RFK Jr.: The DNC’s Plan To Destroy Democracy Must Be Stopped; Protect YOUR Vote by Signing This Petition Before Sept 14

Written by on September 12, 2023 in Activism, Conscious Living, Corruption, Government, Policies, Politics with 0 Comments

In this incredibly important, 4-minute video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. criticizes the Democratic Party elites for undermining the democratic process. He highlights the DNC's plans to punish states where President Biden lost in 2020, which he believes could disenfranchise millions of voters. RFK Jr. expresses concerns over the DNC's secretive strategies that could overshadow the popular vote. Reflecting on America's democratic history, he urges citizens to sign this “Demand a Fair Vote” petition before the DNC's pivotal vote on September 14th:



In a real democracy, every citizen has the same prized possession: their vote. That vote gives you a say in whether you can earn a good living, whether your kids have access to decent schools, whether they'll be sent to war, and whether they'll get health care. When democracy crumbles, citizens become more like serfs. They labor under laws that are made by oligarchs and elites. They work two jobs for barely livable pay. They get taxed to fund Wall Street, wars, and bank bailouts. Your vote is your power, and right now the Democratic Party elites are trying to take it away from you.

At the order of President Biden, the DNC is punishing states where President Biden lost in 2020. He came in fourth, for example, in Iowa and finished last in New Hampshire. So, the DNC is trying to move those states out of their historic first slots and start instead with South Carolina, where President Biden finally won his first victory. What are you going to do about RFK Jr?

“I'm very, very proud of the president, and we're going to get it done for him and Kamala Harris in this primary and again in the general election.” ~ DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison

Those changes violate state laws, so the legislatures can't comply with the plan. But do you know who the real losers are? You are. You're going to lose your right to vote in a free and fair election.

Based upon the DNC's plan, if you live in the state of New Hampshire or Iowa, your vote just won't count. And Georgia too, by the way. In that state, they want to kick anyone off the ballot if they campaign in New Hampshire. These crooked measures will disenfranchise millions of citizens. These people will be robbed of their votes just because the elites say so.

And it's not only voters in a handful of states that the DNC is trying to silence; it's every voter in every state. So how do they plan to do that?

Well, there's another rule that the committee is drafting behind closed doors, and it's similar to a trick that they used to kick Bernie Sanders out in 2016. They're flooding the convention with party operatives with opaque names like PLEOs and automatic delegates whose job is to drown out the popular vote. Once the PLEOs and automatic delegates arrive at the Chicago convention next summer, the vote tallies all change, and the People's Choice can be overturned in an instant. I could win two-thirds of the popular vote and still be denied the nomination.

That's not democracy. That's theater.

When I was growing up, this country was the democratic light of the world. We were the exemplar. We were the template for all the other nations on Earth. This is what democracy looked like. We did it better than anybody. Based on our example, dozens upon dozens of new democracies took root in every corner of the Earth. But when we deny citizens their right to vote, and when we rig the process in favor of insiders, then the flames of democracy flicker, and someday soon, it will go out.

The good news is that these rules don't take effect until the DNC votes on them on September 14th. So let's use our power while we still have it. It's time to demand a fair primary process where every vote counts equally, and the candidate who gets the most votes wins the nomination. That's the democracy we learned about at school. That's the democracy that people around the world yearn for. That's the democracy that we now have to fight to protect. Whomever you plan to vote for next year, now is the time to tell the DNC that you want democracy back in the Democratic Party. Add your name to the “Demand a Fair Vote” petition below:


Please use your voice while you still can.

I'm Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and I appreciate your help.

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