapidly or ‘centrifuged’. The resultant fluid has all of the erythrocytes and platelets separated out – giving it all the properties needed to stimulate cell growth and produce fine line-free, firmer skin – and then injected into the skin.

A Quick Half an Hour In the Treatment Chair

Microneedling is effective, affordable and the treatment itself only takes about half an hour for each session. With 3-4 treatments a year being the recommended frequency, that adds up to a maximum of 2 hours in the clinician’s chair. Those enjoying the benefits will tell you that this is a small price to pay for what it offers.

Couple that with the fact that there’s often no meaningful after-effects and you soon start to see exactly why its as popular as it is. Even those that do experience the known mild side effects like bruising and redness only do so for a day or two, meaning that it’s something you can get over pretty quickly.

Whether you enjoy these benefits for yourself is up to you, but it would be true to say that the evidence absolutely exists that it works. If you’re not happy with your acne scars or any other condition that affects your skin’s appearance, it could well be the answer you’re looking for.

When Should You See a Doctor for Acne?

Acne is incredibly common. At least 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 report having at least minor bouts of acne. So it makes sense that there are many over-the-counter medications and at-home treatments available to combat it. While it might be overwhelming to navigate the options on your pharmacy’s shelves, it’s good to have several solutions available.

However, with so many treatment options, how do you know when it’s time to see a physician about your acne? The answer might be different for everyone. This article will help you know when it might be time to talk with a doctor about getting your acne treated.

When Over-the-Counter Treatments Don’t Work

You can try at-home acne remedies before going to see a dermatologist. Many of them have proven to be effective, especially when dealing with early-stage acne or when skin conditions aren’t severe. You can also pick up basic anti-acne creams and washes at your local drugstore.

If over-the-counter treatments aren’t enough, consider seeing a doctor for stronger medication or a personalized acne treatment plan. You’ll need a prescription for such medications. A visit to the doctor will determine what you need and whether you should adjust habits, such as your diet.

Another sign that you should consult with a doctor is if acne becomes worse after using an OTC product. A reaction to any type of medication should be taken seriously. Your doctor can help you change your prescription or recommend a treatment option that will work better for you.

When Scarring Starts to Occur

While acne is temporary, scarring can last forever. At that point, there’s little you can do to get scarring to fade or go away. Scars act as painful reminders of the acne you dealt with and can be equally as embarrassing to carry around.

Acne forms these scars while your body is trying to repair skin damage. When damage occurs, it takes longer for your skin to recover. Tissue can be permanently damaged as it heals incorrectly.

If it looks like there’s even some slight scarring or discoloration of your skin left by pimples, consult with your doctor. They’ll be able to help you manage the existing scarring. They can also give you tips for reducing the chances of scarring with future breakouts. If you act too late, some damage may have already been done.

When Signs of Cystic Acne Appear

If your acne is causing you physical pain, you might have cystic acne. This occurs when your pores get excessively blocked and irritated, creating miniature cysts in your skin. This form of acne is much more difficult to treat and likely won’t respond well to over-the-counter treatments.

The hardest thing to do is avoid popping or picking at the cysts or nodules forming in your skin. When they become this large and painful, they’re more likely to leave scars when popped. Cystic acne causes more skin damage than regular acne by leaving large openings for additional bacteria to enter. Let your dermatologist take a look at your condition to determine the best course of treatment.

When Mental Health Becomes a Concern

While your physical health is obviously a concern, your mental health should also be on your radar as you deal with acne. It’s no secret that you feel good when you look good. Consequently, many individuals get down in the dumps over acne problems.

If you feel embarrassed when you’re out in public or feel ashamed by how you look, talk with a doctor about acne solutions. Their knowledge and expertise can help you overcome your acne. They can also provide a support system to help you through the process of addressing your skin concerns.

Remember that you have a lot more worth than what your skin condition might currently reflect. Even as acne medication starts to work its magic, you may not feel your best. Consider speaking with a doctor or counselor about any feelings of depression or anxiety. While acne might not be the end of the world, it certainly can affect your mental health and self-confidence.

When Acne Appears After Taking Other Medication

Sometimes, acne can be a result of taking something you need to cure another medical issue. Some types of medication can actually cause acne as one of their side effects. Medicine that can cause acne includes various antidepressants, B vitamins, and anabolic steroids.

If acne starts to pop up after you begin taking a new medication, schedule a visit with your physician. This way, you can better understand the cause of your acne. They’ll help you determine whether the medication is the cause or your new acne is nothing but a coincidence.

If your medication is causing acne, doctors can direct you to an alternative prescription or add some acne medication that won’t interfere. Following the doctor’s advice is more beneficial than using trial and error to try to solve the problem on your own.

When Parents Have a History of Acne

Acne is not necessarily hereditary. Just because one or both of your parents had acne as teens doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get it. However, there are certain genetic traits that can influence whether or not you get acne. For example, the way your body regulates hormones or your immune system fights off bacteria can affect your overall skin condition.

If you haven’t had bad acne yet but both of your parents have a history of problems, talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the likelihood of experiencing similar problems. There are some medications and techniques you can employ to prevent severe acne that your doctor can walk you through.

Don’t let acne control your life, especially since there are many options available for controlling it. One quick visit to your doctor or dermatologist won’t be expensive. Getting a treatment plan in place can put you on the right track for controlling your skin issues. You’ll thank yourself down the road when skin problems are no longer a concern for you.

The Effect of Hard Water on Hair and Skin

Have you been experiencing increased dryness on your skin? Has your hair been lacking its usual luster and moisture? Let us tell you it’s definitely because of the contents of your water supply.

It’s usually because of hard water. And hard water, if not taken care of can have quite a damaging effect on not only your skin and hair as well as your appliances, pipes, etc.

What exactly is hard water and why does it harm your skin and hair? Read ahead to find out.

What Is Hard Water?

Hard water is referred to as hard water since it has a high content of hard minerals. These include:

  • Calcium,
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Other such minerals

You can measure water hardness using grains per gallon. If your result is more than 3.5 gpg, it means your water supply consists of hard minerals.

Hard water isn’t damaging or unhealthy if present in small amounts. However, the problem arises if your water supply seems cloudy indicating a large number of hard minerals.

The Effect on Hair

Your water supply depends on the region you’re living in and consequently the level of hard water contamination.

A small amount of calcium or magnesium won’t make a huge difference, but over time you’ll notice an impact on your hair and skin as well.

Hard water also means you need to use twice the products, like shampoo, detergent, or soap to get the result you usually would.

Here’s how you can deduce that your hair is being affected by hard water:

  • Difficult to wash: The problem is that hard water leads to you using double the amount of shampoo you would usually.

The problem isn’t in your standard shower routine, rather the presence of hard water minerals.

These minerals create a thin film that makes it difficult to lather the product as well as extract it.

  • Dry, and dull hair: Minerals like calcium and magnesium strip the moisture from your hair.

This makes them appear dull and lifeless and may eventually lead to your hair looking limp.

  • Increased hair loss: You may notice increased fall out due to magnesium and calcium forming a thin layer on your scalp.

This prevents moisture from entering thus resulting in increased hair loss and damage.

  • Color fading quickly: if you have colored hair, hard water tends to cause the color from your hair to fade quicker. This results in increased hair treatments and damage.

The Effect on Skin

The most prevalent effect of hard water on your skin is dryness. If you already have naturally dry skin, hard water worsens it.

After a shower, you may feel clean but are unable to recognize the building effects of hard minerals on the skin.

Here are a few ways to identify that hard water is affecting your skin:

  • Increased Dryness: Like your hair, hard water also tends to extract moisture from your skin.

Minerals like calcium and magnesium strip the natural oils from your skin making it dehydrated and increasingly flaky.

  • Decreases Collagen Production: Collagen is responsible for creating elasticity in our skin for the prevention of wrinkles.

The increased use of hard water slows down collagen production giving way for more wrinkles and fine lines to be produced.

  • Breakouts: Washing your face with hard water may result in some minerals being left behind.

As the skin naturally absorbs these, it creates imbalances in the skin’s pH levels and causes breakouts.

  • Dull Skin: Since the skin is unable to retain its hydration, it also becomes difficult to moisturize it. The result is dry dull skin that loses its softness.

What’s the Solution?

First and foremost you need to deduce the level of hard minerals present in your water supply.

The solution is to change up your routine and make several changes accordingly.

If your biggest concern is to prevent hard water effects in the shower, you could purchase a shower water filter for that!

Not only does it eliminate the effect of hard minerals but some filters come with Vitamin C and remineralization features. These help your hair and skin thrive!

There are different ways a water softener can help and be beneficial for you and are one such solution to your hard water problem.

Water softening systems are the go-to solution to prevent dryness on your hair, skin, and nails. Furthermore, they also prevent scaling on your appliances and plumbing systems!


The effects of hard water should be taken seriously so you can take the proper steps to prevent them!

The information above will help you identify whether hard water is an ongoing problem for you or not and what you should do to solve it!

Looking For a Non-Surgical Hair Rejuvenation Treatment

If you’re starting to get concerned about your hair loss issues but really aren’t open to the idea of going as far as surgery to treat it, you’re going to be extremely excited to learn that there’s a variety of fantastic and effective non-surgical options available to you. Non-surgical hair rejuvenation comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes for instance you can use medication, laser treatment, even special scalp injections. There are even a ton of cosmetic-based cover-ups out there, so many ways you can repair and restore your hair back to how it once was, how you want it to be! Different hair issues and amounts of loss need different treatments done if you want to see the best results. It’s extremely important that you work with hair restoration professionals who can point you in the right direction and ensure all work is done perfectly.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for Hair Loss Treatment

Somewhat of a newer concept but easily one of the fastest-growing in all the hair restoration realm. Platelet-rich plasma is nothing more than a dense concentration of your body’s own platelets and plasma, all derived from your own blood. PRP is probably the single best source of proteins which include growth factors and cytokines, these promote hair growth and overall healing. When you consider that most medicines are massively altered in labs and have side effects we don’t really understand, using your OWN cells and such to rejuvenate your hair is incredibly safe and smart.

The treatment itself really could not be much more simple. You just need to come into the office, have a sample of your blood taken which is then taken to our lab and spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and other components of the blood. Stem Cells for hair rejuvenation Atlanta is all about isolating your own proteins and such so we can use them to promote growth and healing in a very specific and focused area of your body! That’s what really gives it the effect, the focused approach. Once everything is all ready to go the actual procedure is as simple as injecting the PRP solution directly into the scalp. This treatment should take no more than 15 minutes and you don’t need to hang out for any period of time afterward. You can go right back to your daily activities while the PRP works its magic!

Simple Hair Cosmetic Coverups

There are endless amounts of non-prescription products you can get that help you cover up hair loss on a short-term basis to help improve your appearance if that’s something you want to do during the restoration process or if you’re afraid of any kind of medical procedure. You can get all kinds of products from sprays that add volume to your hair to extensions which are great for adding volume and length with a realistic appearance.

Surgery-free hair rejuvenation Atlanta, GA

The long story short is, beyond even what we have talked about here, there are so many treatments and possibilities out there, it’s up to you to determine what’s going to work best for you. Platelet-rich plasma for hair loss has proven to be an incredible treatment since its inception. Safe, affordable, and incredibly easy to do.

Is There a Link Between Alcohol Consumption and Psoriasis?

If you have psoriasis or know a person who has psoriasis, you probably have the same question and the answer to this question is yes. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to overproduce skin cells and alcohol triggers psoriasis. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on psoriasis, especially in males.

The effects of alcohol

You may know how psoriasis looks like on the skin, as it is often visible due to inflammation. Psoriasis has many causes and genetic factor appears to make you more likely to have psoriasis. Alcohol consumption stands out as one of the factors that undoubtedly trigger the disease.

Though there is no confirmation that if you consume too much alcohol, you may develop psoriasis, but alcohol consumption does make you more vulnerable to this kind of inflammatory skin disease. In case of excessive alcohol consumption, psoriasis may flare up. The reason behind the effects of alcohol can be the following:

  • You know that psoriasis is mainly caused by faults in the immune system, which results in hyperproliferation and inflammation of the skin cells. Now, excessive alcohol tends to inhibit the immune system, thereby triggering the inflammatory response.
  • The second reason may be due to the fact that alcohol is related to the inflammatory response of the body and disrupts the balance of bacteria in the gut. The result is an inflammation in the intestine.
  • Moreover, alcohol tends to interfere with cytokines that otherwise play an important role in controlling the inflammatory response of the immune system. Therefore, watching your alcohol intake to prevent skin problems like psoriasis can be the best option for you.

Why do alcohols trigger psoriasis?

It is important to understand why alcohols trigger psoriasis. It is evident that heavy drinking has a link with an increase in the risk factor and worsens psoriasis. Psoriasis makes everything very stressful. You probably have felt this if you or your close ones have psoriasis.

You may have often seen people trying to get rid of stress by consuming more alcohol, which in any way worsens the situation. Heavy alcohol consumption triggers psoriasis because of the following:

  • Alcohols lower down compliance with taking medicine.
  • Alcohol slows down or even stops the effects of medications in some cases.
  • It may further impact your immune system and thereby increasing the risk of having more skin infections. You need to know that having a low immunity makes you more vulnerable to alcohol consumption’s side effects.
  • The psoriasis flare-up further and gets triggered when the inflammation in the body increases.
  • The other ways are when alcohol causes dehydration and dries up your skin.

How does alcohol trigger psoriasis?

Till now, you have known why alcohol triggers psoriasis and its effects. Now, several factors may cause alcohol to trigger and here, you may come to know how alcohol triggers this chronic skin disease. Alcohol triggering the immune problems leads to immunosuppression.

Also, if you consume excessive alcohol, you are likely to develop acute skin infections resulting from streptococcal wounds and infections. The infection tends to affect other skin health aspects as well, making the situation worse. Also, the skin regenerates excessively when triggered by alcohol.

  • Avoiding a treatment plan may lead to the severe progression of this acute skin disease.
  • Avoiding a nutritionally balanced diet is another reason how alcohol triggers psoriasis.
  • Apart from all of the above, regular alcohol consumption impacts negatively on the liver.

The safer option

Though there is no permanent solution to psoriasis, the safer option for you would be to opt for companies like Medovie who are dedicated to treating chronic skin diseases. You may get certain skin-care products that will help you control the disease to a certain extent, apart from lessening alcohol consumption.

How to get rid of psoriasis?

You may get many suggestions on how to get rid of psoriasis, but the first step should be to follow the basics. Suggestions may make you be in a state of dilemma when you may get confused about when to see the doctor and how to identify one at its early stage.

It would be beneficial for you if you see a doctor as soon as you detect flaking skin on any part of your body. Also, if you consume alcohol, do not hide it from your doctor, as this information might help him diagnose the disease in the right path.

Secondly, you may, in the first stage, apply certain ointments from any company like Medovie. But if you find yourself to be in a depression due to psoriasis, you need to see a doctor immediately. The treatment plans with your doctor might help you get rid of the disease as soon as possible.

However, having a treatment plan might never work if you do not lessen your alcohol consumption. Also, apart from that, there are products in the market that can help you.

  • You may opt for tropical treatments by buying corticosteroid lotions and vitamin D creams. These lotions can be an add-on to their treatment besides lessening alcohol consumption.
  • You may also opt for photo or light therapy that uses ultraviolet light to reduce chronic skin diseases like psoriasis.
  • Medications account for another such option that includes injections or oral medication. Some of such medicines are retinoids, methotrexate and cyclosporine.

The above are effective treatments that may relieve you from the pain and allow you to have control over psoriasis but are not any permanent solution. They are likely to reduce the appearance of your skin.

The long-term solution

As you now know that, if you have psoriasis due to excessive alcohol consumption, you need to lessen your consumption in the first place. Secondly, the long-term solution includes consulting a doctor and following the medical treatments. Thirdly, do not stop taking corticosteroid as it effectively helps in reducing the chronic skin disease.

Author Bio:

Darshan Shah is a young entrepreneur, digital marketer and blogger. He’s founder of TheWebReach.com and provides Digital Marketing services like SEO, Guest Posting, Inbound Marketing and many more. He loves to help people to grow their business worldwide through his digital marketing knowledge.  He’s enthusiastic about creating blogs and writes creative content for the readers.

Five Common Skin Conditions & How to Treat Them

Our skin is our biggest organ and our first line of defense. The skin of the average adult weighs over 8 lbs, serving many purposes including protecting the body from germs, microbes and infectious organisms (such as parasites, bacteria or viruses) that cause disease. But that is not all, your skin also alerts the immune system to the presence of harmful organisms; produces and excretes antibacterial substances; while supporting the growth of “healthy” bacteria and providing protection from the sun and UV rays.

Providing a sound basis for improved skin health even before you start treating a specific condition is paramount – specifically what you eat and drink. If you are consuming processed foods, refined sugars, too much dairy, poor quality animal proteins, sodas or refined salt, your skin will be suffering a damaged skin barrier. This where the lipids bonding the skin cells dry up leaving cracks for potential infection.

The majority of your diet should be high quality, alkaline-forming whole foods. A fresh vegetable juice can be a wonderful tonic for your skin. Another important item to address is whether you have started using a new external product that could be irritating your skin. Examples include a new face cream or laundry liquid.

Here are five such conditions and how they can be combated with the right treatment

1.    Warts

Commonly caused by the Human Papillomavirus or HPV, warts can affect people in many different ways. If you can imagine these numbers, there are over 100 different types of warts that people can develop. Treatment takes dedication and time but will succeed. You can help speed up the treatment of plantar warts also known as or verrucas by soaking the wart in water and using a pumice board to rub away at the dead skin before adding a natural treatment.

2.    Skin tags

Skin tags develop anywhere where there are folds of skin and friction from clothing, like along the neck or armpits. Obesity can also be a cause because there is more friction and extra skin folds. Skin tags are more usual in the middle aged while other contributing factors are diabetes and pregnancy. The good news is that skin tags are benign (non cancerous) and are not infectious. The easiest time to remove them is when skin tags are small.

3.    Moles

While most moles are not harmful, many people will find them to be unsightly when very visible. Moles can develop throughout our lives as we age while some 1% of people are born with moles and it is these congenital moles that might cause problems and even become suspect in time. Moles are normally small and visible as brown or dark spots in the skin but they can be flesh-colored or yellow-brown. They can be flat or raised or they may contain dark hairs. Special cells that contain the pigment melanin cause the brown color of most moles. While most people will go through life without giving them a second thought, some will want to be rid of them.

4.    Blackheads

The key to getting rid of blackheads is to get your pores as clean as possible and the most effective way is to first open them up with steam. All you need to do is get a few cups of water up to a quick boil, and pour the hot water into a bowl. Place the bowl on a sturdy level surface, and place your face close to the water while covering your head with a towel to trap the steam from the water. Let your face get the benefit of the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. Just be careful not to scald your face in the steam. Once you are done, pat your face dry and apply a natural astringent like apple cider vinegar and a moisturizer such as coconut oil. Exfoliation is also important and best achieved with a dry brush made from natural fibers.

5.    Age Spots

After the age of 40, the skin is unable to regenerate as rapidly as it did and age spots can start to appear. They can be light brown, reddish brown or black and are normally flat. While age spots are not usually anything serious, they can be very annoying because they point to the fact that we are aging. At the same time, any irregular dark spots that increase in size, or change in color or texture, should be checked by a doctor to rule out anything suspect. While the sun can be a risk, it is not the only culprit. As we age, our metabolism changes and the liver can become overwhelmed with toxins. If the liver cannot rid the body of these toxins, age spots (often known as liver spots) can begin to develop. Oxidation within the body and a lack of antioxidants in your diet can also play an important role in the development of age spots.

The Benefits of Natural Treatment

Natural remedies have existed for centuries and have been used to treat many conditions. Even recent research supports the use of herbs in the treatment of various medical problems. Learning to manage conditions in a more natural way without relying on drugs and over-the-counter medications can also improve your general health too – physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually – and you save on doctor visits. No matter what kind of skin condition you suffer from – whether it’s acne, skin tags, moles, warts, age spots and so many more – there is always a way to treat them naturally and even get rid of the condition entirely.

Caring for Your Baby’s Sensitive Skin – 7 Expert Tips

Source: Pexels

A baby’s skin is sensitive and delicate. It also feels fragile – which it is. It seems as if anything can damage it, and there are lots of irritants and risk factors. However, this doesn’t make your baby untouchable. Instead, it calls for a gentle touch and special care as your baby’s skin adjusts to its new environment.

So, how do you handle a baby’s sensitive skin without damaging it? These seven tips are inspired by medical knowledge and decades of parenting:

1.  Keep It Moisturized

A baby’s soft skin loses moisture quickly, making it prone to dryness. Dryness causes a range of skin conditions, including newborn dry scalp concerns.

As such, it is recommended to keep the little one’s skin hydrated and moisturized at all times. Moisturizing the baby’s skin keeps it soft and plump.  Additionally, the moisture acts as a protective barrier against many irritants. More importantly, it also supports the growth of the hydrolipidic layer, which is a natural protective layer made up of body oil and water.

It is important to use moisturizers that are recommended for babies’ skin to avoid harmful side effects. It also helps to use a humidifier to keep the baby’s immediate environment humid.

2.  Keep It Clean

Contact with dirt, dust, and other harmful elements can cause skin irritation and even induce more severe skin infections in a baby’s sensitive skin. To this end, hygiene is emphasized in every setting.

Keeping the baby clean doesn’t mean bathing them repeatedly. In fact, bathing the baby too much is potentially harmful as it breaks down its natural protective barrier. To this end, it is recommendable to bathe the baby only a few times per week – every other day is reasonable. Additionally, use lukewarm water and cleansers recommended for babies’ sensitive skin.

It is also important to keep your baby in a generally safe environment. The house should be especially clean and free of dust, pet dander, and other unhygienic elements. As such, vacuum the floor, wipe the surfaces, clean the upholstery, and make sure that everything surrounding the little angel is clean.

3.  Regulate Temperatures

Too much warmth or cold is bad for the baby’s skin. Extreme temperatures break down the skin’s natural protective barrier. They can also cause a range of health conditions such as colds. As such, it is important to keep your baby at the right temperatures at all times.

Keep your baby warm. Regulate the thermostat in the baby’s room and use a humidifier to maintain its humidity. Additionally, keep them covered whenever you are outdoors or in a room without HVAC.

4.  Use the Right Fabrics

Style is the last thing you should worry about when picking out your newborn baby’s clothes and other fabrics. Your greatest concern should be whether the fabrics are healthy for your baby’s sensitive skin.

Your baby’s skin will be in continuous contact with fabrics, so make sure that they are safe and comfortable. The fabrics should be soft and smooth for comfort and safe – rough fabrics can damage the baby’s skin and cause irritation.

Additionally, the fabrics should provide enough warmth while still allowing room for breathing. And, while styling is irrelevant, the fabrics should not contain dyes or other elements that can cause irritation. Besides, you should also watch what you wear. When hugging your baby, the fabric of your clothes may come into contact with their skin, which can result in several allergic reactions.

Cotton is the recommended fabric for newborn babies. It is soft and smooth, guaranteeing the baby’s comfort. It is also warm but breathable and quick at absorbing moisture, making it good for maintaining safe and comfortable temperatures levels.

5.  Use Simple & Safe Skincare Products

Your baby doesn’t need fancy skincare products. Their skin is naturally soft and smooth, so there is no need for smoothening products. It also has that newborn smell that is irreplaceable by even the most exotic perfumes. Using fancy skincare products is not necessary and doesn’t help, consequently. On the contrary, it poses a wide range of risk factors for the baby’s skin and overall health.

However, your baby does need a range of simple skincare products. For example, a Vaseline or A-D lotion is necessary for keeping their skin moisturized. Additionally, diaper cream is necessary for protecting the baby’s delicate back.

Keep it simple when it comes to using skincare products. Use only the necessary products as recommended by your pediatrician, and avoid products that may contain irritants.

6.  Avoid Exposure to the Sun

Exposure to the sun is generally bad for the skin, and the effects are profound for newborn babies’ sensitive skin. Babies are born with low melanin counts, and their skin is continually producing more of this natural skin protection. Their low melanin content makes their skin especially sensitive to the sun’s harmful UV sun rays.

The sun poses several risks to your baby’s sensitive skin. For starters, it can cause drying, leading to conditions such as a dry scalp. It can also cause inflammation and other skin conditions associated with exposure to harmful UV sun rays.

As such, minimize your baby’s exposure to the sun – unless it is the morning and evening sun for vitamin D. Keep your baby’s skin covered in fabric and dress him/her in an all-round hat. Additionally, use a pediatrician-recommended sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 when exposure to the sun is unavoidable.

7.  Report All Skin Conditions

Some common baby skin conditions will strike despite your best efforts. Common conditions to look out for include heat rash, diaper rash, contact dermatitis, eczema, and cradle cap, among others.

These skin conditions are natural, and many of them will heal on their own. However, it is also natural to be alarmed and worried, especially since they can be symptoms of more severe conditions. As such, it is important to report every symptom to your pediatrician – avoid using OTC skincare products and natural remedies without knowing what you are dealing with. The pediatrician will advise you on how to manage the condition and offer medical care where necessary.


Protecting your baby’s sensitive skin fosters healthy growth and keeps him/her looking and feeling like an angel. These tips have been practiced by parents for millennia, and it is your turn now to put them into practice.

Skin Deep – 6 Tips To Help You Pick The Right Dermatologist For You

Photo: Ayo Ogunseinde/Unsplash

Choosing a dermatologist is an important decision that involves many different factors. Whether you’ve already got a skin condition or you just want to prevent future issues from occurring, visiting a dermatologist is the right move. To help you find the best medical professional for you, follow these helpful tips.

1. Get Referrals from Others

A good place to start your search for a dermatologist is with your primary doctor. Ask for a list of recommendations and do your research from there. If you know of any friends or family members who have visited a dermatologist, get their recommendations too. It’s always easier to trust a doctor when they come highly recommended by someone else.

2. Do Your Research

Once you have a list of reputable dermatologists in your area, you can begin researching them to narrow it down. Don’t hesitate to call each doctor’s office and ask the questions most important to you. Ask about the doctor’s medical equipment and procedures, their experience, and their success rate in treating whatever skin condition you have. Do this for each doctor before crossing any off the list.

3. Consider the Dermatologist’s Experience

Extensive experience is important, especially when you’re dealing with the health and appearance of your skin, nails, and hair. If you’re dealing with a specific condition, the more experience the doctor has in that area, the better.

For example, if you’ve got skin cancer, fellowship training in a specialty like skin cancer surgery will push a doctor to the top of your list. Don’t be afraid to question the doctor extensively about their experience with your particular condition and what complications may arise throughout your treatment.

4. Consider Your Doctor’s Gender

While gender may not matter to you, your doctor’s training may be geared more toward one gender over the other. Further, it’s important to feel comfortable with your dermatologist since you’ll be discussing personal topics, so the doctor’s gender may be a factor in deciding which one you choose.

5. Look for a Dermatologist Who Communicates Well

Communication is the key to successfully treating your skin condition. You need to be comfortable with the doctor you choose as you will be talking about personal and emotional issues.

When you first visit a dermatologist, ask questions, and pay close attention to how they’re answered. If the doctor seems genuinely engaged and doesn’t rush the answers, it’s a good sign they see you as a human being who needs help rather than just a number or a paycheck.

6. Read Patient Reviews

Lastly, before choosing a dermatologist, dedicate some time to reading patient reviews. People love to leave reviews about the doctors they see, especially if they’ve had a particularly good experience or a particularly bad one. It’s important to take these reviews with a grain of salt as people are more likely to leave bad reviews than good ones.

That said, patient reviews can give you valuable insight into the doctor’s bedside manner, how much time they spend with his patients, how friendly their employees are, and a host of other things you might not find out on your own in a single visit.

Choosing the right dermatologist for you is an important personal decision that involves a myriad of factors as outlined above. When you’re dealing with a skin issue, you want a doctor who’s knowledgeable, skillful, and who cares about your wellbeing. By following the tips above, you should be able to find the best dermatologist for you.

What You Didn’t Know About the Conscious Consumption of Cosmetics

Conscious consumption or responsible consumption consists of making decisions with all the information possible and available at the time of making a purchase and doing so rationally and responsibly. And when it comes to getting pretty, we have to think about using good quality eco-friendly cosmetics.

To make a responsible consumption and make the most of the options, we must know the form of production, the origin of the product, the conditions of the workers, the materials that are used, among others.

With all the information, the decision is conscious because it is ecological or not of one origin or another and how it was prepared, we were previously informed, and to know what type of company we allocate our money to, in addition to knowing what I am consuming.

Do we have access as consumers to all this information?

Yes and no. Many cosmetic product companies make it difficult for us, they do not give clear information to make a responsible and conscious consumption, highlighting what interests you from their product; that the deodorant does not have parabens, that the bread is gluten-free, the cookies have no sugar and a long etcetera.

Most of the cosmetic products of poor quality, contain ingredients or harmful materials in small print that in general, we cannot see, or such products could come from companies that exploit their workers, or mistreat animals in the fattening and production process, this, we don’t see it either.

On the basis that we buy with unclear or practically non-existent information, before considering acquiring something new, the first thing we would have to ask ourselves is if we need it and if we are going to use it relatively frequently.

Later, we could start looking in second-hand stores or portals to extend the useful life of products, being also cheaper than buying new ones. The former, in addition to all this, can continue to be used.

When we cannot find what we specifically want second-hand, that is when the research work begins to find out or find the product that we need and, in this way, carry out responsible and conscious consumption at the same time.

Here are some basic tips to start buying from companies that act according to values, which at the same time, will protect your health and the environment.

Read the composition of the product

It is extremely important to look at the materials, ingredients, etc. Prioritize and pay attention that it does not have plastic or it is excessive. That the ingredients are the minimum possible and that it is understood, that they are natural.


Try to find out what type of company is after the product. This is not simply entering your website, but also your social networks. Search forums, reviews, comments, what policies and values ​​they have. With this, we will have an idea of ​​the type of company we buy.

Discover the company’s production process

Do they take into account energy-saving criteria? Do you test on animals? How much do they pollute? We say try as it is not easy to acquire this information. Some companies are committed to transparency, where it will be easier to find what we are looking for.

Origin of product

This helps us to know the proximity of the product, if I can contribute my grain of sand by buying something that comes from our city, it will surely favor someone close to us, at the same time that it reduces the ecological footprint by having a short transport. Be careful, some companies put on the label the place where it was packaged, not the place of origin of the product.

Ask the seller questions

This is another option to consider. Give them a vote of confidence to know their answer. Have patience. When we decide to consume responsibly, we may not stop making mistakes at first, little by little we will apply these tips.

Some clinics like MiracleRehabClinic in Farmington Hills, massage centers, beauty salons and reputable aestheticists already make this responsible consumption. However, you should ask when visiting these places and take a look at what products are being used on your body before your session.

To sum up

At the end of the day, we must learn to enjoy the buying process more than before. If you make a compulsive purchase without having previously informed yourself. With patience and pursuing the goal, anything is possible.

Although it seems that there are many things to take into account to make a responsible consumption, as soon as you find the right company for your values, its philosophy, mode of production, and everything with which you feel that you has made a conscious and consistent responsible purchase with your principles and you will not have to investigate further.

Choose the Best Pico Laser Health Practitioner Following These Six Steps

Unlike the past, where laser therapy was only known for removing tattoos, skin pigmentation removal can also be done in this treatment form. This is carried out by breaking down the skin pigments so that the body is allowed to recover. This being the most recent skin treatment form, it should be handled in a quality facility and the most delicate health professional. See this page for more info on what to look into when choosing a Pico laser therapist.

1. Certification 

Not every health practitioner is conversant with laser therapy. With the help of the best dermatologist referrals, you should be in a position to settle for a certified specialist. The PICO laser professional should be registered under the responsible health guild. This is helpful, especially if you need to file a complaint from the service.

2. Expertise

Is your health provider conversant with all the processes of this therapy? They should know about cleaning the target area with the best disinfectant. The Pico laser gel should be applied evenly on the skin surface. Check out the skin treatment products every professional should have on sites such as cambridgemedical.com.sg. This is to avoid tampering with the skin without the proper precautions.

3. Experience

 When looking for a service provider, ensure that you research one that has been in the profession for a fulfilling period. Through their portfolio and references from previous employers, you should identify one that is perfect for the treatment.

4. Facility

Where are the Pico laser sessions done? Is the place fit for medical treatment? All this should be identified before you approach the specialist for the treatment. It is always necessary that you check if they meet the standards. This is because this form of treatment needs to be offered at the highest hygienic conditions. The last thing any careful client would wish is to contract an infection from a poorly maintained facility.

5. Types of treatment

The facility should be diversified in forms of treatment. Most clients tend to trust a facility offering a variety of services rather than one. This shows that they are experienced enough to handle another treatment when the need arises. For example, the health specialist may fail to follow the required procedure to the treatment, which calls for redoing it again and entirely.

6. After treatment services

Most health institutions recommend the clients to report over for check-up. This is to have your skin accessed on if there are any improvements. It is the responsibility of your health provider to provide this and state the pricing. For a better Pico laser service, the health provider should quote the pricing for the full benefit. Paying for your treatment in sessions may be expensive, and you may find it not valuable to your health. Have a look at sites such as www.cambridgemedical.com.sg and have an insight into how the laser service is provided.

Many are the changes happening to the health industry every day. Pico laser being a new form of treatment in dermatology it helps breaks the skin pigment in a very safe and modern way.

Why Does Aging Hair Need To Be Taken Care Of?

By Morgan Allman

You may think that as you get older, your hair just becomes this thing sitting atop your head, and no longer a possession to be prized. But you would be wrong, my friend. Your hair ages, just like the rest of your body, and not taking care of it can lead to a slew of further unwanted issues. But it’s not all bad. With these changes comes the opportunity to spice up your hair care routine with new products or maybe try out a new cut and style. When properly taken care of, your hair serves as a beautiful accessory, waiting to be shown to the world.


Luckily, that’s not your only option. When we age, our hair does more than just turn gray. Hair turns gray, because the pigment cells in the hair dies, but along with this comes thinning, reduced oil production, and a coarser texture. Dyeing your hair is always an option, but it’s no secret that frequent trips to the salon can get costly, not to mention time consuming. Alternative options include using deep conditioners or fortified hair masks specifically for gray hair in order to keep it hydrated and healthy.

If you do keep it natural, you may notice brassy or blonde hues showing through. This happens as your hair picks up pigments from your surrounding environment. Clear shampoos can help prevent this, but you may also want to add in a purple shampoo to keep your grays cool-toned and prevent any discoloration.

Oil Production

As we age, our scalp naturally produces less sebum, which is what keeps our hair smooth and shiny by transferring the oils to the hair shaft, in turn working to protect the inner layers of the hair. A lack of oil production can leave your strands dry and brittle. To add insult to injury, overly dry hair can cause breakage, split ends, and frizz. An easy way to combat this is to add a scalp serum to your hair care routine, like this nourishing duo from Better Not Younger.

Slowed Growth

It may seem like your hair growth has come to a staggering halt, but that also probably isn’t the case. This may be due to the potential breakage previously mentioned. This is especially true if you often apply heat in the form of blow drying and styling tools, which only strips even more moisture from your hair. Try air drying, alternate styling methods, or heat protectant spray to prevent this. Your hair may also seem to grow more slowly is your hair’s changing texture. Gaining waves and curls is fun, but remember that as the hair coils, it appears shorter, thereby making it appear to grow more slowly.


There are two types of thinning we’re talking about here, both of which can cause your scalp to become more susceptible to UV damage. First, as our hair ages, we may go through temporary or more permanent periods of hair thinning where the follicles stop producing new strands. The second is when hair texture begins to change and fibers grow finer. While permanent hair loss may need a medical solution, both of these can be helped with volumizing shampoos, less frequent washing, and proper nutrition. Better Not Younger’s volumizing spray works to lift at the roots and give your hair a fuller look and feel.

If these reasons weren’t enough to convince you, there’s always plain, old self-confidence to sway your thinking. When you look good, you feel good, and there’s no denying that. So, take care of yourself, and take care of your hair, because it’s the only body you’ve got. Have other convincing reasons or tips to keep living your best hair life? Let us know below.

The Best Advice for Proper Skin Care: What You Should Really Know

You may already know how vital it is to wash your face twice a day and apply moisturizer and toner every day as well. It is important to use toner for your skin, which helps your skin become cleaner and does away with impurities, dirt, and bacteria. But aside from all these daily skincare habits, there are other ways you can improve your skin’s look and feel and have it emerge more radiant and glowing and free from blemishes. The road to better skin comes with other good habits, and if you stick to these habits and make sure to follow them, your skin will look much better before you know it. Here, then, is the best advice for proper skincare: what you should really know.

  • Always use the right sunscreen

Any dermatologist and skin specialist will tell you that sunscreen is critical if you want to fully protect your skin from sun damage. But not just any sunscreen will do – you have to choose a sunscreen with a broad spectrum and an SPF of a minimum of 30. So, when is the proper time to apply sunscreen? You should apply it right after moisturising, but before you apply your makeup for the day. You should make it a point to apply sunscreen at regular intervals throughout the day; once every two hours or so if you are going out, and right away if you have sweated from exercising or have gone swimming.

Protecting your skin from sun damage and the rays of the sun isn’t just about using sunscreen, either. It’s also about being mindful of when you go out. For instance, you should limit going out between the hours of 10 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon, and try to seek as much shade as you can when you go out. Don’t forget to wear protecting clothing, either, and protect your eyes with UV sunglasses and wear a hat.

  • Always remove your makeup in the evening

We’ve all done it before – we’ve been too lazy to remove our makeup in the evening, and we sleep with our makeup on. But this is a complete no-no, and you should avoid this nasty habit altogether. It takes mere minutes, but your skin will definitely thank you for it. If you fall asleep with makeup on your face, it can easily mix with the oil and dirt on your skin, resulting in clogged pores and – you guessed it – blackheads and breakouts. To easily remove your makeup, look for micellar water, which has small molecules of micelle that bond together to lift impurities from the surface of the skin.

  • Use anti-aging products at night

Even if you are still young – only in your 30s – or younger, you should already establish an anti-ageing skincare routine, especially in the evening. For instance, you can use some brilliant products that contain retinol and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid, such as various available aging products from www.totalbodycare.co.uk.

These products can combat the obvious signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles and dark spots, and they can additionally protect your skin from environmental damage and pollution and strengthen the barrier of your skin as well.

Image attributed to Pixabay.com