3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact | Lisa Renee

By Lisa Renee | energeticsynthesis.com

Note: You can listen to or DOWNLOAD the podcast of this message here:


There are many very positive activations happening throughout the dimensional fields that will generate rapid 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact that greatly support collective humanity to be spiritually initiated towards choosing heart-based freedom, loving-kindness and planetary liberation via the disclosure timeline.

Simultaneously, the mainstream media distraction beats the war drums and transmits mind control signals to dampen this massive inpouring of solar plasma light, benevolent goodness and humanitarian support moving us rapidly towards a collective planetary event.

The factions currently infighting within the Controller groups are desperate and using every resource at their disposal, in forcefully redirecting the collective consciousness to focus on the agents of chaos by provoking war and misdirection that further encourages compliance to tyranny, violence, separation and fear narratives.

Sadly, the heavy burden most awakening people carry is the difficult realization that the majority of intelligent people around them will only glance superficially at some enormous disclosure event of great importance, disregarding any semblance of critical thinking, common sense and reason.

As the result of full-spectrum mind-control programming exposure, many still don’t seem to care to inquire any further into the crimes made against humanity. Instead, their situational awareness is compromised as they continue to ignore blaring red flags and reinforce the mainstream propaganda of satanic-based ideological subversion and their controlled narratives.

Rather than dig deeper to question what has happened to our civilization through an open dialogue or be willing to review critically important information that is available to those willing to look at it, they just shut down and ignore that situation entirely.

Many of those awake and aware to current anti-human genocidal agendas see that many people around them insist on avoiding addressing anything that would disrupt their reality bubble or personal comfort zone. Those awakening to the controller deceptions and atrocious crimes of genocide will be facing more of these social and relational difficulties this year, as the 3D Breakdown continues to crumble the main pillars of society from within.

This month we have reached another milestone of planetary shifting in which the massive gears that cause the forward momentum in the world of forces are bursting at the seams to push the collective consciousness of humanity towards another significant global bifurcation event. Many of us are aware of global changes and observing the accumulative effects of the bifurcation of time, in which the point of divergence grows between the reality perception of the two main groups.

For the masses, there are spiritual opportunities to make life choices that move towards more love and truth which will herald wonderfully supported new beginnings in the ascension timeline. Or to remain in mental bondage to the 3D fear and tyranny which will be aligned with more unpleasant situations that are filled with the emotional despair of the end times and the grief of significant losses.

Humanity will be somewhat co-existing in these two primary realities happening side by side, as the 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact is happening simultaneously, with the themes of consciousness experience being explored through the lens of human liberation or the lens of mental bondage. Yet for those spiritually awakening towards the Enlightened Contact experiences, this will feel like a distinctly separate reality, in which the opposing fear-based timeline will feel far removed as if watching a horror movie that is happening in some other world.

During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown.

There are people that we love and care for that will choose to distance themselves even further away from truth and truth seekers. They may suddenly change their personality in such ways that they become unrecognizable and unreachable, seemingly shifting into someone else that you never knew.

Some people may double down by digging their heels even deeper into the controlled narrative by staunchly denying any evidence that is contrary to their 3D belief system doctrine, which are usually based in similar thought forms being reinforced by their immediate social circle.

As the 3D Breakdown is occurring, this may incite tremendous amounts of subconscious fear and denial of these events as they are happening. Rather than evolve beyond the status quo, they will instead choose to protect the very social control system that enslaves them with trauma-based mind control deceptions, because they find it more convenient for maintaining the beliefs in their current lifestyle.

Sadly, they may unexpectedly consider those family or friends awakening to greater truth and Enlightened Contact to be the main threat to their current reality perception and thus, angrily turn on them. Further, they may transfer their fears and project their shadow wounding upon you as a truth seeker or truth-teller, seeking punishment for those choosing personal beliefs different than theirs.

When you are opening dialogue and asking them uncomfortable questions, they may consider you to actually be the source of all their problems. Thus, they may abruptly abandon your relationship or friendship, betraying your trust without any warning or explanation, even going on a campaign to discredit or defame your character.

This energetic chasm generates tremendous difficulty in connecting or communicating with those groups that are on the polar opposite or descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving. The ongoing fear propaganda has fed the negative ego in such ways that many people are being consumed by its shadows and remain disconnected from their hearts and inner spirit which renders them unable to see, feel or discern truth frequencies.

Breakdown of Mental Faculties

Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to sponge brain symptomology. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s bio-neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening mid dialogue.

Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine-related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment.

In these trying moments, we will need a very tough skin to remain neutral within the great changes happening in our lives brought on by ongoing disclosure-related events, in witnessing the contrast of vaccine-injured people. And with a loving and compassionate heart that is wrapped in the spiritual armor of God, to know that we must remain committed to a state of unconditional love throughout very difficult circumstances.

Love must be the inner-directed and primary guiding force in order to remember that we are spiritual warriors for serving truth and light, thus we cannot control others’ choices or take another’s unkind words with false accusations personally.

Even when we are calm, loving, neutral and speaking with compassion within an intentionally respectful mutual dialogue, the loved one, friend or acquaintance may not be able to process the fear they feel when triggered or understand what it is that you are even saying.

Instead, they may begin to incessantly accuse you of something as a scapegoat or use mental distraction, such as verbal attacking against your character to quickly derail any conversation around unapproved topics. This dynamic can be emotionally painful and breaks down open communication and trust between people and in groups very quickly.

The only thing we can take control over is ourselves in consciously choosing how we will best respond to difficult situations that may include mental impairment and an increase of estranged relationships.

Thus, the chasm continues to grow between those believing the mainstream controlled narrative which feeds into the Armageddon pestilence war programming and those that are breaking through the mind control frequency fence, to align with the forces of love powering world humanism that exists on the other side in this ascending trajectory.

As a result of the highly pressurized outer terrain, we will need to find healthy ways to redirect our personal stress in order to protect our mental health and sanity and that of our children. This is especially important when observing others around us fracture and descend into a level of bifurcation madness, demonstrating unstable behaviors and cognitive dissonance that can border on a range of negative ego pathologies and seriously delusional states.

Many people will be unable to reconcile the truth as the clear evidence is revealing to them or will be unable to grapple with the realization of the magnitude of these planetary shifts into disclosure that will change human civilization forever.

Sadly, as a result the bifurcation madness will become increasingly apparent with those minds that are unequipped to handle the total collapse of the 3D narrative when they learn that all they ever were taught in school, which was being reinforced by society and by those they trusted, was actually filled with gross deceptions and lies designed to exploit us all.

It will be painful when we realize that no matter what clear and credible disclosure evidence is being shown to an individual suffering from extreme brainwashing, even when it has been proven as factual events in black and white, that the post-traumatic stress may have pushed them past the point of no return.  All we will have to help is silent prayer and giving it to God.

Many people are completely unaware that humanity has been engaged in an active spiritual war on multiple fronts. Thus, in the future, we will have to face that there is a segment of society that qualify as mentally ill and severely traumatized whom are unable to cope with the stark realization of the many unpleasant truths that will surface about human civilization.

As we enter phases of the breakdown in society, many people are losing trust in the rules and regulations of the establishment and are seeking to reorganize into parallel structures with those that have similar values or like-mindedness. These are the Starseed groups of ascending angelic humans that choose to self-lead from the immense love guiding them from within their hearts, in order to form cooperative alliances with others in which to remove dependence upon this corrupted system that has fueled the death culture of war and division.

From within this place of choosing love over fear, many of us are fully guided by our hearts and we will be ushered into a new beginning of co-creation which offers protection, support and meaningful connections. Embarking on these humanitarian and service-oriented projects are subjected to divine timing and spiritual guidance, as timing is everything in such matters and many of us will receive more clarity during this year.

Why Those Chosen are Contacted, Defining Enlightened Contact

As the density locks open throughout the dimensions due to recent planetary activations, this means that the potential communication with an assortment of extradimensional enlightened beings will commence, ushering in the next stages of our planetary liberation.

The Guardian Host holds concern for angelic humans that have not been properly briefed on the necessity of clearing negative ego and developing emotional competence, as well as the degree of spiritual maturity required in the proper handling of such contact made by their direct spiritual family lineages.

The following information contains suggested guidelines for Starseeds, Indigos and awakening humans to become aware of the personal responsibility needed to comprehend that no otherworldly enlightened being or extraterrestrial race should ever be perceived as greater than or of higher value then yourself. It is highly suggested to practice the Law of One guidelines as a lifestyle and know that this is a pre-requisite for preparing for enlightened contact.

Thus, it is critical that those Earthly humans that will be contacted by their star family or related lineages in the future, have some basic understanding of Guardian protocols along with the mental and emotional maturity needed to remain stable and personally competent to engage in productive mutual communication.

To prepare to interact or communicate with a range of benevolent non-human beings from other worlds, we need to be grounded with a practical awareness of embodied self-love, self-acceptance and the commitment to personal responsibility that is required for maintaining personal sovereignty.

We should have some practical understanding of what it takes to manifest in this reality with principles of ethical conduct, responsible co-creation and have gleaned some wisdom and maturity from direct life experiences. To be an acting Guardian representative, would encompass a loving, stable and competent person that has self-assessment skills of emotional self-regulation.

Such individuals avoid displays of delusions of grandeur, messiah complex, superior-elitist thoughtforms, and addiction tendencies while knowing the dangers that hero-savior and self-delusions pose to rapidly digress mental and emotional health. Acting in the role as ambassador or liaison to interstellar communications and being available for direct enlightened contact requires some self-mastery with psychological and emotional competence to remain coherent and clear in the presence of beings that appear very differently to ourselves. Thus, this is not a game of fantasy to be trifled with.

The return of the Emerald Order correlates to the fulfillment of the Emerald Covenant which is specifically for the purpose of freeing humanity and liberating the planet from her oppressors, which are comprised of interdimensional non-human and humanoid invaders and those that serve the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA).

Humanity is caught unaware in the midst of a strategic war game for control over Earth in which those opposing the Emerald Covenant’s promise to guide us to fully free humanity, are using everything they have available to take control with AI machinery, attempting to thwart the Emerald Order by inciting distractions via false flags and World War.

Thus, the return of Emerald Order is the primary directive of the Guardian Host and they are returning to educate humanity about the ancient knowledge of our stellar histories and the alien hybridization conflicts our race has been involved in, but were subsequently blank slated into amnesiac mind-controlled slaves in order to forget and be exploited by these invaders.

Angelic humans were originally designed to be the Guardians that protected the planetary templar complex of Earth-Tara-Gaia network which includes time travel through interdimensional stargates, portals, and access to natural methods of accessing abundant forms of clean and sustainable free energy.

Controller Families Have Been Collaborating with Invaders

It is important to realize the invading species with anti-human agendas were already on the planet and had formed into multiple factions of secret society satanic ritual-based allegiances, deeply infiltrated and covertly integrated to run every area of human civilization.

The Controller hierarchies are vast as they exist on and off planet, but Guardian Host tends to identify them through their main objectives and from their source anti-Christ origins which are Black Sun and Belial Sun groups. These are the key themes of the upcoming disclosure timeline which will be incredibly shocking for the human population to register and process, and thus the world will need benevolent and caring humanitarians in every industry or specialty to be of service in helping to rebuild our world.

Since early 2020, sequential layers of these interdimensional realities that were interconnected with these anti-human agendas run by these Controller families giving orders to compartmentalized military intelligence groups that were protecting these Negative Alien Agenda projects are being sequentially identified, red-pilled, and then evicted and eliminated.

Systematically these Controller family hierarchies are being identified and removed from gaining access into their massive accumulation of power, wealth and resources which have been used for maintaining vast underground utopian cities, trafficking tunnels, cloning centers and genetic biotech laboratories servicing secret operations all paid for on the backs of hardworking human beings on the Earth surface.

Those non-human entities can appear to be inhabiting a human-like body, and have been overseeing and implementing anti-human agendas by working directly with these same factions of human controllers. These controllers infiltrated the military, sciences, medical research, academia and bio-technology through assorted covert methods assuring this information remains hidden, while their controlled media sources pump out aggressive mainstream mind control propaganda.

Human scientists and a variety of extraterrestrial species have been working together covertly since the 1930’s, carrying out a range of genetic and technological experiments in the secret bio-laboratories buried behind billion-dollar military complex funded corporate storefronts that have been kept hidden from the public.

Obscene amounts of taxpayer-funded government-run institutions and non-governmental organizations are directing immense networks of galactic human trafficking, as well as capturing the wealth accumulation and planetary resources for genetic cataloguing of the human race and all planetary species in collaboration with the same non-human entities and their minions.

Experiments are conducted in these high-security bio-labs for assorted scientific testing in connection with merging biological forms with different types of genetics with nanotechnologies, such as self-sensing materials like carbon nano tubes that can conduct electricity and be programmed remotely from quantum supercomputers.

They discovered that through nano-biosensors which are very tiny antennas brought down into the nano scale, that they can manipulate and bend light into different wave lengths for creating holographic technology. This is being hidden behind a cloak of invisibility on an atomic scale where they are exploring entirely new ways of controlling behaviors in manifested things.

One can imagine this nanotechnology in partnership with globally mandated injections being forced into the bloodstream of every man, woman and child on the planet, and then reflect upon their real objectives and desired end results.

Thus, we should be aware that the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) controlling power elite groups captured the military-science-academic-medical institutions long ago, to suppress the knowledge that our planet is being run by extraterrestrial visitors that have come from a variety of different interdimensional levels that exist within the Universal Time Matrix.

Therefore, Earth humans have been egregiously exploited, mind-controlled and enslaved with false and incorrect information given in academic institutions about many subjects, falsifying all data connected to our ancient human origins and accurate historical timelines.

All the while the non-human entities are methodically tracing organic human genetics and their related solar factored bloodlines for extensive genetic cataloging, while carrying out a highly organized global human trafficking and abduction scheme.

It is critical to know that the war against humanity is based in alien hybridization agendas that extend into several Galactic Wars throughout our hidden stellar history, and in the last round of wars it is clear that humanity lost.

The invaders in the Black Sun and Belial groups seek to completely destroy the angelic human diamond sun DNA in its original seeded form, and for this reason seek to genetically splice and dice angelic human DNA for consciousness slavery, along with assorted cloning, alien hybrid and transhumanist purposes.

All current mainstream sciences have been twisted with untruths while the real advanced technological sciences were hidden away from the public in vast underground cities, tunnels, bio-labs and in off planet civilizations. This is so humans do not discover the elitist Controller families are working in direct collaboration with other non-human species as the fruits of human labor, wealth, resources and technologies are being stolen and siphoned from under us in order to pay for our own genocide.

The accurate sciences comprising quantum mechanics integration with multidimensional physics reveal the plausible existence of a cosmic order of consciousness, as well as explain interdimensional and extradimensional entities from other worlds. These interdimensional entities or visitors are not advanced at higher consciousness levels but have access to more advanced technology that includes extensive AI networks and related machinery, which gives them capabilities that include consciousness transport and astral projection of their subtle energetic body moving through multiple dimensions of reality interacting with the Earth.

Successful scientists and academics are mouthpieces for the controller establishment conditioned to mock the existence of extraterrestrial life and keep us focused on the 3D material plane of physical reality. Such multidimensional energetic phenomenon can be explained and traced at the quantum levels and outside of 3D upon many of the interdimensional planes that coexist separately alongside our own.

The mainstream disciplines of science, academia and the medical system have deeply betrayed and devastated all of humanity at this juncture in history. At the core of that same agenda are those which sought to destroy humanity with grotesque deceptions designed to divide and conquer through labels and classifications.

We must learn our lessons as we rebuild our humanitarian civilization by helping each other to know the primary cause of the current dismal state of world suffering is from the extensive mind control targeting of all humans that was devised by the invaders. It should be made clear that all humans have been deceived and have suffered greatly in this warfare because surface humans were sold out as consciousness slaves on a prison planet that was being controlled by these elite families, which were further being controlled or possessed by NAA entities.

Three Main Agendas, One Serves Human Freedom

Every human being that has been contacted by interdimensional entities or has suffered through abduction scenarios should be well aware that the Earth holds great interest for these non-human entities that want to access the entirety of the planetary genetic library without restrictions.

On planet, the history of the human genetic race line and tribal affiliation is key coded to interdimensional stargate mechanics in the grid network, which is held in the DNA record of the incarnated human being even when its potentials remain dormant and inactive. The high majority of those that are contacted or abducted are directly related to the genetic affiliation that the human being has had with one out of three primary interdimensional stellar agendas that are connected to that particular star family located in higher dimensional realities.

Those that serve the Emerald Order Covenant uphold the Cosmic Sovereign Law for achieving human freedom and planetary liberation, which extends beyond this Universe into the Cosmic Source Domains and go all the way back to the 1st God World Creation. The other two, Belial Group and Black Sun alien AI hybrids originally source from a fallen parallel matrix called Wesa, which serve the One World Order government with the current transhumanist slavery agenda for implementing the Great Reset.

The AI networks and massive Thothian Leviathan Rod and Staff inversion networks using the solar system planetary cores are currently being dismantled, which has stopped their off-planet AI power sources.

Essentially this situation breaks down into two main opposing agendas that can be easily identified when GSF boundary tested by awakening benevolent humans being contacted by interdimensional entities. There are those invading entities that are working to enslave humanity and thus are manipulating and stealing the planetary resources for their selfish agendas.

Or those enlightened benevolent entities that truly oppose any level of deception and manipulation of humanity and only tell the truth. The Guardian groups are supporting truth tellers, free thinking individualism, personal autonomy, and personal sovereignty concepts which ultimately protect human freedom and planetary liberation.

Thus, Guardians are working tirelessly in the removal of artificial alien mind control systems embedded in the planetary templar complex, in order to help humanity know the truth of our reality by bringing on the global awakening and the Full Disclosure Event.

Those Starseed groups that are doing their best to serve human liberation or the Christos Mission are ultimately in service to the Emerald Covenant, and are working to free the planet from the invaders alien hybridization agendas, which are designed to destroy the original angelic human diamond sun DNA.

The current push for mass mandated vaccination programs is directly tied to the final conflict and war over humanity in which the Belial and Black Sun controllers are doing all they can to damage human bio-neurology and DNA assembly.  Further, to destroy organic human diamond sun DNA by implementing assorted genetic experiments by introducing AI organisms being combined with foreign DNA programmed with gain of function nanotechnology enhancements that are designed for a range of future alien-human AI hybridization potentials.

Thus, it is critical to know that alien hybridization has been accomplished through the medical brainwashing of accepting pharmaceuticals and the injection of foreign DNA and related programmed instruction sets into the human bloodstream.

From inception, Big Pharma and vaccination campaigns were designed by Black Sun entities to be a genetic hybridization program that makes humans more susceptible to these Negative Alien Agenda entities influences with various methods of mind control and compliance to serve their agendas, culminating in total amygdala control via GOAT Brain waves.

The more humanity is being hybridized with genetic modification of foreign DNA designed to repel organic human diamond sun DNA signals, the more susceptible they are made to become automatons used as pawns and dark portal sleepers by these same Negative Alien Agenda invading groups working on achieving their ultimate transhumanist goals.

Emerald Covenant and Oraphim Lineages

The original angelic human design from planet Tara emerged from out of the double diamond sun Oraphim, as such the Oraphim are parents to the Indigos and the authentic grail lineage that services the Christos Mission. Guardian Yeshua and team returned the diamond sun DNA template back to the Earth while he was incarnated.

Christos Starseeds came from this same grail lineage in order to keep the diamond sun DNA alive in the planetary gene pool during the Dark Aeon that began after the Luciferian Rebellion and into the current final conflict over Earth happening during the Ascension Cycle.

The Oraphim and Indigo lineages have a genetic ascendancy back to the original Emerald Order Founders, and during this phase of planetary Eukatharista activation this group will be radically upgraded to embody the highest diamond sun template they can handle at this density to activate their potentials.

Emerald Order Guardians are helping their direct lineages to rapidly upgrade, heal and align their personal lightbody systems with the congruent consciousness frequencies of their Star family diamond sun lineages. Thus, they will be guarding and protecting these lineages from artificial frequency weaponry.

The key theme during this phase will be how well the integrated, stable, coherent and competent ascending individual will be able to maintain themselves during that rapid upgrade and ascending process, to stay reasonably energetically balanced.

The pitfall at this time is the necessity to avoid being exploited by nefarious entities who desire to derail and manipulate that individual into acting out nested subconscious complexes and negative ego pathology, such as the dreaded Hero-Savior-Messiah complex that destroys the people tricked into embodying its victimizer archetypal forces.

The Christos Mission serves the Emerald Covenant which has the main objective to support humanity’s evolution towards reclaiming their personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom through the knowledge of their lightbody, which supports embodiment of their original 12 strand diamond sun DNA. The Emerald Covenant includes the promise made to Tarans, now Earth Humans, that they would be given the divine right in natural law to fulfill their true design in creation, as God source intended.

The divine purpose for angelic humanity was to embody as an Avatar Christos race line in which they would be the Guardian protectors of the Earth-Tara-Gaia templar and stargate system, which are open source and free energy systems. Emerald Order Guardians return during the Ascension cycle to serve and protect this directive on behalf of ascending humanity in alignment to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, and welcome other races to become involved once they are made aware of their existence and choose to serve the same objectives.

Guardians are assisting in all ways for offering safe passage, in which humans are supported when they drop their physical body to evolve into their highest reality expression, so they can continue their consciousness journey in a free and open reality system that exists in future time.

The Emerald Order goals are to support the unification and healing of all race lines revealing that the Law of One practices foster consciousness freedom and support the multidimensional healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of angelic humans. Those humans and race lines that practice the Law of One as a lifestyle and are committed to uphold human freedom and planetary liberation beyond their own personal agendas, can be admitted to the Interdimensional Free World Associations and are the primary candidates that are chosen for enlightened contact and communication.

Guardian Host initiates direct contact only in those people that are direct lineages or hybrids from their original race line, many have pre-incarnation agreements for enlightened contact for the purpose of serving the Christos Mission. Guardian Host will engage in contact with any human being who requests their support by wanting to learn to live in accordance with the Law of One and is interested to put forth the effort in pursuing personal spiritual healing and consciousness growth during the Ascension cycle.

The Guardian Host will never initiate contact through urgency, coercion, demands, manipulation or use force. They will never accept involvement in any mind control agenda or that which violates natural laws, or violates the rights of any human being or life form, and consistently emanate the highest Krystic ethics conducting themselves within the Law of One principles and the scientific laws that govern the mechanics of creation. Authentic Guardian races will assist any sincere spiritual seeker that addresses them through principles of the Law of One, whereby they are committed to the expression of unconditional love, truth, respect and reverence for life.

It is important that contactees realize they are being chosen for their genetic relationship and unique station of identities through multiple timelines, which can also surface memories of pre-incarnation agreements to engage in collaborative missions.

When we have an awareness of the bigger picture of spiritual warfare against humanity related to alien hybridization agendas and the ongoing war over access to the planetary genetic catalogue, then we can make more informed choices and discern which agendas we want to align with and serve, and know that will have a greater impact upon our personal lives.

By discerning what forces are benevolent and serving pro-human freedom versus those that are pro-human slavery through forced alien hybridization and transhumanism, we can observe who is actually using control, manipulation, deception and trickery in order to achieve its objectives. We can learn how to generate immunity from mind control manipulation and repel electronic harassment, AI targeting and other genocidal technologies that are being used to weaken our immunity, biology and minds.

Those that have been contacted or will be contacted in the future are being tested for personal integrity in ways that they may be asked to become ambassadors or representatives acting as liaisons between visiting off planet benevolent groups and the human race.

When we can see this bigger picture, it makes it clear why we have been continually warned by the Guardian Host to be focused upon discernment of psychological warfare tactics, so that we can maintain core stability and energetic integrity to discern who is who in the extradimensional visitor groups that use manipulation and deception to get humans to be their slave work force.

Extraterrestrial visitation with the purpose of alien hybridization has been going on throughout hidden human history, and this knowledge and the wars being fought over genetics have been purposely hidden through the invention of world religions by the invaders.

Every person that comes to access this knowledge of the bigger picture of alien hybridization and genetic warfare is faced with an important choice of deciding how much they are willing to know about our history and origins, which is relative to how much consciousness growth and truth we can handle.

If we seek to know truth in service to God’s divine will, we will be given a tremendous amount of knowledge, but with that growth comes great responsibility to maintain personal integrity, spiritual ethics, accurate assessment of reality through the Law of One practices. This builds the foundation for empowerment during visitation, contact or even abduction, to know how to reclaim your personal power and refuse to give it away to another entity.

Empowerment During Visitation

First to reclaim your spiritual power, you must know that you have spiritual power in the natural laws of God, which are based in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. When you know yourself as a multidimensional spiritual being, and know that you have an eternal soul, spirit and Christos identity that is connected or at one with God source, then you are on the way to knowing that you have spiritual power in which you have the free will and divine right to choose where to direct that power.

Learning about the multidimensional human anatomy and how that corresponds to human consciousness perception arranged in the layers of the mind matrices, begins to re-awaken the spiritual body parts that were dormant. When connecting with mind matrices for the purpose of awakening consciousness, you choose each layer to reclaim your spiritual power as an embodied eternal consciousness that is one with God and the natural laws.

In any visitation or contact, hold the perspective that you are equal to any entity or visitor, knowing that you have the same potentials to be as advanced and evolved as they may appear to be. Every individual has the opportunity to consciously grow and integrate higher aspects of spiritual identity and activate dormant DNA to achieve advanced consciousness growth.

Take personal responsibility for your own consciousness evolution journey and do not project or expect that others are supposed to direct your personal evolution on your behalf. Becoming spiritually mature means that you are learning how to be responsible for yourself and the direction of personal energies, and that learning about your multidimensional aspects and how your consciousness works is a part of becoming a spiritual adult.

It is suggested that your first priority be connecting and remembering your spiritual aspects through meditation and prayer. It is important to work to overcome fear, embody love and surrender all to serve your highest expression or God source. Whereby consciously choosing intent, consent and authority to serve God source, while knowing that you do not need another person, or formal religion to achieve spiritual actualization.

Hold your own personal power of decision making and make sure that you are in control of your spiritual evolution and destiny to fulfill your own unique divine purpose for incarnating on the planet. Do not ever allow any other entity to generate a wedge or stand between you and your direct connection with God source. We do not need intermediaries and one should choose to make a direct God connection with the intention to integrate your personal higher dimensional identity levels as divinely sourced and inspired.

When you empower yourself through dedicated self-reflection and acceleration of inner potentials, by refusing to allow others to gain control over you by choosing consciously to direct your own life, you become a living example which helps others to empower themselves and do the same. As you learn about the war against humanity and its ancient origins in genetic hybridization, we help others to awaken to the anti-human agenda and stop complying to be experimented upon.

Be willing to learn about the Law of One which are the natural laws in such ways that you can become competent in manifesting from the pure intentions of loving kindness, non-judgement, unified cooperation and respect for other living forms.  This neutralizes miasmatic and karmic based manifestations that can bring on great challenges from entwinement with controlling or negative ego based desires.

When we give our manifestations to God, and we ask to be in service to the divine plan when praying for spiritual guidance, we are given the intuitive breadcrumbs which take us through the process of karmic-less manifesting. Karmic-less manifestations are based in synchronistic divine alignment which allows the best options to be made available from absolute harmlessness and thus manifestations are freed from the impacts and influences of shadows and dark manipulation.

When you make the commitment of spiritual awakening a priority, and sincerely grow towards implementing principles of spiritual maturity and negative ego clearing, it is highly possible that you will experience enlightened contact with benevolent Guardian forces and other pro-human freedom visitor races in the future.

If you can hold this responsibility with the maturity and emotional stability required to receive this level of truth about our reality, it may be that you can assist the Guardian races to make themselves known to the surface human population in a benevolent manner.

The more of us that are capable to act in alignment with authentic Law of One principles, means that each individual has an important role that can greatly help to support the global awakening and human evolution towards unpacking the disclosure timeline.

Cautionary Guidelines

Do not believe that all visitor contact is benevolent and beneficial, or place any entities on a pedestal deeming them as Gods or Saviors. It is important to not be dazzled by astral glamours, crafts or abilities that the visitor may use for manipulation purposes which may seem advanced to most humans.

We must realize that just because they may reveal certain advanced abilities, that they are not necessarily ethical, moral or have the same spiritual objectives of being in service to the Law of One and supporting the restoration of Cosmic Order.

Do your best to not succumb to fear and feel overwhelmed or powerless in the situation. In most cases, Guardians will not visit a person who is filled in fear, but unscrupulous entities may manipulate such persons for as long as they are able. The dimensional locks are opening and thus a vast array of other life forms are now potentially able to contact humans during this phase of time.

Sadly, we have many visitor groups manipulating well-meaning humans on the white, gray and black hat spectrum with complex AI technologies while this space drama war continues to unfold on the planetary surface. Do not believe that these white hat groups are necessarily saving humanity when most of them in the ranks do not have high clearance, have little to no knowledge about this alien hybridization agenda and the complexities of the Controller family factions warring over Earth territories.

Our civilization has serious problems connected to artificial intelligence networks and their complex systems are being run to war game strategic moves with multiple military factions from those Controller groups that give them orders to serve their personal interests.

The best option at this time is to compassionately witness and observe these outer agendas as they all have a bigger role to play in the war game strategy playing out, but realize that most people would be severely disheartened to know of the corruption involved even in those that claim to be the white hats-good guys.

Be discerning, be careful and do not give your trust to those who have not earned it. Be cautious and do not over rely on those white hat groups that have groomed popular pundits to persist in giving disinformation to their loyal public audiences in order to string them along.

Patriots should demand more from their group movement leaders and demand that they should be told the truth and not continually deceived and groomed with misinformation, being paid by sponsorships or agreements made with certain factions.

That means human beings have to be ready to know the actual truth and be ready to commit to truth seeking about our reality which has difficult otherworldly histories and can be extremely unpleasant to uncover.

Nonetheless we cannot evolve out of this satanic generated mess leading us to co-create hell realms by perpetuating the ball of lies by persisting in propping up the 3D controlled narrative which is filled with horrific deceptions designed to enslave humanity.

More humans are required to stand up for truth by demanding they are being told the truth by their leaders and stop allowing pundits or other figureheads to manipulate many good-hearted humans with continual use of funded disinformation tactics.

We do not approve of deliberate disinformation and propaganda lies being used to deceive the public in any form, as in order for humanity to heal they need and require someone in leadership to tell them the truth.

Emerald Order Contact Guideline

Emerald Order Guardians will initiate enlightened contact with loving kindness, respect and honoring personal sovereignty, in which they will expect the same reciprocal expression in return. Guardians will require that you as a human being are willing to be self-responsible and put in the personal effort in your own learning, growth and personal healing.

It is suggested to work with the 12D Christos shielding process, God Soverirn Free (GSF) boundary testing and Unity Vow in the morning and before bedtime, which helps to attune your energy field to the Guardian Christos frequency. When enlightened contact is happening, it can be very subtle in order to test out field occurrences and your specific reactions to such energetic contact.

They generally will not give proof of their contact initially, because like any situation where building trust is required in a mutual relationship, they will test your integrity for building a trustworthy bond for the purpose of communication exchanges. Once this bond is present, it is possible to ask them for help in ways that biologically regenerate your original diamond sun template and reclaim unique spiritual heritage.

The communication bond can be severed if the individual’s fundamental frequency plummets or exceptional negative behaviors take over the individual no matter what the reason. One must remember that to ask for this enlightened contact connection will take some effort. This means that spiritual acceleration will happen rapidly and that your life may not remain the same, and thus you must consider consequences and choose wisely.

Again, before choosing to intentionally ask for positive Guardian contact you should have already developed a daily personal shielding process with the 12D Christos shield, Unity Vow and GSF Boundary testing. Then, when it feels guided in right aligned timing, set aside a sleep state process at bedtime in which the main focus is holding prayerful intention to connect with Emerald Order Guardians that serve the Cosmic Sovereign law, in the power and authority of God and Christos.

For approximately 21 days, before sleep offer a prayer of goodwill in service to God, and request connection and contact with Emerald Order Guardians serving the One in the most authentic and heartfelt loving way, as you are expressing a genuine commitment to personal spiritual healing and being in service to others.

During the fourth week, then add in the following exercise before sleep. Be sure to have a writing journal and pen at bedside to capture your impressions and help to remember your experiences as you wake up in the morning. Keep track over the time you are working with this sleep state exercise, and pay attention to subtle energy shifts or different sensory perception awareness in the day to day.

Before sleep, power up your 12D and above frequency and focus intently on the inner vertical channel from tailbone to the base of the skull, intending to strengthen your inner core self and be very confident in your direct relationship with God. Now intend to command your personal space in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One and then create GSF blessings for your sacred space for sleep for the purpose of communing with God and loving truth spirits of Christos.

Focus on your heart, feel and intend to see an aqua blue mist form into a perfect teardrop of the aquamarine heart flame inside your emerald crystal heart. Now intend to create an entire orbital circuit with the teardrop of aquamarine heart current or run the Amoraea flame.  Intend to run the teardrop aquamarine heart flame throughout the microcosmic orbit channel, pushing the aquamarine teardrop from your heart down into your tailbone.

Then run the teardrop aquamarine flame from the tailbone and up your spine across the top of your skull and down the front channel seeing that your front and back channel are filled with a complete circuit of aquamarine to emerald flame current. With an exhaling breath, intend to push the aquamarine-emerald flame beyond the top of your crown and into your 10th Chakra Solar Star that is about six inches above your head.

Now see the 10D Solar Star project out an aquamarine-emerald flame into a horizontal sphere which acts as an aqua-emerald platform in which to initiate positive contact. For some, this Solar Star platform may also project out or evolve into other dimensional colors such as sapphire diamond or lilac-lavender tones, when in contact with Amethyst Order Rha Kristos Collectives such as Amethyst Order Ramyanas.

Now intend to see yourself in a smaller physical image sitting on top and within this platform area, with the intention you are preparing this space for the purpose to initiate higher frequencies through which to secure positive contact with God or Emerald Order Guardians. Practice imagining and seeing your physical self in this platform space you have created inside your 10D Solar Star and focus upon intentions of loving kindness, compassion and meaningful connection with authentic spiritual family.

Formulate your intentional request that is personal and meaningful to you. If you are not feeling connected to the term Emerald Order Guardians, then use the term that makes your heart feel open, loving and expansive. Such as you may ask your Krystal Star Guardians or Personal Christ to meet you, expressing that you’d like to meet them and feel the energetic signature of your spiritual family when it is in the highest alignment for serving your divine purpose.

Once you have worked with this to prepare the foundation, set the space, formulate a clear intention and then practice seeing yourself sitting in the platform you created for contact, then subtle forms of energetic contact will occur. What forms that enlightened contact takes will vary with each individual.

This is happening now and this year begins our spiritual journey to seek truth and finally begin to heal from what has happened to humanity.

As you focus upon your heart feeling the sacred inner marriage within send your gratitude to God. Send your gratitude to Christ. Send your gratitude to Christ Sophia.

It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the solar light of Christos and Christos-Sophia!

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ.

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and to each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is the rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human’s to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love – We Sound our Group Note to You Now. Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification – The Christ Principle – as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
Lisa Renee


Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous “kundalini” event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening” to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into a Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to “Ascension”. Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer, and Etheric surgeon.

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Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, copyright notice (creative commons 3.0 BY-SA) and include the ES website url. www.energeticsynthesis.com

Energetic Synthesis

(cc 3.0 BY-SA) 2022 Lisa Renee – Energetic Synthesis – www.energeticsynthesis.com

7 Signs That You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

We have all experienced times in our lives where life is chaotic and our patience and faith are tested. Usually, when things are not going well and you are feeling that you may have lost your way, you are in fact experiencing a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is not as lovely and dreamy as it sounds. Often the way spirit gets us to grow and evolve is through challenges and a few dark nights of the soul. It is through these challenges that we are provided the opportunity to make conscious decisions to work through our unhealthy habits and disconnect from toxic relationships and careers.

Related Article: 6 Signs The World Is Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening RIGHT NOW

How Does One Know If They Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening? 

  1. You have zero tolerance for drama and gossip and cannot and will not be bothered with it at all.
  2. You feel ungrounded and your ability to focus is challenged.
  3. You crave time alone to yourself and would like to be left alone.
  4. You begin to question just about everything – your job, your lifestyle habits, your relationships and seek alternate healthier alternatives.
  5. Your intuition is at an all-time high and your dreams are vivid and are filled with tons of messages.
  6. There is a breakdown of order in almost every area of  your life, there are s@$! storms everywhere.
  7. You do not feel like yourself. You may even be uncomfortable in your own skin. It almost seems like you are living your life through different eyes.

How To Manage These Shifts

  • Be patient and gentle with yourself.
  • Release judgement about how things look in the moment.
  • Meditate
  • Don’t rush to make huge changes without giving a lot of thought to your options and checking your resources before making a drastic lifestyle change.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Schedule a healing date with your favorite and trusted energy practitioner.
  • De-clutter your home/office/car/mind.
  • Sage yourself and your personal space.
  • Carry and or wear grounding stones such as: hematite, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, fluorite and or selenite.
  • Pay attention and listen to your intuition. It is going to show you the next best step for you to take.
  • Remind yourself of this truth – This too shall pass and you will be stronger, wiser and happier for these experiences.
  • Journal, write down your thoughts, feelings and inspirations.

There is no way to avoid challenges in our lives and change is always a constant in our lives. We might as well suit up, show up and put our best foot forward and make the best out of our experiences. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

Related Article: 14 Unique Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Blessings and Light,

Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through The Mystical Moon Online Store. You can connect with her at The Mystical Moon Facebook Page.

Click here for articles written by Laurie

The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

“What is the “Self” with a capital “S” is a question that humanity has been asking for generations. Science is now beginning to open doors to the idea that we are more than biological entities; that we do go beyond the prolific borders of our bodies and well into the ethers of Universal existence. Do I even dare to go so far and say that we are the Universe?

Image result for we are made of star stuffWell, it’s true! In fact the oxygen, nitrogen and carbon atoms that are in our bodies were created in stars over 4.5 billion years ago! We are literally made of star stuff. Far…out.

So, if we know that we are not simply our bodies, are we then our minds? Our thoughts? Well, yes and no. We are what moves the mind; what creates the thoughts and what is aware of and observes it all. We are Consciousness.

Believe it or not you can entertain the ideas of the spirit and soul without the weight of religion to water them both down. And either one can and I’m sure does resonate with you on a very deep, personal level once you remove all of the labels of theology as well as the criticism of pre-Jungian Psychiatry.

My personal take on the Spirit is that is is “mana” or your life-force energy and is what connects you to Mother Earth while you are here incarnated as a Human Being. Once your Spirit is disconnected from the physical body, the Soul must leave. The Soul is the part of you that contains all of your past-life memories, and the part that merges with the Ego to create the personality of your current life or incarnation.

I am even writing on book on both the Spirit and Soul and continually doing research on them both. I often myself ending up researching on what the Self is defined as and came across the video below on one of my most favorite You Tube channels of all time, ScienceAndNonduality.

Please check it out! While it’s only a mere 3 minutes long, it’s full of some awesome and amazing information I’m sure you will find informative and that will definitely leave you asking NEW questions! 🙂

Source: scienceandnonduality

Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to RantDesignMedia.com

Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.

Follow Tamara on FacebookTwitter and Google+

This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and ConsciousLifeNews.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

5D Ascension: Mars Energy and Transforming the Subconscious

Powerful energies infuse the planet as the shadow-state attempts to draw a new veil across society. Mars moves into Scorpio and my strong sense is that if we embody and ground these powerfully transformative energies, then the new mandate machinations could well be a sting too far for the Scorpion. But these are difficult energies to integrate. It will need courage, commitment and focus. Rest assured the work will be deeply beneficial for humanity and the planet. What’s likely triggering and how best can we work with it?

The Shadow becomes Blatantly Grandiose

The new mandate machinations were timed (supposedly) to perfection – just as we approach Christmas there’s a clear attempt to further break down the will of the population and render people more susceptible to the control narrative. The new “Amacon” variant is clearly pretty mild (assuming there even is one!) yet the fear propaganda has gone into overdrive. Only the proverbial turkeys with heads in the sand could still be harboring the notion that it’s about the pandemic. The system has become blatantly grandiose in its latest round of imposed mandates. But will they succeed?

I’ve been seeing Scorpion medicine a lot in the weeks building up to December and the entry of the red planet Mars – very powerful energy – into Scorpio. It began back in mid-November, with storms in Egypt, that unleashed a plague of Scorpions from their underground burrows. It felt Biblical, an omen to pay attention to, so I took myself off to Cornwall and the cliffs overlooking Camelot to gain some insight and guidance – a good deal came through. The infusing energies were indeed very strong, speaking through the weather patterns, clouds, and nature. In the Dreamtime I was reminded of the story of the Scorpion and the Frog – I’d been wondering what the “sting in the tail might represent?”

The story tells of the Scorpion happening across a river and needing to get across, whereupon, he encounters a frog and so asks for a ride across to the other bank. “Are you crazy?” replies the Frog – “you’ll sting me”. “Think about it for a moment”, says the Scorpion, “why would I sting you, we’ll both drown!” The frog thinks about it for a moment and being the benevolent being that he is, offers to take the Scorpion on his back. Half way across the unthinkable obvious happens – the Scorpion does indeed sting the frog who then begins to sink. “Why did you do it?” asks the frog as he starts to perish. To which the Scorpion replies, “Oh well, it’s just in my nature!”

Where’s Your Line in the Sand?

It’s a simple story that tells us a lot about the nature of the subconscious, but also the soul buried within it. I strongly maintain that there is no such thing as absolute good or evil – even with the machinations happening on the planet right now. Actually, there are varying degrees of alignment and misalignment – people behave according to the landscape they hold in their consciousness. And the soul is always working to breakthrough. The shadow sometimes gets so misaligned, and gross, that subconsciously it will do something to derail itself to make it look really obvious. I believe that’s the place we’ve reached in society right now with these extreme (and outright ridiculous) enforced jab mandates – especially since they’ve been announced first in Austria and Germany, from whence global dictatorial fascism reared its ugly head immediately prior to the Second World War.

It’s as if the Universe is asking us all…
How far will you let this continue?
Where’s your line in the sand?

Appeasement bit the dust when Hitler marched into Poland. The Scorpion couldn’t help but sting the frog. And so here we are again, at a very fascinating juncture, because Mars, traditionally known as the God of War, is entering Scorpio. It’s a very powerful energy that I have definitely felt coming into the earth and wanting to ground through the lower chakras – to help humanity. The ideal is that energy and lightworkers can integrate it in a strong but peaceful way, and thereby help it mediate wider afield through society – it will bolster sovereignty and peaceful, but determined and willful, pushback. A hefty storm of non-compliance – that’s my sense of what’s been called for right now.

What are you likely to experience and how can you work with it?

Integration in the Lower Chakras

In the Openhand community, we’re gaining a deep understanding of how to embody and work with the Universal Torus – this is essential to deep spiritual transformation because it is the engine that drives it all. When you’re sitting in the Torus and able to amplify it, powerful metamorphosis in the field with waves of awakening become possible. The more you can embody it, the more you can channel it.

Right now I’m feeling the infusion of this strong Mars energy activating the lower densities in the Torus, which is impacting mostly in the lower three chakras. Here’s what I’m experiencing coming into the field. Bear in mind that for a field energy worker, the chakras become the transmission, so where the going is tough, then it reverberates through your own field…

1) Solar Plexus: there’s a lot of fear coming up in the field right now, which is totally understandable due to the dark turn of society. But it also happens where confrontational action is called upon – it stirs up any reticence. It’s crucial to work into any fears and break them down by illuminating internal resistance to the soul’s invitation. Stong push-back and non-compliance is necessary. Express and illuminate any fears, work into them, breakthrough, and let them go…
Here’s Openhand’s Approach to Spiritual Breakthrough to help You

2) Sacrum: plenty of energy will be coming through the sacrum and into the emotional body. If there’s any toxicity still from old relationships especially, then this energy will get stirred up. If this is the case, it’s essential to regress into the relationship situations, work to let go of any attachments that still might be lingering, and flush the energy through with strong expression – including plenty of tears if necessary.
Explore this chakra attunement mediation to open and cleanse the chakras

3) Base: as the energy grounds in the base it’s likely to stir up any existential fears including poverty consciousness. Remember, there will always be enough to express the soul. We chose these exact circumstances not to be put off – to recognise true abundance comes from our connection with the source. There’s also the invitation to stand strong in your boundaries, your line in the sand. Work to process out anxiety about this. It’s a great opportunity to bring the willful warrior aspect of the soul active
Here’s how to deal with fear in 5 steps

Change of Guidance Mechanism

You may also find how you’re internally guided will change. If you work with the influx of Mars energy, it will likely lower your vibration. That’s necessary, but the consequence is you may feel guidance through the higher chakras less. Be prepared for this to happen. Rather than looking so much for external guidance, work to pick up more on the subtle intuitions and let the outer landscape pick up these – changes in totem creatures that appear in your landscape for example, or colors and numerology. This will help you with the new alignments and to stay connected.

Out on the cliffs of Cornwall for example I was witnessing a tremendous amount of Black Dragon energy, especially in the clouds, which I know that although might appear forboding, is actually a strong feminine energy, working from the 5th density, and bridging between lower and higher realms. You may feel the throat chakra wanting to expand further. Know that you are not alone!

Have Courage. Dig Deep. Connect with Kindreds.

Earlier there was a time when we could focus more on the lighter vibrations of joy and love. These are still important, but right now something else is called for: the embodiment of willful consciousness – strong but peaceful pushback through the field. As energy workers, recognize the impact this may already be having on you. It’s essential not to fight the energies nor to block them out. Let them express through, with strong dance, drumming, and chanting for example – let the energy come through you and ripple further afield. Have courage. Be bold and strong in your boundaries.

I believe we have a 2-3 month window with this, to work with it, which I believe has the strong possibility to expose the Scorpion and sink this round of the energy. Let’s connect as kindreds, encourage and support one another. Be brave. Dig deep. Know that you are loved and cherished by benevolence beyond measure. A great cosmic hug out to you all.

I shared the essence of this message in LiveStream recently, which is recorded here below…

If you need help in your endeavors with this strong influx of Mars energy, do connect with the Openhand work… Openhand Ascension Academy

In loving support

Open ♥️🙏

MUST SEE: Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon on 4-Dec-21 – An Important Message for YOU!

Source: AttractPassion

Gasper Dolinar delivers an important message about how the powerful energies of the Total Solar Eclipse on 4-Dec will impact humanity, while simultaneously creating a beautiful painting right before your eyes.

Discover when, where, and how to see the Total Solar Eclipse on Dec. 4 here:


Crafting 3D Mind as Your Friend and Ally in the 5D Ascension Shift

Source: Openhand

There’s a tendency not to speak too much of the 3D mind in terms of alignment with the 5D shift, other than letting go of identification with it. But the energy on earth and in society is terraforming strongly through the field, and we can craft the mind as a powerful ally within our creative endeavors. We must also guard against it becoming a surreptitious prison that unconsciously limits our progression.

Let’s inquire.

Law of Attraction and Intentional Manifesting

It’s clear the mind is an invisible prison cell for many. Plenty are completely unaware of its incredible power to weave 3D reality. Motivational gurus, the world over, speak of focussing and visioning to get the outcomes in life that “you”, seek (all too often the “you” is the ego!). Athletes envision the victory they want; business leaders summon the steps to success in the marketplace. And even intentional manifestors in the spiritual mainstream vision the outcome they desire. In many cases it seems to work – if the proponent is committed and disciplined enough, the desired outcomes are materialized – this is often expressed as the “Law of Attraction” – you’re intentioning what you want to attract in life.

Of course, there’s a big problem with this: who is setting the agenda – where are the impulses coming from? Usually, it’s the ego, with shadowy Opposing Consciousness in the field that seeks to lock the soul into a prison, which is interrelated with the matrix itself. You’re unwittingly bound into the 3D/4D construct. But likewise, simply “letting go” of the mind completely, can leave you listless and also at the whims and machinations of 3D living.

What we need to do is detach from the mind, become the divine co-creator, AND THEN take ownership of the mind, so that it becomes a powerful ally in the channeling of 5D consciousness in this terraforming landscape.

What does that look like in day-to-day and how do we achieve it?

Escaping the Mental Prison

Firstly it’s essential to spend considerable time, probably even years, softening the mind from the desire for a particular outcome or the fears of what might unfold in the day-to-day. You detach from it by becoming the observer of yourself, whereupon you recognize you are NOT the mind. But this is only the beginning of the story – we must constantly confront the inner tightness that happens when the mind continues to grasp in given situations.

You can literally feel it throughout the body as tightening angst. In particular circumstances of fear or worry, it will shorten the breath and stiffen the gait. If you watch and feel the face, micro-expressions react in relational engagements where the soul’s authenticity is being buried. As unpleasant as they are, they happen to be the opportunistic gateways through which to open, release and transcend. They’re utterly invaluable.

Explore Openhand’s 5GATEWAYS work to help soften the mind and open to the soul…
Openhand 5GATEWAYS

Divine Service and the Merkabah

After some considerable time then, the mind softens as the soul naturally takes over. The soul is channeling through you; you’re becoming more aligned with the flow, more authentic, you’re co-creating with the divine within the 5D Shift on the planet. Things start to make more sense in a world gone crazy – there’s a deepening sense of peace as you center in the Sacred Ground of Being, that which sits in the heart of the Universal Torus. You feel like you belong to something much bigger than the ego – at times you’ll feel very blessed!

From this place you’ll likely feel an increasing impulse to want to serve: to help others find their own divinity; to help nature heal; to work with the unraveling in the shift. And so there will most likely be a compulsion to engage in the 3D/4D construct once more. Crucially though, it’s essential we approach things in a different way now – that we craft the mind as a powerful ally through which to channel higher dimensional consciousness – this is a crucial part of the marrying between higher and lower self, that leads to the formation of the “Merkabah”, which is a key objective here in the Openhand work for the 5D Ascension.

The mind must become synchronized with the infusing higher dimensional consciousness. This can be achieved most effectively by witnessing signs and synchronicity, symbols, and sacred geometry. Where this becomes a regular part of your day, then you’re actually starting to weave reality here in the 3D/4D by bringing mindful attention to these reflections.

Discover More about interpreting Signs and Synchronicity

Applying Active Attention to Multidimensional Creation

Crucially the mind is still open: in that, you’re guided much more by active attention rather than focussed intention. You’re playing the tune of the universe, asking, “show me!” whereupon you’ll start to notice the instant flash of higher knowing or the heartfelt pull. We’ll often use freewheeling on the Openhand gatherings to enhance this effect.

Once you have this flow coming through you, it’s highly possible you’ll get visions and senses of an idea of where the creative action is wanting to move towards – what the flow itself is wanting to create through you. This happens in all areas of life, from career possibilities to relationships, to how you generally live in the day-to-day.

When you’re building reality this way, it’s absolutely fine to now hold the vision as a possibility. However, unlike the intentional manifesting approach, the vision must be held lightly. Yes, at times, you’ll have to overcome density, blockages, and clear resistance in the field (including Opposing Consciousness) so that you can still move towards the divine vision. But if the signs and synchronicity keep pointing that way, then the divine invitation is still active. In such situations, you’ll need to unravel much inner doubt and forge the sense of divine trust – which builds step by step in the daily cauldron of life.

Becoming the Infinite Game Player in Life

It’s essential to maintain peripheral vision too. Meaning that as you’re moving toward a creative crystallization, then you’re still attentive to the possibility that the goal could naturally shift and change – the soul is constantly flowing and although it will create endlessly, it is not fixated on the need for any particular outcome. To be clear, it yearns to create with the divine, and it will, but inherent in its being, is the knowledge that there will always be a way through the external density to actualize the divine. It is the infinite game player, undefeated by any particular twist and turn of events.

I find that nature greatly helps in this regard – when you’re confused as to direction, the invitation is to actually find a new aspect of beingness, which often gets reflected back to you by creatures in nature.

Here’s an understanding of the 7 Rays of Consciousness of Authentic Beingness

Over time, you find yourself weaving a heavenly multidimensional landscape around you, where you witness and experience divine feedback loops supporting your steps – plentiful reflections of synchronous connectivity around you. At times things will go deathly quiet where you’re working through some particular density, but if you keep opening through the mind and the inner tightness, the fears, worries, and contractions, then the light will flow through once more and you’ll pick up the heavenly flow. This is what it means to become the Infinite Game Player of life – you’re constantly finding a new way to co-create with the divine.

The Mind: Our Powerful Friend and Ally in the Shift

The mind can thus be your powerful friend and ally in the shift. You can willingly bring it to bear in all your creative endeavors. And then you get to see just what a powerful tool it can really be. I commend to all on the ascending path to dive deeply into cleansing and reacquiring ownership of the 3D mind. It’s a crucial aspect of the Merkabah – your divine vehicle through the 5D Ascension Shift.

Crafting the mind in this way is a fundamental aspect of Openhand’s work. If you resonate, come and explore further…
Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright Blessings

Open 💙🙏

The 5D Shift Goes Parabolic: Time for the Heavenly Ascension

We’re at the point in the shift where the upward curve goes parabolic. Imagine you’ve reached Everest Spiritual Base Camp – now it’s time to begin the real climb. Everything you’ve done thus far has prepared you for this point. You look up, take a deep breath and step out. Or rather step deeper in. Each day must consist now of the inner climb: in your meditation practice, in aligned diet, nature, bodywork. It’s all about integration and every single moment offers that tremendous opportunity for your spiritual mastery.

Gaia Shifts Through 5D Gears

Let’s be clear, if you’re not climbing then you’re either standing still or slip-sliding backward. Now is not the time to be fooling yourself. We don’t have that luxury.

Gaia is gearing up. You can clearly see it with the volcanoes, earthquakes and storms building around the globe. But this has precious little to do with manmade climate change as the controllers of society would position. The great galactic cog has turned: cosmic radiation is streaming into the solar system at a time when the Solar Logos is lowering his magnetic shield. Gaia is doing the same, as we move inexorably towards the completion of the Pole Shift.

Get up to speed on the nature of 11:11 and the Pole Shift

The Stargates are Opening for DIVINICUS

The Stargates are opening as our heavenly ET helpers progressively strip out the 4D technology in the ether. If you’re tuning into the field, the REAL source of planetary news, then you’ll feel the massive shifts and unwindings that are taking place. There are no two ways about it: you’re either in the truth of it or not. There’s no place for just dipping your toes in the water at this juncture. It’s high time to dive into the center stream.

Does this all sound full-on?!

It’s meant to! It’s necessary to inspire a deepening of spiritual commitment now. It’s necessary for the climb to begin. You’ve done the practice. Now’s time for the real transition: the forging of the Merkabah, your divine new DIVINICUS form leading into the New 5D Paradigm, anytime between now and the culminating event, where the sun goes dark for 3 days before firing the Solar Nova Trigger.

For those tuning into the quantum field, the dreamstate before reality crystallises, you’ll be well aligned with what unfolds. The physical body is becoming progressively more wave like. The soul will be downloading from the huge influx of energy. You’ll be blissed, ecstatic, uplifted, reborn. This is what awaits us at the Everest Summit.

Actualize your 5D Divine Being: An Essential Roadmap

Becoming the Divine Co-Creator

So forge on my friends. Dig in. Let every moment become that of transcendence. You’re walking through the old 3D/4D construct, with its shenanigans and craziness. But only pay attention to what truly affects you or binds you in karmically. Unwind out – then you’ve dispensed with that illusionary charade, you’ve stripped off that veil.

Keep centering in the truth of the moment and equalising with it so you can expand out – you’re becoming the dream in every given moment, that which SHAPES the moment, for now you’re becoming the divine co-creator.

And it’s okay to pause as well. This is tiring work. Even meditation can be draining as you’re deepening your focus through the layers, opening new channels, and downloading light. So it’s fine at times to take your foot off the gas pedal too. Take some well-earned comfort – some of your favorite soul food, connection with kindreds, a night cozied up with an inspiring movie. Let your rest become purposeful deep rest, ready for the next phase of the climb to begin again.

The 5D Being – our Daily Bread

Each unfolding, each unwinding brings you a step further. But it’s not about waiting for the end Event. It’s a paradox: we know it’s coming, there is something to move towards, BUT – it’s each heavenly step in that direction which counts.

You’re doing the work where each shift brings a magnificent benefit. It’s not measured in terms of some physical outcome in the 3D. Things will be transforming, yes, but what this is about, is the forging and integration of soul.

You witness it in the interrelation of reality, the patterning: in signs and synchronicity, in numerology, nature, and sacred geometry – this is the weaving landscape that creates life in 5D, a life that is truly worth living.

This is the daily bread of DIVINICUS the 5D Being, as she’s breathed into life within the Galactic Family of Light. This is the heavenly call right now.

The spiritual master in you is beckoning. Can you hear her call from across the great divide?

If You’re inspired and feel the calling to begin the 5D Ascension, then come explore Openhand’s advanced spiritual work:
Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright Blessings

Open 🙏

Galactic Family of Light: Vision of Future Landing Now

Before the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, it goes through the chrysalis phase where everything breaks down into a kind of mush. That’s the situation Homo Sapiens finds himself in right now. It’s dense, challenging, confusing, but entirely necessary on the path to the resplendent butterfly. And the being he is about to become, DIVINICUS, is truly majestic, 5D, multidimensional. For those that undertake this metamorphosis, you will find yourself be birthed into a Galactic Family of Light.

The Future is 5D

Yes, these End Times are confusing. But for those with the vision to get above the karmic construct of the old 4D layer, future-landing-now is already looking bright and sunny. Those who complete this often tortuous journey will realize and remember that there is a vast family of souls out there in the cosmos, a tremendous mosaic of colorful beings, with phenomenal awareness and skills of co-creating with the universe. DIVINICUS is set to emerge into this family, reconnected with the natural cycles of life, drawing truly “free energy” through his being directly from the Universal Torus.

You’ll travel at the speed of thought; empathise and become as one with other sentient life; create abundantly without fear of resource limitation; feel cherished, nutured and supported by the blessed hand of the Divine.

There’s plenty of work to do before this spectacular dawning. The shadow side has gone into overdrive – a desperate panic, one last-ditch attempt to harvest as many souls into its agenda as possible. It will largely fail. Despite the fact that it appears to be succeeding on a broad scale right now, nevertheless, all fictitious timelines will converge to the Event, as Galactic, Solar, and Earth Pole Shift cycles cleanse the old 4D layer away. You’d have to get out of the solar system to avoid it, and humanity’s physical technology is not nearly advanced enough, not even with enhancement by the Greys and AI. They need to the physicality of the Human Body to draw energy from. But nothing that is 3D will pass through the completion of these grand cycles.

The future here is very much in 5D!

Encounter DIVINICUS: the rise of the Divine Human

The Natural Cycles of Life: Death and Rebirth

Several ET groups are drawing close at these times. You can feel and communicate with them when you get beyond the 4D blocking layer. As you open out through it, inside your being, through the higher chakras, then you may feel them as a vibration, which then reflects as synchronicity through your outer reality. They communicate the vibration of love, of peace and acceptance, numerology, and sacred geometry. They’re expressing how to co-create with the universe and all sentient life, not to manipulate, control, harvest or suppress another. Even when they create the crop circles, the crops are carefully folded, respected, not broken. This is their ethos.

Many in society are wondering about these Extra Terrestrial possibilities. The narrative is already being manipulated and directed by the shadowstate: alien technology to sustain the cancer that is the old way of creating; aliens to save humanity from climate crisis (which is really the End Times convergence); transhumanism to enhance the 3D body, but at the cost of losing sovereignty. On the surface it looks glitzy and glamorous. But lift the hood on this bright new Tesla, and the morality is just as decrepit as the old gas guzzler.

It’s all avoidance. That’s exactly what this Opposing Consciousness is all about – avoiding the stark staring obvious: that we are all interconnected with the Universe, and there is no ultimate avoiding its cycles of death and rebirth. Why would you want to? Each reality construct contains within it distortion – always a higher harmony is possible. Each karmic crystallization contains the lessons through which to evolve, and when the work is done, a new harmony manifests, but with even greater alignment, greater resonance, greater respect, interconnectivity, and love. It’s only the wayward and foolish that seek to avoid this. The natural cycles of death and rebirth continually liberate you to actualize ever more of what you can become. It is only Homo Sapiens, programmed by his Opposing Consciousness concubines that is in fear and avoidance of this universal truth.

Explore the Origins of Opposing Consciousness Intervention on Earth

Extra-Terrestrial Groups Supporting Humanity and The Shift

There are many evolved species out there who are working to come close at these times and work with humanity’s evolutionary process. For example:

– The Andromedans: who shape reality by observing and actualising the flows of sacred geometry and numerology around which realities crystalises.
– The Arcturians: quirky, humorous and highly erudite beings, who are encouraging  alignment with natural technologies, the planetary stargates for example, that will be instrumental in Earth’s great realigning process.
– The Pleiadians: with the love and empathy to be able to feel other sentient beings as themselves. They flow like the dolphin, creating with joy, inquisitiveness and vibrancy. They’re completely transparent with integrity.

Why are they not readily visible to humanity? To some extent, they are, but not necessarily with 3D eyes. Crucially they are respecting the Universal Law of Free Will – the inalienable right of each soul to self-determination as it emerges from the source. And so it’s not about overriding your reality; not taking away your sovereignty by blinding you with science or even love. There’s an encouragement to realize truth for yourself, to experience the love of self. And it’s challenging right now because the Intervention is hell-bent on blocking humanity’s connection beyond the 3D/4D layer, in which there are many dissonant and distracting frequencies.

You also have species that were of the intervention that are now realigning and supporting Humanity’s liberation through the shift…

– The Annunaki: who were the original architects of the “matrix” in which we live. From the Sirius constellation they suffered the tremendous breakdown of their population there and sought then to reconstitute it. They are masters of energy technology and are very strong at creation on the intellectual plane.

– The Reptilians: who’ve been around on the earth since primordial times. They are fiercely reslient and warrior like, able to thrive as a pack in the harshest of environments. Their modus has been to infuse the human mind and control it with fear. But now plenty are realigning and supporting humanity emerge from physical control into weaving 3D reality from the quantum field.

So the situation is complex and confusing in the 3D/4D layer. But when you witness the synchronistic effects of the quantum field you realize there’s a spectacular “pulling through” going on. That the karmic construct of the shadow state is destabilizing. This is caused by the convergence of the grand cosmic cycles, but also by the Benevolent (Annunaki, Andromedans, and Arcturians) busily removing the blocking technologies in the 4D layer. The planetary Stargates are opening, witnessed in the recent triggering of the Volcanoes, so there’s now a releasing flow of the pent-up energies of the lockdown.

An Understanding of the Opening of the Planetary Stargates

The Galactic 11:11 Homing Beacon

The result is that the surrounding energy field is progressively transforming. You’re witnessing a widespread activation of human consciousness which is challenging the narrative of the shadow state. Sovereignty and self-determination are being reclaimed by a growing number. Thus the revelation of the shadow has been necessary in this spiritual metamorphosis – you cannot go to the gym and build spiritual muscles without the weights!

Despite the confusion and deception, plenty of people are rediscovering their multidimensionality by going deeply inwards, letting go of the external drama and beginning to shape new realities from higher consciousness – interconnected with the free energy of the Universal Torus. This is the way for humanity to go now, those who can hear and respond to the galactic 11:11 homing beacon.

We are far from out of the woods yet, but the benevolent light is shining through and speaking ever louder to those with the ears to hear: let go of the old karmic construct, release its claws from your being, unravel its tentacles from your mind and let the heart guide the show. Through signs and synchronicity, sacred geometry and numerology, through the loving embrace of mother nature, you will be guided home and rebirthed into the Galactic Family of Light. That’s the great possibility and invitation that now exists for all.

Personally, I am positively reveling in that bright possibility!

If you would like support in realizing yourself as a part of the Galactic Family of Light, exploring the work of the…
Openhand Ascension Academy.

Bright blessings

Open 💙🙏

Transcending Fear with 5 Keys.. Liberate Yourself in Any Given Situation

Fear is what so frequently holds people back on the spiritual path. Fear of what might happen if you take a certain step. Fear of completely letting go and where that might lead. Fear of hurting others by being truly authentic. Fear invades the mind, emotions, and body. But to simply ‘over-write it’ with positive intentions or infusing ‘love and light’ can lead only to more layers of identity. The liberated flow of the soul is not something to intention or create by a veneer of gloss. It just is, and it simply arises when we open the space for it. When the soul invites authentic choice, fear can often also arise. So how do you deal with it most effectively?…

Fear only ever comes up, because it is ALREADY within

Firstly, it’s important to say that you cannot ‘spread fear’ by raising the topic of something fearful – like fear of death for example. In a fully self-realized being, there is no fear, because there is always the realization of the One Self, which lives on through eternity. So fear can only activate where it already lies.

In other words, fear only ever comes up because it is already within. People carry it, often subconsciously. And while it exists, it’s always going to be limiting, even if the tendency is to temporarily white-wash over it with some positive gloss.

In the Openhand Approach, the only truly effective and lasting way to overcome fear (to dissolve it), is by the direct confrontation of it; to get into it, and deeply explore it.

Evolutionary growth through learning and expression

In spiritual circles and mainstream motivation groups, it’s so often the case to “imagine the best possible outcome of any given situation”. Then to work to create that. But whose creating? Who is imagining the “best possible outcome?” To me, it can only be an ego wanting a particular result.

In the Openhand perspective on the soul, there is only evolutionary growth through learning and expression. When the soul encounters a crossroads in life, with one direction marked ‘hell’ and the other ‘heaven’, the choice is made not based on what the most beautiful or desirable outcome might be; it is based on what can most be learned. And if that’s in some temporary kind of ‘hell’, then so be it. When the soul confronts some kind of situation, which causes it to contract in tightness, there represents a golden opportunity to deal with unrealized limitations.

In so doing, when the realization through the challenge happens, it always comes with the most incredible expansion. As you shake off that which previously held you back, then your soul soars like an eagle. There’s an immense joy that you reclaimed a lost aspect of Self.

How do you achieve this most effectively next time you encounter fear?

Bringing fear to the surface: imagine the Worst Possible Outcome

To me, I witness that fear mostly arises because, in some way, we’ve unconsciously distanced ourselves from the worst possible outcome of a given situation. Because it’s apparently too difficult to deal with, even to contemplate, the tendency is to sweep it under the rug. This has a very limiting internal effect – it creates polarity. In other words, it creates a small “I” identity, which is living in suppressed fear of that possibility and can now be victimized by it; in which case you are not being The One, which can be completely okay in ALL situations. People live their lives and shape whole realities based on such avoidance – like leaving an unfulfilling relationship for example or ending a job that doesn’t serve.

Fear represents a golden opportunity, but only if we’re prepared to turn right into it, at the time it is arising, and work deeply through it. And the most effective way I’ve found of doing that, is to contemplate the worst possible outcome from any given situation. So you literally imagine what could likely happen if you take the step your soul is guiding you into.

Opening Through Fear with 5 Keys

Here’s how to effectively deal with your fear and open the doorway through it with 5 keys…

1). Locate your internal tightness: When you contemplate the worst possible outcome, then all your subconscious fear and constriction come up. What you’re really looking for is the internal tightness – maybe it’s in your head, your solar plexus or sacrum? Feel it, work into it, and above all, express it out into the world. This might be crying, screaming, shouting, or vigorous movement.

2). Become as-one with the pain: Now what’s happening, is you’re actually becoming as-one with the pain, with the fear. If you keep working with it, then there comes a point where you tire of it, where you’ve had enough of it, where you realise the baggage itself that you’re carrying around, is far worse than the worst possible outcome. And you might aswell let it go. Thus, you’re empowering yourself by becoming The One in it.

3). Be prepared to completely fall apart: You must be prepared to completely fall apart. It’s like you’ve been controlling who you are, hanging onto who you should be – to what is expected of you. If you’re to truly penetrate through this, it will often feel like falling apart. And here’s the paradox of a liberated soul – that’s entirely okay!

4). Become The One: As you fall apart in it, as you really let go, then feel deeply through it into the sense of emptiness – into The Void. It feels like you’re touching the pure presence of complete acceptance. You’re now opening into infinite potential – the Source, from which authentic soul arises.

5). Unleash the freedom of the Soul: Finally, and here’s the great part, look for the natural expression of joy, expansiveness and rightness of the soul that wants to come through. Dance with it; sing and shout with it; give it wings by expressing it out into the world.

Transcending Fear: A practical example…

I recall giving a presentation to a crowded hall in Glastonbury several years ago. I tend not to plan such presentations other than the production of some slides and maybe the odd video or two. I always knew, that in coming from the source, all I needed was a thread – just a word or a feeling – from which to begin.

This particular time I began with a video and as it drew to a close, I was watching for the first words to drop into mind, a place to begin, a thread to pick up. Usually they came but this time nothing – nothing at all. As the credits to the film rolled, still nothing. As the silence and expectation of the audience grew louder in my awareness still nothing. As I stood up, still nothing. All the while I was watching my inner feelings, any arising tightness – and softening into them. Yes I was feeling nervous, realising a subconscious subtle desire for the people to appreciate me and my point of view. As that penny dropped, why would I limit myself by needing some kind of appreciation or outcome? What was wrong with how I was being? Even if nothing came? Even if I stood there in complete silence?

Time seemed to stretch right into eternity. Without need of outcome at all, any sense of fear, doubt and disbelief disappeared. I was infinitely vulnerable, and it felt completely blissful. So blissful that it felt humorous. And so I felt to begin by cracking a joke about the Pope, who just happened to be visiting the UK at the time. After the slightly uneasy silence, the audience fell about laughing and the presentation then flowed effortlessly.

Increasingly empowered, joyful, and harmonious

I’m not saying it’s necessarily easy to approach your fears in this way. There will always be a myriad of opt-outs – comfortable other solutions that placate the fear rather than dealing with it. There’ll be lots of distractions and plenty of people advising how to make the best of the situation. But if you have the courage to turn into your fears in this way, you will explode the myth that they are.

Because you are The One, which has created everything by which to know itself, and therefore ultimately, fears nothing.

So work to become the One within your fears, and they will surely burst like an exploding balloon. And your soul will expand out with empowered and joyful liberation. And what’s more, you won’t have to keep manifesting those fearful situations. By working through your fears, your life becomes increasingly empowered, joyful and harmonious. I wish you an empowered journey!

If you resonate with the approach to fear but are uncertain how to apply it, then you might like to get involved with the work of:
Openhand Ascension Academy

Open Heart

Planetary Shift: Herd of Elephants in the Room No one is Talking About

The shadow-state has done its job well. Most are distracted, or misinformed, as to the true scope and magnitude of the colossal earth shifts that have only just begun to gear up. Especially in spiritual circles, it’s high time we address the pressing subject of the herd of elephants in the room that no one is talking about: Gaia’s energy field is shifting strongly, clearly witnessed in the ramping up of earthquakes, volcanoes, and violent storms around the globe. I know the subject is not spiritually sexy, but it’s high time we get past that and engage this crucially pressing issue of our time.

The Galactic Perfect Storm

We’re sailing into the perfect storm of galactic, solar, and earth-pole-shift cycles, which when complete, will leave no stone unturned on the 3D earth. The evidence from the past is clearly available although the science has been purposefully censored. The current climate turmoil, when talked about, is put down to man-made fossil fuel emissions. It’s like blaming the huge pile of elephants dung in your living room on a tiny mouse. As the shift now gears up, in the years ahead, this herd of elephants is going to make covid look like a minor inconvenience.

What concerns me most, is that we’re horrendously underprepared for it. Especially in spiritual circles there needs to be a coming together and working through the internal energetic impact of what is clearly building; processing through the karma of similar past life situations, and preparedness to courageously support one another through the tumultuous transition.

We can do it. There are enough souls here with the past life experience. Souls around the planet are beginning to reveal their marvelous light. We must help plenty more to stop focussing merely on the blinding show of the shadowstate drama. Let’s see past the charade.

Become an Accredited Spiritual Facilitator in the 5D Earth Shift

Galactic Superwave and the Merkabah

The writing on the wall is clear, that cycles of convergence are upon us. I’ve shared many times previously that the clear evidence points to it (review this Galactic Superwave article here). Personally, I don’t need the science because I’ve witnessed prophetic visions of what is to come: a knowing of future-landing-now resonating through the core of my being. I know that’s what I incarnated here to share, and the many past life regressions I’ve been party to, confirm what souls have previously gone through – the experience of the great flood of Atlantis some 12,000 years ago. We are nearing that cycle of completion once again.

Why then does this still seem to fall on so many deaf ears?
Why are so few either listening or beginning to prepare?

I know plenty are triggered into fear by contemplation. That’s okay, it’s to be expected, BUT, what we know is that all fear is where we identify with the physicality of life – and that we are spiritual beings. Therefore ALL circumstances of fear are spiritual doorways through which to pass.

There are powerful processes of spiritual transcendence that take us through this inner triggering density and into the light. This is how we purify the lower self of all contracting karma. It’s how we open into the higher chakras and form the Merkabah – a body of light, readying us for 5D Ascension, which becomes ecstatic to reside within.

Activating the Spirit Light Body and Merkabah in Daily Life

Gaia’s Stargates Unlock

The messages abound. In the UK this summer, the crop circles spoke clearly about Gaia’s Stargates unlocking. I know that may seem esoteric and “out there” to plenty, but surely it’s pretty straightforwards to correlate that Gaia’s energy is shifting and this is converging with a huge increase in storm, earthquake, and volcanic action around the planet (visit earthwatchers). This is what happens when the earth’s magnetic shield lowers as we converge to the completion of the Pole Shift – which is due in the immediate years ahead.

It’s clear from the energy work plenty of sentients have been doing tirelessly around the planet over the last decades, that Gaia’s field has been purposefully thwarted, blocked and retarded. This has been done in a multitude of ways: purposefully misplaced megalyths, modern day EMF technology, Chemtrails and GMO, but also, ET technology inserted at the 4D level.

Due to the aforementioned work, the field is opening up in key locations, and this is now being greatly amplified by the lowering of Gaia’s magnetic shield – it unleashes stronger flows of energy especially through those opening gateways. It’s why plenty is waking up despite the purposeful distraction. It’s exhilarating to behold, especially as you witness this reflected through the sheer magnificence of the crop circles.

Explore this Review of Stargate Energy Work During the Crop Circle Season 2021

DIVINICUS: rise of the Divine Human

If you’re reading this it’s time to pay attention and to explore. It’s a dialogue that we must start having more widely. As the Hopi Elders have said, the only solutions will be spiritual ones. Everything that you witness, struggle, and currently strive for in the 3D is set to perish in the near future – the Opposing Consciousness is purposefully distracting from this to keep the human nose to the grindstone. HOWEVER, there is a way to mediate through all of this:

It’s about transcending the physical, activating the Merkabah and preparing for Ascension into 5D. You’re building the DNA of the new 5D Human. This is the true destiny for the next evolution of humanity, which here at Openhand we call DIVINICUS.

It’s a beautiful journey, a powerful one, which not only prepares you for the future but is also the most resilient and resourceful way to bridge the present. Too few are yet embarked on this journey. In some spiritual circles, yes, some have made it to Everest base camp, with experiences of the True Self and at times Samadhi. But that’s only the beginning of the journey. Now is the time to start the real climb – which is the painstaking inner inquiry of peeling back the layers in daily life and reclaiming buried fragments of the soul: in relationships especially; how you live and work; in the minutiae of daily life.

Explore the BREAKTHROUGH process for reclaiming fragments of buried Soul

A Prayer for our Times

Spiritual practice must take priority now. It must be what drives the day rather than something you do when you have time for it. Time is running out! Coming together in mutually supportive groups is paramount. The reflections we’re getting in the mainstream are nothing more than the propaganda of where they want to direct attention – directly away from the herd of elephants in the living room. And in spiritual circles, to my mind, too many are still challenging the cloak, rather than considering what it’s truly masking. If we come together in energetically supportive groups we can share the true multidimensional landscape we’re ascending through – the framework we need to work through: that which has been described in the popular documentary 5GATEWAYS.

My deepest prayer is that ears that have so far been shut, will open; that serious contemplation of the real truth that is unfolding will be given requisite attention. In the Dreamtime, I have seen spiritual groups connecting together around the globe and exploring this most pressing issue of our time. Explorations like this one need to be urgently considered and shared widely with people and groups who could potentially have an open mind to the content. I incarnated from the Benevolent Mission in the higher dimensions purposefully to share this perspective. I am open and available to anyone or any group that seriously wishes to consider the landscape view I’m given to share.
Explore the Work of Openhand’s Ascension Academy

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

How to Make the Best Choices in Life in Line with Your Soul

How you experience and enjoy your life depends, of course, on the choices you make. How often do you find yourself trying to figure out what’s the best choice? But what if at one level – that of the ego – the choice is merely a complex illusion of conditioning? And beyond that, what if there’s a way of aligning with your soul that then delivers the best choices possible? It’s my observation in the Openhand work, then when people break through the illusion of choice that the ego creates, and when they align with the soul’s mainstream flow, life really takes off in the most magical of ways: you’re constantly blessed with miracles…

The ego is going to do exactly what it is going to do

I put it to you that when one is in the false self-ego, choices are actually being made by a complex configuration of conditioned behavior patterns – a conglomeration of fixed neural pathways in the brain – which work a bit like a computer: based on logic, but also with emotion and karmic filters were thrown into the mix. My main point being…

That in any given situation, when you’re in the ego, you are going to do exactly what you are going to do, and although other options and pathways may have been possible, based on your current configuration, it’s highly inevitable you’d make the choice you did.

Understanding and accepting that something like this may be going on, when you think and feel into it, can bring with it an enormous amount of peace: it means you can start to let go of the struggle. Work to accept that life simply ‘happens’ by your inner configuration of consciousness – that you manifest, and draw to yourself, exactly what you need at this current place on your journey – which is how The Law of Attraction truly works. When you do accept this, it then changes the focus as to where we might now need to look, in order to arrive at the best choice (defined as the most aligned one).

Regret and Awareness

Accepting that conditioned choices will happen anyway, can also bring with it enormous freedom from regret – about previous choices and pathways that you might have followed…

If you regret some of the twists and turns your life has taken, you could just simply drop all that right now – you were going to do exactly what you ended up doing. So how ever painful life’s lessons might have been, you can simply let go of any sense of regret about what happened. It’s a toxic emotion which is best to release. So close your eyes, meditate on them, visualise and see what took place, including who might have been involved. Realise you had no real choice, and completely drop the regret. Come completely into self acceptance through forgiveness, of self, and others.

Accepting the choices you made is important, and bringing awareness to them is vital… why?

It may appear in your life as if, at times, there’s huge complexity – because your configuration of consciousness is complex and interacts with circumstances based on a complicated array of conditioning. However if you bring awareness into all the choices you daily make, then a lot of this complexity will start to naturally fall away, because the inner density that requires some external ‘fix’ starts to unravel. You find a natural pull to simplify your life.

Gain Openhand Facilitation Support in Simplifying Your Life for Better Soul Choices

Making the One True Choice of Life – in any given situation

I put it to you that the soul doesn’t make choices as such, because it is not an identity, with an intention to do a particular thing, other than the experience itself through the journey of life.

In the Openhand Approach, the one true choice that we can ever make, in any given situation, is to recognise the rightness of the soul, and then to align with it – in other words, to make the choice of your highest truth, which is always aligned with your soul.

The key is the feeling of ‘rightness’ – the soul simply flows from the source as a streaming river of consciousness that feels ‘right’, just as the river flowing down the mountain or the wind blowing through the trees. In this ‘one moment of now’, the flow can only be spontaneous, although there is consistency in the flow, as one moment shapes into another, and there is direction. This is because the whole of the Universe moves as one – so there can always be just one moment, yet with directional movement.

So the soul is a streaming flow of consciousness, without intention. It’s just acting as an expression of being and this shapes the creative path. The most fulfilling, rewarding and authentic choice we can truly make, is to align with it!

Here’s how to Fine Attune Your Spiritual Compass with Openway

Choices are an invitation to discover something deeper about yourself

In the Openhand Philosophy, the concept of a choice only really happens where there’s confusion about what to do. If there was no internal confusion, the path (of higher self) would become obvious, without the need of a choice (other than to align) – rightness simply unfolds and expresses itself in a particular direction.

The idea of ‘Choice’ happens where there is some internal convolution – some disharmony. It happens because the flow of the soul within, gets stuck in density, which then manifests alternate possibilities.

So in any difficult choice, you’re hitting internal density. In which case, what’s really being invited is how to liberate the soul. This happens by realizing what expression of the soul is now being invited – for example, whether strong and courageous or soft and surrendering, open and flowing. Just expressing different qualities of the soul within a ‘choice’ will greatly affect the outcome. If you understand the various qualities that the soul can express, then look for a new expression of beingness wanting to come through – and express that – then the choice of ‘rightness’ will make itself. In the events that Openhand runs, unleashing the qualities of your soul, always figures highly, because it’s what defines a successful and fulfilled life of clarity.

Here is Openhand’s view on the various qualities of the Soul

Unraveling the Soul from the Ego within the choice

To complicate things, in any given moment, you could have both the false self-ego and the soul creating at the same time. Imagine it this way:

you have a toy aeroplane with an elastic band up the middle which connects to the propellor. You wind up the propellor, which builds twisted knots in the elastic band. When it’s fully wound up, you throw the aeroplane into the air, upon which it flies, seemingly with directional purpose. But it is the unwinding of the knots that generates this directional purpose in how the plane flies.

So it is with the ego and soul. As you cease trying to make false self choices based on conditioning (because you’re feeling the soul more strongly), then you’re bringing awareness to your internal configuration of consciousness and why you do the things you do. Awareness challenges the old conditioning. And so the ego starts to unwind – just like the knots in the toy airplane. This provides energetic impetus forwards and the soul takes to flight, expressing itself with grace, lightness, and flow, just like the airplane. On the Openhand level 2 course 5GATEWAYS, we help people apply the process Openway to unwind conditioning so as to give wings to the soul.

Feeling liberated and free in your ‘choices’

What can we take from all this? How does it make life easier and more aligned?

It means that you don’t have to beat yourself up about the choices! Simply do what you feel to do and then bring awareness to why you did it. If you feel tightness about the choice or sense of doubt or regret, ask: “What was I attached to?” “How did I need it to go a certain way?” Then challenge whether the attachment actually serves you. Does it serve you to be governed by fear and control? Does it serve you to be small?

All of these questions begin to bring you into the abode of The One, which needs nothing from any particular situation, and can readily accept that all situations arose from itself; that the only thing truly going on, is the expression of self – you are self-realizing/self-actualizing through the events and circumstances of your particular flow. So relax, let go, unwind. Give wings to your soul and let it fly!

To get a sense of creating from the free flow of life, more from 5D consciousness, check out this Openhand video for a practical demonstration…

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth’s Higher Dimensional Shift.
Join us…Openhandweb, Openhand FB, Openhand YouTube

The Spiritual Path: What does it mean to Truly Let Go?

A person holding dandelion in hand blowing it away making a wish

Continual Process of Confrontation
In the shift of Human Consciousness into higher dimensional awareness, we’re often talking about ‘letting go’ of the lower density. But what does it mean? How do we truly let go? It’s quite prevalent in the human psyche that there’s a subtle inner program that makes people want to avoid challenging and difficult circumstances. It’s certainly conditioning from society. To me though, truly letting go, is a continual process of confrontation of the moment – that which we might want to avoid – and instead, surrendering into what we really feel…

Surrender is not blind acceptance

Another term that often gets spoken of in spiritual circles is that of ‘acceptance’ – accepting totally without reservation what appears on our landscape. I agree with this wholeheartedly, but what actually IS appearing on your consciousness landscape? Again we have to be careful of avoidance here. Some will say “if it doesn’t feel right, then don’t do it. If it doesn’t flow, then it can’t be coming from the soul. So just let go and do something else.”

“But sometimes to be in the flow is for nothing to be flowing at all.”

It could be that resistance in the field is exactly what we need to discover a new facet of beingness.

Explore The Sacred Ground of Being…The Quintessence of Who We Are

Synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul

What I mean by this is that synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul doesn’t take us into the ‘good’ places without first confronting the ‘bad’ – that which makes us tight and close down. Because it is only through this inner confrontation that we expand, evolve, and grow…

If you want to be courageous, pray for situations that require courage If you want to be forgiving, pray for situations that cause you to forgive If you want to be expanded and light, pray for situations that are dark and close down. To be truly free, we must confront that which takes our freedom away, For it is only us that truly determines how we experience life.

Discovering the Qualities of Your Soul…The Seven Rays of Consciousness

Profound self-honesty

So it would seem that we face a paradox then. On the one hand, there’s a sense of rightness to the flow of the soul. There’s a knowing of when we’re truly aligned.

And when we’re in the flow of the ‘rightness’, then synchronicity just clicks into place, supporting our actions. But then on the other hand, the flow will take us into the places we get tight – places that don’t feel so good.

It’s all about profound self-honesty. When we’re being truly honest with ourselves, we know what the soul is really inviting of us and we know when we’re in avoidance – our actions just don’t feel right. Even (and especially) if everything feels easy.

What does it mean to be Authentic?


It’s all about ‘transcendence’. Having the courage to confront the moment as it truly is, to accept what is appearing on our landscape, then to go deeply into the feelings that arise.

These feelings may be very dense, dark and unpleasant. Nevertheless, to truly clear the energy and evolve past it, we must go into it, feel it again and liberate that aspect of our soul which is identifying with it.

The remarkable paradox is, that when we truly do this, it is not that hard to process the energy. And with this transcendence, there usually follows amazing expansions, infusions of healing energy, and the sense of Enlightenment.

To me, this is what it truly means to let go. Check out this clip from a previous Openhand seminar capturing the essence of the approach…

If you feel inspired, come and get involved with Openhand’s 5D Ascension Program

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth’s Higher Dimensional Shift.
Join us…OpenhandwebOpenhand FBOpenhand YouTube

5D Ascension Timeline: How Much Longer Do We have Left?

People often ask me, “How much time do you think we have left before the 5D Ascension completes?” The answer is… “not long!” It’s impossible to say for sure, but with each passing day, if you’re feeling through into the wider field, the sense is it’s getting ever closer. The video I’m sharing at the bottom lays out a very precise timescale based on solid, researched scientific evidence – I encourage all to watch. And then consider: what would be the wisest approach to it?

Imminent Arrival of the Galactic Superwave

When I incarnated, I saw dramatic visions of what the world is coming to within the shift: The Earth cleansed in a ball of fire, dramatic 3D upheaval, and souls emerging out into 5D. Now let me be clear, I don’t especially believe in prophecy, but most definitely a true visionary, who reading the energy flow, can see “Future landing Now”.

What do I mean?

Consider that it’s been around 12,000 years since the last convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole shift cycles. We are far less than 1% away from that completion. My sense is about 0.01 percent – about 12 years before the proverbial sh** really hits the fan. In which case, if you imagine someone taking a step, their foot is almost already on the ground. And that’s why if you’re really tuned in to what’s actually taking place in the galactic energy field, you can “predict”, more or less, what’s going to happen. You can see future landing now.

My sense is that we have until 2050 until this 3D destruction cycle completes. But that doesn’t mean everything will be calm and hunky-dory until that point. Far from it. There are phases to the unwinding and the correspondent 5D shift – an event line. Right now we’re moving into the depths of a Grand Solar Minimum, plus the emergence of a new solar sunspot activity cycle, and at a time where Gaia is lowering her magnetic shield.

Meaning: we are right in the cross-hairs of a possible solar sunspot  “kill shot” which would take out the entire electricity grid and project humanity right back to the stone age.

Explore: 5D Shift: “The Event”, Galactic Superwave & 11:11 Synchronicity

I incarnated as a soul exchange to share this viewpoint and help people to ascend out of the epic transformation… The Nature of a Soul Exchange

Two Sides to the 3D/5D Coin

After the solar coronal mass ejections kick in again, other cycles converge that will dramatically escalate the effect, all pointing towards the conclusion of the Solar Nova “Event”, with the arrival of the Galactic Superwave, which the Hopi Elders called the “Blue Star Kachina” – the 9th final sign before what they termed, “The Great Purification”. The Galactic Superwave (that has been well researched and documented but covered up by the shadow-state…see Dr. Paul Laviolet), which blankets the sun in 3 days of darkness (as the ancients recorded and predicted), then agitates the sun taking it into the Solar Nova Event. This could well be the trigger for the sudden final “flip-flop” of the earth’s magnetic field, which would unleash catastrophic tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and floods. This will be the great cleansing of the 3D. It’s happened many times before, The Atlantean ‘Mythology’ for example. My personal feeling sense (that happened in the crash), was that it will be somewhat more complete this time – I don’t see any sophisticated life surviving in the 3D.

BUT, take a deep breath and remember…

There are two sides to this 3D/5D coin. For a new reality to be created, with a new harmony and higher vibrational configuration, the old one has to break down – like the caterpillar going through the chrysalis metamorphosis stage. For those truly tuned into the shift, and embodied as an integrated soul, then many wills by then know how to conduct “Maya Samadhi” – you leave the body at will when the soul knows your journey is complete, just as the masters like Paramahansa Yogananda and others have revealed to humanity. When the “wave” comes, in whatever form that is, and your journey is complete, the soul will know. And providing you’re able to let go of investment in the 3D, then you’ll move on. Personally, I have already witnessed this happening in some people who pass on – it is absolutely beautiful to witness. A relief and ecstatic return to a deeper actualization with the source. It’s a homecoming. The 5D butterfly emerges from the crystallization!

Explore the Process of Maya Samadhi on Openhand’s 5D Ascension Program

World Ascension into 5D

In conclusion, I would encourage all to watch the video below. Amongst all the purposeful mindless distraction and disinformation out there right now, this is highly revelatory and based on solid science. It also happens to concur very accurately with the visions I saw when I incarnated. It’s what the shadow-state DON’T want you to know! Remember, there are two sides to this coin:

What will you focus on? What will you choose?

Here’s the 3D vision. The 5D will emerge spectacularly out of this…

Finally, the Openhand work has been specially crafted to meet these tremendous times of opportunity through evolutionary transmutation into your 5D Being. If you resonate with my sharing, including and especially if you’re in some fear about what might happen, come and explore the immaculate 5D side of the coin…

Avalon Rising 2021: World Ascension Summit


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The Path Less Travelled And How To Tackle It… Reflections For The Wanderer

Are you one of those constantly searching for the deeper meaning in order to ignite your life? Plenty says they are, but then the Path Less Traveled is littered with people who fell by the wayside, those who took the soft, comfortable option of staying where they are. But if you’ve found your way to this, then at the heart of you is likely a burning light, that although may get stuck in a lay-by from time to time, is yearning to return to the highway, to be a flaming brilliance as a way of life. So what does it mean to be walking this “Path Less Traveled?” How might you blaze onwards when all around often seem conforming and constricted?

Light Warriors Carving the Future

Yes, in the spiritual mainstream, you’ll hear plenty about surrender and letting go. But how often is that used as an excuse for non-committal? For giving up at the first hurdle: “Oh it’s not meant to be.” Says who? Did you check all the signs or just the convenient ones? The journey up the spiritual mountain is the Path Less Traveled because plenty of people got softened into the easiness of the base camp – not working too hard, conforming with everyone else (including the spiritual mainstream), taking the moment as it goes, conveniently forgetting that the moment has future-landing-now encapsulated within it. A future, that as warriors of light, we were given to carve. It’s easy to stay small. There are 7 billion reasons, 7 billion daily reflections why to stay in the cage. And as soon as you dare to step out, the naysayers will be telling you you’re crazy, “don’t be stupid, get back in the box, shangri la la land doesn’t exist”.

But for those on the path, something sits uncomfortably inside about that.

Nothing to lose

You know there’s a different way, a more expanded way, a more connected way. And although it’s seldom easy, in your heart-of-hearts, you just know it can work – that miracles and magic will click in around you if you can dare to take that step.

And what have we really got to lose?

Maybe you’ll have to give up that safe and predictable 9-5. Maybe you won’t always know where the resources are going to come from. Maybe in order to be truly you, you’ll have to risk that your relationship won’t work out the way you would have liked – the convenient and comfortable one, where no one is put out or truly tested to be who they really are.

However by now you’ll know, that ultimately, to bury yourself under a mountain of untruth, is, in the long run, much more painful than climbing it.

(Here’s how to climb the mountain)

Making the intangible tangible

The road less traveled is full of intangibility. Whilst the comfortable rut is right there: it’s solid, predictable, and known well by the many. You can lean on it, rest in it, be propped up by it. But in the authentic reality of myth and metaphor, you’ll have to take a risk, to step out into the unknown, not knowing where it might lead, or how you might be supported.

But that’s the point, if you want to learn how to fly, you have to unfurl your wings, and trust that they’ll hold you aloft on something you’ve never known before…something as subtle as air.

Because that’s what this Path Less Traveled is all about – it’s mystical, etheric, full of the intangible. It’s your destiny to make it real, to bring it into being, to say by your very actions:

“look, this is possible, it can be done!”

Realizing why we create the obstacles

The Path Less Traveled is of course the inner journey. It’s about not immediately settling for the quick fix in the outer world, the immediate solution, the soft but convenient option. It’s realizing that you have to work – at yourself – to unfold the true path of light. It’s easy to keep doing what we’ve always done.

The hardest thing is to change yourself. Because that takes responsibility, ownership of your sh** and a willingness to change. If you can dig deep, and find this quality, if you can own your creative path, then you have what it takes to meet the crucial obstacles of change – those inside yourself.

There’ll come a point, where you stop seeing the outer obstacle as something you’ve got to fix, get past or get over. Instead, you’ll surrender to the real reason why you created the obstacle in the first place: the pain inside of you where the light gets buried in the blurred haziness of uncertainty. But you’ll stop trying to avoid it, stop popping the pill, or immediately grabbing for that quick fix crutch.

Instead you’ll look right into the jaws of it and say: “Fu** it, I’ve had enough now, the pain can’t define me anymore, I’m going right into the heart of it.” And so you look right into it’s contracting jaws and say “No more! I will not be defined by you, I will unfold and unwind right through you…you son-of-a-gun!”

This is what defines the Path Less Traveled. The inner path. The journey of purpose, to the realization of who you truly are. And then the actualization of it, moment by moment, as the most profoundly magical way of being and living.

Expanding Consciousness in the Great 5D Shift

Right now, the Path Less Traveled, in the next chapter of the human journey, leads right into “heaven” – the New Paradigm in the Fifth Density. It’s a way of living and connecting with life in total harmony, on outstretched wings, supported by the uplifting wind of the universe. Plenty will tell you it’s just a new-age pipe dream. The crowd will say it’s all smoke and mirrors. The naysayers will tell you nay. Daily there’ll be 7 billion reasons why you’re supposed to believe them. Nevertheless, the truth at the core of you beckons you on. Because in your heart you already know, the Path Less Traveled is YOUR path, not theirs, and it’s your very reason for being. Let them say “Nay”, because, in your heart and mind, you’ve already said “Yeah!”

And if you’re one of the “Yeah Sayers”, there’ll surely be a place waiting for you, with your name on it, on one of our upcoming DIVINICUS events…

Time to break out! This is our groundbreaking course DIVINICUS, bringing in the divine-human, where we take you deep into humanity’s past life karma, peel it away, then activate the spirit light body so as to embody the new human evolutionary being. And, at an awesome secluded island off Mexico that is easy and affordable to reach. Let’s unleash the Divine Being!

Time to break out! This is our groundbreaking course DIVINICUS, bringing in the divine-human, where we take you deep into humanity’s past life karma, peel it away, then activate the spirit light body so as to embody the new human evolutionary being. Comfortably integrate this newly divine energy from your own location. Let’s unleash the Divine Being!

See you along with the flow!

Open HeartPraying Emoji

About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth’s Higher Dimensional Shift.
Join us…OpenhandwebOpenhand FBOpenhand YouTube

11 Major Warning Signs From the Universe

Is the Universe guiding us?

The first perspective is that we are completely alone in this world, in a dog-eat-dog society, where everything ultimately falls onto our shoulders to bear. Like Atlas in mythology, we believe that we must carry the weight of the world without any support or guidance, because “that is what it means to be human.” This perspective says we must compete, fight, and hoard because “there isn’t enough good to go around.”

The second perspective is that we are actually not alone, and while the ego may feel separate from others, spiritually, we are all connected. Not only are we all fundamentally One, but we also have access to guidance whenever we need help. While this guidance may come in the form of angelic, spirit guide, totemic, ancestral or synchronistic help, all guidance is always a manifestation of the Divine or Higher Self. Not only that, but because the Divine is the eternal source of all abundance, there is always enough good to go around.

Depending on your perspective, you will either agree or disagree with this article. Personally, my experience shows me that the second perspective – that the Divine is always guiding us – is closest to the truth. Let me explain why.

When I tightly grasped the perspective that everything was essentially up to us and what we could “make” happen, I was always full of fear and my heart was closed towards others. I believed that I had to fight my way through life, and because my energy reservoirs were limited, I had to desperately cling to my successes and accomplishments. Through time, this perspective led to my heart becoming more and more closed. I would feel suspicion, anger, and even resentment towards others who were “blocking” my abundance or trying to “take it away” from me. Not only that, but I was utterly exhausted, like poor Atlas!

Finally, what I can only call Divine Guidance helped me to see that nothing in this life actually belongs to me. All is given by the Divine, and all is taken away by the Divine. Even obstacles and roadblocks can be sacred signs from the universe and gifts in disguise, helping us to realign with our true life paths.

How Does the Universe Communicate With You?

Most people are surprised to discover that the Universe is extremely present in our lives, and emerges in even the most mundane details. In every moment we can tune into the guidance, wisdom, and love of the Divine if we are open and receptive.

You don’t even have to be remotely religious or spiritual to understand what the Universe is communicating with you. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have no ideas or beliefs about how the Universe “should” communicate with you at all. Many people believe that the Divine only speaks through amazing, miraculous, ethereal events, and unfortunately, this blocks the flow of communication. But the truth is that the Divine is just as present in the grime and banality of daily life as it is in the “special” moments. The Universe sends messages everywhere.

I have received messages from the Divine in the shower, on the toilet, while doing the dishes, cleaning, going grocery shopping, and many other commonplace situations. Quite often the Universe will communicate through dreams, strange “coincidences,” repetitive numbers and word, songs, animals, meditation, other people, random objects, and endless other forms.

And yes, the Universe will also tell you when you’re making the wrong decision. No matter what you call the Eternal Force (whether it be God, Life, Jehovah, Shiva, Shakti etc.), it is inseparable from you, and therefore knows what does and doesn’t align with your destiny.

11 Warning Signs From the Universe

Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the Universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. – Alan Watts

The Divine seamlessly flows within and without us, constantly trying to catch our attention and guide our decisions. When we are ruled by the will of the small self (the ego), we tend to follow paths that don’t ultimately benefit us. We make poor choices, do things that hurt us and others, and lose touch with our life purpose.

How can you tell whether you’re on the right path?

The Universe will send ample signs! You needn’t worry. And when you do receive these signs, don’t fret either. As long as you pay attention, ask the Divine for further guidance, and strive to change course, you will quickly shift back onto a healthy and beneficial path.

Remember that any warning signs from the Universe that you experience are there not to hurt you, but instead, are there to alert you. Sometimes warning signs even come in the form of a big slap to the face saying “wake the heck up!!” While these signs can be shocking or alarming, they ultimately arise for our highest good. So be mindful, approach them with humor, and pay attention.

Here are eleven common warning signs from the Universe that are telling you to stop what you’re doing:

1. Unexpected delays arise

For example, you might get stuck in traffic, miss your train, find that the flight tickets are booked out, or find that a spontaneous event arises which messes up your plans.

2. You have an uneasy feeling in your stomach

You might feel a sense of queasiness or sickness inside of you. This negative gut feeling might not go away, no matter what thoughts you have or plans you make.

3. You keep losing things

Either something is stolen from you or you’re misplacing things. The temporary shock of losing something wakes you up.

4. You’re getting into frequent fights

Fiery arguments and silly disagreements keep popping up constantly. These arguments might be with your loved ones or with random strangers.

5. You can’t sleep properly

You can’t stop thinking and this is preventing you from falling asleep. You might have a single thought that keeps circling around your mind or a fearful scenario that may be playing out over and over again.

6. You keep getting sick

Sickness seems to be preventing you from doing what you want to do. You might develop chronic headaches, migraines, colds, or other forms of sickness that demand you to slow down.

7. You’re more clumsy than usual

You might keep stubbing your toe, bumping your elbow, stumbling, dropping things, etc.

8. Dread or anxiety fills you

An inexplicable sense of dread or anxiety seems to follow you wherever you go, as if “something really bad” is about to happen.

9. You keep seeing “negative omens”

Negative spiritual signs or omens are highly personal and subjective, and as such, they change all the time. Therefore, instead of seeing negative omens as “fixed” or objective “facts,” simply see them as subjective signs that your mind picks up on and perceives to be true for you in a specific moment. For example, I might see a flock of black crows as a negative omen or broken traffic lights as a sign that a certain decision of mine is misguided. Be aware and conscious of how your mind reacts to different signs throughout the day.

10. You get into accidents

Accidents are often big signs that it’s time to change course immediately. Accidents can be physical or emotional/mental. For example, you might accidentally say something to offend your boss which causes them to stop giving you regular shifts. On the other hand, you might get into a car accident or have a household mishap which causes you to remain crippled in a bed for a few days or weeks.

11. Uncanny roadblocks and challenges keep arising

For some reason, things aren’t aligning no matter HOW much effort you’re putting in. You keep coming across roadblocks and barriers which prevent you from getting what you want or think you have to do. When you take a step forward, something might happen which causes you to take two steps back. All of your struggling and fighting doesn’t seem to be paying off.

What to Do When Your Receive Warning Signs From the Universe

Keep in mind that it is common to experience things such as losing sleep or getting stuck in traffic. Just because you stubbed your toe doesn’t necessarily mean that you are on the wrong path.

However, when you are experiencing many of these signs from the Universe all at once or consecutively, please pay attention. Ask yourself, “What am I doing, thinking or planning right now which might be opposing my highest good?”

Depending on how aware you are, warning signs from the universe can range from subtle roadblocks to full-blown barricades. The more asleep you are, the bigger and more glaringly obvious the signs will be.

If you do feel like you are receiving warning signs from the Universe, be proactive rather than worrying or becoming miserable. Often, shifting back to the best path requires a minimal amount of effort. Other times, you need to carefully reconsider your choices or intentions. But whatever the case, it is always possible to change direction.

Here are some tips for realigning with your ultimate life path:

  • To receive confirmation that you’re on the wrong path, tune into your intuition. Ask, “Am I on the right path?” Pay attention to the feelings and sensations that arise in your body. For example, if your body reacts with a feeling of heaviness, this is a sign that you need to change something. If your body feels light and jubilant, this is likely a sign that you’re doing well. Read more about how to trust your intuition.
  • Breathe deeply and thank the Universe for alerting you. You might even like to say a prayer asking for guidance like I do. For example, you might pray, “Dear Universe, please help me be aware of what needs to change in my life. Guide my actions and prevent me from walking down the wrong path. Help me to be humble, open, and receptive. Show me the next steps I need to take because I can’t do this without you.”
  • Spend time alone in introspection. Think about what needs to change. You might like to journal to record your thoughts and feelings (I do this when I need clarity).
  • Find the humor in what happened (if possible). Humor is an excellent way to lighten your energy and open your heart. Sometimes the Universe sends the most bizarrely humorous signs to gently slap us and wake us up.
  • Meditate to clear your mind.
  • If you’re confused about what you need to change, pay attention to the context. For example, were you thinking, doing or planning something when a series of signs occurred?

Finally, remember that you and the Universe are not separate. In reality, you are the Universe, so whatever signs that arise are coming from the eternal presence that underlies your entire identity. While it can feel like something “out there” is guiding you, actually, your very Soul is the one guiding you.

By Mateo Sol | Loner Wolf 

Mateo Sol is a prominent psychospiritual teacher whose work has influenced the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Born into a family with a history of drug addiction, schizophrenia, and mental illness, Mateo Sol was taught about the plight of the human condition from a young age. As a shaman and spiritual guide, Sol’s mission is to help others experience freedom, wholeness, and peace in any stage of life.
