Quantum Physics


Reality Is An Illusion – Scientific Proof PLUS 69 Additional Reasons To Believe It’s True

Reality Is An Illusion – Scientific Proof PLUS 69 Additional Reasons To Believe It’s True

This article presents all the proof you ever need to believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that the world we live in is NOT real.

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Through the Quantum Looking Glass: How Consciousness Creates Our Reality

Written by on June 12, 2023 in Quantum Physics, Sci-Tech, Science with 0 Comments
Through the Quantum Looking Glass: How Consciousness Creates Our Reality

In this thought-provoking video, Archana Raghuram delves into the question of what is an observer and how the behavior of particles is connected to the behavior of an ‘observer’.

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How Scientists Proved the Universe is NOT REAL: Nobel Prize Winning Proof EXPLAINED

Written by on June 4, 2023 in Quantum Physics, Sci-Tech, Science with 0 Comments
How Scientists Proved the Universe is NOT REAL: Nobel Prize Winning Proof EXPLAINED

In the video, Archana Raghuram describes how Nobel-prize-winning physicists solved the Bohr-Einstein debate about the nature of reality and proved that the world isn’t real.

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Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Proving the Universe Is Not Real | Where Quantum Physics Meets Vedanta

Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Proving the Universe Is Not Real | Where Quantum Physics Meets Vedanta

In this amazing video, Archana Raghuram reveals how the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics proves that the universe is not real. Archana Ji highlights the convergence of quantum physics and Vedanta, an ancient Indian philosophy, in describing reality as an illusion (Maya) and identifying the conscious observer (Sakshi) as central to the existence of the world.

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Quantum Physics and Indigenous Philosophy Reveal True Nature of Reality

Quantum Physics and Indigenous Philosophy Reveal True Nature of Reality

How might quantum physics and indigenous language and philosophy reveal the true nature of reality? Some deep insights regarding wisdom with respect to the nature of reality comes from Indigenous elders, who emphasize that everything that can be created already exists–and this existence is an intrinsic, core quality of Nature.  Some of these ideas are […]

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A Quantum Hologram of a Non-Physical World where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE | | Gregg Braden

A Quantum Hologram of a Non-Physical World where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE |  | Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden takes you on a journey of exploration, discovery, mystery, and insight that leads you to the wisdom of the ancients and an understanding that the most powerful force in the universe resides within you. #greggbraden

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Harness Your Full Quantum Potential Using the Four Principles of the Quantum Paradigm | Dr. Theresa Bullard

Written by on October 22, 2021 in Conscious Evolution, Conscious Living, Quantum Physics, Thrive with 0 Comments
Harness Your Full Quantum Potential Using the Four Principles of the Quantum Paradigm | Dr. Theresa Bullard

Watch this brilliant presentation by Dr. Theresa Bullard in which describes the four principles of the quantum paradigm that govern all quantum phenomena and how we can apply them to our lives. #Theresa Bullard #quantumprinciples #quantumphysics

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The Romantic Side of Electromagnetism

The Romantic Side of Electromagnetism

Not even “science” can explain away the amazing things that love can do, or the seemingly unexplained “abilities” that people have obtained in the name of love, such as strength gained by a mother to save a child in duress. Or the knowledge of a wife when a husband is stranded without a way to contact her for help. Beyond the gaps of time and space, love is in and of itself a force that combines electricity and magnetism and if we look closely, we can see this expressed in the heart muscle itself.

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How to Ensure that YOU Live in a Parallel Reality That YOU Prefer

How to Ensure that YOU Live in a Parallel Reality That YOU Prefer

Here’s how your preferred state of being can become the navigational device that enables you to create the parallel reality that best suits who you truly are.

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A ‘Literal’ Step Into the Sacred Circle Symbol

A ‘Literal’ Step Into the Sacred Circle Symbol

If we look deeper, we may begin to see why the circle is considered such a sacred symbol and we even hear the phrase “sacred circle” to indicate a special sort of group or gathering for a particular shared, meaningful purpose. We choose the circle because it binds, it connects, it is forever…

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The Multiple Connections From a Single, Conscious Breath

The Multiple Connections From a Single, Conscious Breath

Breathing is one bodily function we have a strange amount of control over and interaction with and I’ve come to find with also studying ancient teachings such as the Vedas (Pranayama), is that the breath is a bridge. With breath-work, we can learn to control other bodily functions such as heart rate and thought-processing. And then we learn to open doors to higher states of consciousness as focused breathing leads to calm connections to your silent center.

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Cosmic Confirmations: How the Universe Speaks Through Synchronicities

Cosmic Confirmations: How the Universe Speaks Through Synchronicities

Essentially, synchronicities could simply be explained as meaningful coincidences. While I have a firm respect for the honesty and governance of mathematics, I don’t really favor coincidence much. I like to say there’s so much to synchronicities than mere chance and that they have everything in the Universe to do with energy, the Law of Attraction and intention.

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Alchemical Secrets to Help Keep You Focused

Alchemical Secrets to Help Keep You Focused

Once we have taken the proverbial reigns of our own awareness and continue to make these conscious choices as to what programs are installed into our reality or not, we are likely to see vast improvements in our self-confidence, judgments, and willingness to show up in life.

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Quantum Oneness: How Physics Proves You Are Simultaneously Everywhere

Written by on April 12, 2021 in Quantum Physics, Reality Shift, Reality's Edge with 17 Comments
Quantum Oneness: How Physics Proves You Are Simultaneously Everywhere

We can easily identify where one object ends and another begins. We can even say that when it comes to ourselves, our skin is where “we” end and “out there” begins. But this is completely untrue, and Quantum Physics proves it.

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How to Witness More Magic in Your Life!

How to Witness More Magic in Your Life!

The dance of the ego and Spirit is a long and beautiful one, but also has very dramatic and mournful sections that can often tear at your heart strings. But once we remember that the world of ego is all illusory, we remember our true power and can fully recenter; shift back into the frequency of magic!

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