Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing


Try Nikola Tesla’s Nightly Ritual To Access Information From the Universe & Watch What Happens Next…

Try Nikola Tesla’s Nightly Ritual To Access Information From the Universe & Watch What Happens Next…

In this enlightening video, Jake Ducey discusses Nikola Tesla’s nighttime ritual to access ideas and solutions from the universe.

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The Clairs: 4 Ways of Receiving Guidance from the Angels

The Clairs: 4 Ways of Receiving Guidance from the Angels

You are never alone. Angels are with you every step of the way! Here are the four ways of receiving guidance from the angels…

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Applied Precognition With Jon Knowles

Applied Precognition With Jon Knowles

Jon Knowles focuses on various methodological nuances involved in precognitive forecasting of lottery numbers, horse races, athletic events, and various financial instruments. #precognition #ESP

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Five Signs You Are a Lucid Dreamer

Written by on October 13, 2021 in Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing with 0 Comments
Five Signs You Are a Lucid Dreamer

When a person is asleep but has the awareness that they are dreaming, then it is called a lucid dream. In this state, you are able to recognize your thoughts and emotions.

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8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Written by on June 6, 2021 in Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing with 8 Comments
8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to “see” the future, the past, non-physical energy and beings as well as and colors connected with energy. Each one of us can develop this psychic sense within ourselves. Some people are strong clairvoyants from birth and some need to put forth extra effort to develop their clairvoyance abilities.

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Becoming Superhuman: 3 Steps To ACTIVATE Your SIXTH SENSE To Attract What You Want | Caroline Cory

Becoming Superhuman: 3 Steps To ACTIVATE Your SIXTH SENSE To Attract What You Want | Caroline Cory

In this mind-blowing interview with Caroline Cory, you’ll learn how to tap into your superhuman abilities, and use them for good.

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Connecting to Your Higher Self Through Inter-Dimensional Travel

Connecting to Your Higher Self Through Inter-Dimensional Travel

You may have heard of your “Higher Self” and this could perhaps be the most popular reason that most people decided to “travel”. Your Higher Self is you, yet that part of you that is not attached to this physical realm and is your direct connection to divine guidance. Listening to your Higher Self could be equated to talking with your Spirit, or that inner voice that is always guiding you towards your greatness. The voice that always warns you with “gut feelings” and pulls on your heartstrings. #higherself

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Astral Travel – What Is It and How To Do It Effectively

Astral Travel – What Is It and How To Do It Effectively

Do you want to experience an amazing out-of-body experience? Maybe you should consider an astral projection, Laurie Barraco shares how it is done. #astraltravel

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Four Steps to Successful ESP Performance

Written by on November 13, 2020 in Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing, Reality's Edge with 0 Comments
Four Steps to Successful ESP Performance

Jeffrey Mishlove shares details from Rhea A. White’s classic article from 1964, published in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, comparing old and (then) new methods of ESP testing. #esp

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How Is Getting a Psychic Chat Reading Beneficial For You

How Is Getting a Psychic Chat Reading Beneficial For You

Psychic chat readings are a new way of getting psychic readings. But why do you need it and is the online medium right for you?

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A Look at the Concept of “Soulmates”: from Plato’s Theory to Scientific Research

A Look at the Concept of “Soulmates”: from Plato’s Theory to Scientific Research

Are soulmates real? And are we happy if we find our so-called soulmate? These are just a couple of the questions explored in this article. #soulmate

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Decipher Your Dreams: Understand the Connection Between Them and Your Daily Life

Written by on July 26, 2020 in Dreams, ESP & Remote Viewing with 0 Comments
Decipher Your Dreams: Understand the Connection Between Them and Your Daily Life

There are many common dreams that people all around the world share, and though they are likely set in different places with different people, they all have the same underlying foundations. Here are some of the most common #dreams that we have.

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Dream-time Healing With Holographic Kinetics

Dream-time Healing With Holographic Kinetics

Dreamtime Healing is an Australian aborigine healing technique based on the understanding of man’s internally-created realities and the clearing of inter-dimensional interference from parallel universes from human bodies.

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The Cosmic Art of Inter-Dimensional Travel

The Cosmic Art of Inter-Dimensional Travel

We may think that we simply exist only in this third-dimensional reality, but this is just the playground of creation. We are all here, whether we know it or not, to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter during our time around. And also, to make a difference in our very own lives as this is how we grow inter-dimensionally. While we are traditionally taught to rely on our physical senses, to travel to other realms, you need to be in tune with those senses beyond your physical five. It’s the letting go of our “this world” attachments, which ultimately frees us to rise in frequency to match those “other world” spaces in the cosmos. #interdimensionaltravel

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Karma Isn’t Punishment or Cosmic Justice: Here’s the Truth You Won’t Hear from the Mainstream

Karma Isn’t Punishment or Cosmic Justice: Here’s the Truth You Won’t Hear from the Mainstream

Karma is largely misunderstood. Jonathan Twiz describes what it is – and isn’t. #karma #CosmicJustice

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