Spirituality and Religion


Solfeggio Frequencies For Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Solfeggio Frequencies For Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Solfeggio frequencies have been played for hundreds of years to raise the consciousness of humanity.
#solfeggio #solfeggio frequencies

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The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

The New Story of Humanity Begins With One Question: What Is The Self? [VIDEO]

“What is the “Self” with a capital “S” is a question that humanity has been asking for generations. Science is now beginning to open doors to the idea that we are more than biological entities; that we do go beyond the prolific borders of our bodies and well into the ethers of Universal existence. Do I even dare to go so far and say that we are the Universe?

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Jesus Christ Conspiracy Theorist

Written by on December 25, 2021 in Activism, Spirituality and Religion with 1 Comment
Jesus Christ Conspiracy Theorist

To the majority of politically correct conformists of Western Europe, North America, and beyond, Jesus Christ is a dangerous subverter of the status quo.

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The Clairs: 4 Ways of Receiving Guidance from the Angels

The Clairs: 4 Ways of Receiving Guidance from the Angels

You are never alone. Angels are with you every step of the way! Here are the four ways of receiving guidance from the angels…

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò calls on Christians to unite in an Anti-Globalist Alliance to resist the establishment of the New World Order.

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What the World Can Learn From the Buddhist Concept Loving-Kindness

What the World Can Learn From the Buddhist Concept Loving-Kindness

Although there is more to Buddhism than just kindness, Buddhism’s teachings and exemplary figures have much to offer to a world experiencing intense suffering. #lovingkindness #Buddhism

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Teaching the Book of Proverbs to Youth

Written by on November 6, 2021 in Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
Teaching the Book of Proverbs to Youth

Teaching youth during their preteen years these essential lessons from the book of Proverbs will help them guide through the years ahead.

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What the ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Have in Common with Radical Protestants of 500 Years Ago

Written by on November 2, 2021 in Reality's Edge, Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
What the ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Have in Common with Radical Protestants of 500 Years Ago

Scholars fret over the slippery definitions of “spiritual” and “religious.” What the average person tends to mean by “spiritual” is seeking or experiencing a connection with a greater reality, however they understand it. Meanwhile, “religious” often means belonging to a group with specific doctrines and rituals.

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Dharma Ocean Discusses the Gateway to Direct Experience

Written by on August 21, 2021 in Reality's Edge, Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
Dharma Ocean Discusses the Gateway to Direct Experience

This excerpt is from the online course, The Somatic Practice of Pure Awareness: The Tantric Style of Embodied Meditation by Dr. Reggie Ray, Dharma Ocean Spiritual Director.

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Understanding Why a Mezuzah Matters and What Case Should I Choose

Written by on May 24, 2021 in Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
Understanding Why a Mezuzah Matters and What Case Should I Choose

An important part of the process of getting a mezuzah is choosing a case for the Klaf, which you can get at Aisenthal Judaica.

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10 Reasons Why Spirituality is Greater Than Religion

Written by on May 14, 2021 in Reality's Edge, Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
10 Reasons Why Spirituality is Greater Than Religion

People have been mistaking religion for spirituality for far too long. It is high time that we erase this most nefarious confusion. This article is a testament to shining such a light. #religionvsspirituality

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Do People Become More Religious In Times of Crisis?

Written by on May 6, 2021 in Reality's Edge, Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
Do People Become More Religious In Times of Crisis?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers found that online searches for the word “prayer” soared to their highest level ever in over 90 countries. And a 2020 Pew Research study showed that 24% of U.S. adults stated their faith had become stronger during the pandemic. #faith #religious #covid19

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Meta-Mastery: Transcending Belief

Meta-Mastery: Transcending Belief

To go Meta. To transcend. To surpass, eclipse, excel. To rise above and go beyond the limits. Meta-mastery is the uncommon ability to overcome all beliefs. #transcendingbelief

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The Great Romance of Shiva and Shakti

Written by on March 7, 2021 in Reality's Edge, Spirituality and Religion with 0 Comments
The Great Romance of Shiva and Shakti

Long ago in Brahma-Loka, the abode of the Gods, Lord Shiva was passionately in love with Mahashakti and determined to marry her. A cosmic love story celebrated on March 11 #shivashakti

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Write or Wrong? The Forgotten Art of Spelling

Write or Wrong? The Forgotten Art of Spelling

When we think of spells, we might naturally gravitate towards witchcraft and wizardry. The casting of evil omens or good fortune depending on the kind of myths, legends, and stories we’ve heard and from what sources. We might take a more lax stance on it, not thinking much about it all other than spelling is something we were taught in school as children and if we could remember how to spell long difficult words we could get blue ribbons to show for it. Or we might take a much more serious stance on spelling if perhaps we have received our stories from ancestors of past whom have always intertwined respectfully with the forces of nature and thus know the powers of symbols, sound and intentions when it comes to manifesting creations within the mind, psyche, heart, and physical life.

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